37 research outputs found

    Problemi u mjerenju i neadekvatna parcijalizacija utjecaja tjelesne aktivnosti i spavanja umanjuju vjerodostojnost istraživanja sedentarnog ponašanja – trebalo bi se preusmjeriti na ravnotežu između spavanja, sedentarnog ponašanja, stajanja i aktivnosti

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    This paper critically appraised 54 recent studies linking sedentary behaviour (SB) and health, specifically regarding their assessment of SB and adjustments for physical activity (PA) and sleep. Almost 90% of the studies collected SB data using self-reports and 59% of these measures had not been previously validated. The majority of studies did not adjust for total PA or for both light-intensity PA (LIPA) and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA (MVPA), and a large number of studies did not adjust for all domains of PA. It may, therefore, be that these adjustments were not thorough enough to allow for sound conclusions about the independent associations between SB and health outcomes. Sleep time is also likely to act as a confounding variable in associations between SB and health outcomes. Despite that, only three reviewed studies adjusted their analyses for sleep duration. Evidence presented here casts doubt upon the conclusions about independent associations between SB and health outcomes. Given the facts that: 1) the proportions of time allotted to sleep, SB, standing, LIPA and MVPA are perfectly collinear, 2) all these behaviours may be associated with health, and 3) mutual adjustments between all these variables are needed if their independent contributions to Health are to be determined, it seems that investigating the balance between times spent in these behaviours is the next logical step in epidemiological research. This paper, therefore, proposes the Activity Balance Model (AB model); a new theoretical framework for investigating associations of sleep duration, SB, standing, LIPA and MVPA with health outcomes.U ovome su radu kritički ocijenjena 54 istraživanja o povezanosti sedentarnog ponašanja i zdravlja, pri čemu je fokus na metodama prikupljanja podataka o sedentarnom ponašanju i parcijalizaciji utjecaja tjelesne aktivnosti i vremena provedenoga u spavanju. Gotovo 90% pregledanih istraživanja prikupilo je podatke o sedentarnom ponašanju koristeći anketne metode. Za 59% tih instrumenata prethodno nisu utvrđene mjerne karakteristike. Većina istraživanja nije parcijalizirala utjecaj tjelesne aktivnosti svih razina intenziteta ili ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti, a veći broj istraživanja nije parcijalizirao utjecaj tjelesne aktivnosti u svim domenama. Stoga se može zaključiti da te parcijalizacije nisu bile dovoljno temeljite da bi osigurale donošenje vjerodostojnih zaključaka o nezavisnom utjecaju sedentarnog ponašanja na zdravlje. Vrijeme provedeno u spavanju je također jedan od mogućih čimbenika koji posreduju u povezanosti između sedentarnog ponašanja i zdravlja. Unatoč tome, samo su tri istraživanja uključena u ovaj pregled parcijalizirala utjecaj vremena provedenoga u spavanju. Taj metodološki propust dodatno dovodi u pitanje zaključke o izravnom utjecaju sedentarnog ponašanja na zdravlje. Ako se u obzir uzme: 1) da su udjeli vremena provedenoga u spavanju, sedentarnom ponašanju, stajanju, tjelesnoj aktivnosti niskog intenziteta i tjelesnoj aktivnosti umjerenog do visokog intenziteta potpuno linearno zavisni, 2) svi ti oblici ponašanja mogu biti povezani sa zdravljem i 3) međusobna parcijalizacija utjecaja je nužna da bi se utvrdili nezavisni utjecaji tih varijabli na zdravlje, nameće se zaključak da je istraživanje ravnoteže između vremena provedenoga u tim oblicima ponašanjima sljedeći logični korak u epidemiološkim istraživanjima. Stoga je u ovome radu predložen „Activity Balance Model (AB model)“ – novi teorijski okvir za istraživanja zdravstvenih utjecaja vremena provedenog u spavanju, sedentarnom ponašanju, stajanju, tjelesnoj aktivnosti niskog intenziteta i tjelesnoj aktivnosti umjerenog do visokog intenziteta

    MRI u ginekološkoj onkologiji

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    The use of magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) in gynecological oncology is rapidly expanding. Pelvic MRI has excellent soft tissue contrast and multiplanar imaging ability to demonstrate either normal or pathological processes. In gynecological oncology the rapidly evolving role of MRI includes not only diagnosis but also disease staging, planning of therapy and monitoring response to treatment. We perform around 350 preoperative gynecology MRI annually, mostly in patients with suspected malignancy. In this paper we review the role of MRI in endometrial, cervical and ovarian cancerSvakodnevno raste uporaba magnetske rezonancije (MR) u ginekološkoj onkologiji. MR zdjelice ima odličnu prostornu i kontrastnu rezoluciju za prikaz kako fi zioloških tako i patoloških procesa. Sve je veća uključenost MR pregleda ne samo u dijagnostici već i u određivanju stadija bolest i praćenju terapije. U našem radiološkom odjelu obavi se oko 350 preoperativnih ginekoloških MR pregleda godišnje, najčešće kod pacijenata sa sumnjom na malignu bolest. U ovom radu osvrnuti ćemo se na ulogu MR u karcinomima endometrija, grlića maternice i jajnika

    Croatian 24-Hour Guidelines for Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep: A Proposal Based on a Systematic Review of Literature

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    Moderan pristup oblikovanju javnozdravstvenih preporuka temelji se na objedinjavanju preporuka za tjelesnu aktivnost, sedentarno ponašanje i duljinu spavanja, odnosno na optimalnoj kombinaciji trajanja navedenih ponašanja tijekom 24 sata. Cilj ovog rada bio je napraviti sustavni pregled literature radi identificiranja i analize postojećih 24-satnih preporuka za tjelesnu aktivnost, sedentarno ponašanje i spavanje te izraditi prijedlog hrvatskih 24-satnih preporuka u skladu s postojećim nalazima. Sustavnim pregledom literature utvrđeno je da postoje 24-satne preporuke Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) i nacionalne 24-satne preporuke za djecu i mlade (0 – 17 g.) u četiri države (Australiji, Južnoafričkoj Republici, Kanadi i Novom Zelandu), dok takve preporuke za odrasle i starije osobe nisu nađene. Sve postojeće 24-satne preporuke za djecu i mlade temelje se na Kanadskim nacionalnim preporukama i stoga su vrlo slične. Naime, kvantitativne su preporuke jednake, a razlike postoje samo u specifičnim primjerima ili opisima pojedinih aktivnosti. S obzirom na to da su prije spomenute preporuke oblikovane prema najboljim znanstvenim dokazima koji su trenutačno raspoloživi, one su upotrijebljene kao temelj za izradu prijedloga hrvatskih 24-satnih preporuka za djecu i mlade. Pritom su preporuke prilagođene specifičnostima hrvatskog konteksta. Budući da sustavnim pregledom literature nisu nađene objedinjene 24-satne preporuke za tjelesnu aktivnost, sedentarno ponašanje i spavanje odraslih i starijih osoba, proveden je iscrpan pregled literature. Na temelju preporuka SZO-a i najnovijih nacionalnih preporuka za svaku pojedinu sastavnicu, koje su utemeljene na najboljim znanstvenim dokazima što su trenutačno raspoloživi, napravljen je prijedlog hrvatskih 24-satnih preporuka. Predložene hrvatske 24-satne preporuke mogu se iskoristiti za individualno savjetovanje u ambulantama obiteljske medicine, klinikama ili rekreacijskim centrima, za oblikovanje poruka u javnozdravstvenim kampanjama te pri izradi nacionalnih, lokalnih i institucionalnih zdravstvenih politika.A modern approach to shaping public health guidelines is to integrate recommendations for physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep and to recommend the optimal distribution of time spent in these behaviours in a 24-hour day. The aim of this paper was to conduct a systematic review of literature to identify and analyse the available 24-hour guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep, and to propose Croatian 24-hour guidelines in line with the existing findings. The systematic review of literature showed 24-hour guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and national 24-hour guidelines for children and youth (0 – 17 years of age) in four countries (Australia, South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand). No such guidelines were found for adults and seniors. All the available 24-hour guidelines for children and youth are very similar, as they are based on the Canadian national guidelines. The quantitative recommendations are all the same, with differences found only in specific examples and descriptions of activities. Given that the foregoing guidelines were formulated in line with the best available scientific evidence, they were used to inform the development of the proposed Croatian 24-hour guidelines for children and youth. The proposed guidelines were tailored to the specific context in Croatia. Since no integrated 24-hour guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep for adults and seniors were found in the systematic review of literature, an additional thorough review of literature was conducted in order to identify the most relevant guidelines for each individual behaviour. The proposed Croatian 24-hour guidelines for adults and seniors were based on the WHO guidelines and the most recent and relevant national recommendations from other countries for each of the behaviours. The proposed Croatian 24-hour guidelines can be used: (1) to provide individual counselling in general practice clinics, medical clinics, and recreation centres; (2) to help formulate messages in public health campaigns; and (3) to develop national, local, and institutional health policies

    Construction and Reproducibility of a Questionnaire Aimed for Evaluation of Dietary Habits in Physically Active Individuals

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    The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and a complementary general questionnaire associated to it, specifically tailored for the assessment of dietary habits among athletes and other physically active individuals in Croatia, and to determine the reproducibility of the questions and nutrient intake estimations. The study included 83 students (42 males and 41 females) from the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. Construction of the initial version of the questionnaire was done according to the literature and the results of a pre-testing interview conducted on 15 subjects. The final version of FFQ consisted of 74 questions on usual consumption frequency of particular food and beverage items and usual food preparation methods. The final version of the general questionnaire consisted of 30 questions on age, gender, body height, body weight, energy expenditure, specific dietary regimen, general dietary habits, diet characteristics before, during and after training, and cigarette smoking habits. Reproducibility of the questionnaires was assessed by a repeated administration of the questionnaire after one month. Pearson correlation coefficients and proportions of agreement were used to present reproducibility of quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. In the sample of male students, Pearson correlations ranged from 0.51 for copper to 0.95 for alcohol, with an average correlation of 0.68. In the sample of female students, correlations ranged from 0.30 for alcohol to 0.78 for calcium, with an average correlation of 0.60. Average reproducibility of items in the general questionnaire was 0.83 and 0.86 for male and female students, respectively. In conclusion, the newly developed FFQ enables cost-effective assessment of dietary habits in Croatian athletes and other physically active individuals, as well as demonstrates acceptable reproducibility

    Assessment of Workplace Characteristics and Physical Activity Preferences as Integral Part of Physical Activity Promotion Strategies for Middle-aged Employees

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    Osim o zdravstvenim dobrobitima tjelesne aktivnosti na individualnoj razini, sve su čvršći znanstveni dokazi o dobrobitima tjelesnih aktivnosti u širem društvenom i ekonomskom kontekstu. Zato ne čudi činjenica da se, posebno u razvijenim zemljama, za različite subpopulacije stanovništva izrađuju i provode strategije promocije tjelesne aktivnosti s ciljem unapređenja zdravlja. Ovim su istraživanjem obuhvaćeni neki temeljni postupci u izradi strategije promocije tjelesne aktivnosti zaposlenika srednje dobi (40-65 godina) u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na stratificiranom slučajnom uzorku radnog stanovništva srednje dobi. Uzorak je sačinjavalo 766 ispitanika (52% žena i 48% muškaraca). Podaci su prikupljeni metodom strukturiranog intervjua. Na osnovi tjelesnog i mentalnog opterećenja te ostalih relevantnih obilježja radnog mjesta kao što su dominantan položaj pri radu i tipovi opterećenja pojedinih dijelova tijela, uz pomoć taksonomske analize identificirano je pet klastera zaposlenika i četiri klastera zaposlenica: a) zaposlenici i zaposlenice koji dominantno sjede tijekom radnog vremena; b) zaposlenici i zaposlenice koji dominantno hodaju tijekom radnog vremena; c) zaposlenici i zaposlenice koji dominantno stoje tijekom radnog vremena; d) zaposlenici i zaposlenice koje obilježava dominantno sjedenje tijekom radnog vremena te visoko mentalno opterećenje i visoka razina stresa na poslu; e) zaposlenici koje obilježava dominantno prenošenje tereta tijekom radnog vremena. Konačno, predložene su smjernice za oblikovanje programa za pojedine klastere koje sadrže sportsko-rekreacijske aktivnosti primjerene s obzirom na dominantna opterećenja na radnom mjestu i preferencije zaposlenika prema pojedinim aktivnostima.There is growing scientific evidence of physical activity (PA) benefits, not only at individual level, but also social and economic benefits. Therefore, PA benefits have been recognized in developed countries and promotion strategies for PA activities have been developed and implemented. This study presents some basic procedures for the development of PA promotion strategies for middle-aged employees (40 to 65 years old) in Croatia. Research has been carried out on a representative sample of middle-aged employees in Croatia (n=766). Data were gathered by structured one-to-one interviews. On the basis of physical, mental strain and workplace characteristics and by means of cluster analysis, we identified 5 clusters in male and 4 clusters in female participants: a) male and female employees who predominantly sit during work time b) male and female employees who predominantly walk during work time c) male and female employees who predominantly stand during work time d) male and female employees who predominantly sit during work time and are highly mentally strained and stressed out during work time e) male employees who predominantly carry load during work time Finally, we created guidelines for the development of health-oriented PA programs for each group of employees


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    Ovo istraživanje je poduzeto s ciljem opisivanja kvalitete prehrane i zdravstvenih navika sportaša i sportašica ekipnih sportova u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo ukupno 50 dvadesetogodišnjih sportaša (27 muškaraca i 23 žene) ekipnih sportova (košarka, rukomet, odbojka). Prehrambeni unosi su procijenjeni upitnikom za procjenu prehrambenih navika sastavljenim od općeg upitnika i upitnika frekvencija. Značajne razlike među spolovima su utvrđene kako za apsolutni unos energije (3209±1075 kcal/dan kod muškaraca i 2111±765 kcal/dan kod žena, p<0,001), tako i za relativni unos energije (40,0±12,8 vs. 32,2±10,5 kcal/kg/dan, p=0,02). Kod muškaraca su također utvrđeni i veći relativni unosi ugljikohidrata, masti i proteina, kao i svih minerala, ali ne i vitamina. Odstupanje prehrane ispitanika od preporuka se očituje u preniskom unosu ugljikohidrata kod oba spola (5,0±1,5 g/dan kod muškaraca i 4,2±1,3 g/dan kod žena) i u previsokom unosu kolesterola kod muškaraca (449±320 g/dan). Prevalencija pušenja cigareta je izrazito visoka u oba spola. Puši 33% sportaša i čak 39% sportašica. S druge strane, alkohol se konzumira znatno više među sportašima nego među sportašicama (73% vs. 39%, p=0,01). Iako je prehrana ispitanih sportaša u najvećem dijelu primjerena, potrebno je obratiti posebnu pozornost educiranju sportaša o nužnosti izbjegavanja duhanskih proizvoda i alkohola. U tome bi značajnu ulogu trebali imati treneri.The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of nutrition and health related habits of team athletes in Croatia. Fifty athletes (27 males and 23 females) were recruited for the purpose of this study. Dietary intake was assessed by the food frequency questionnaire. Significant differences between genders were detected for both absolute (3209±1075 kcal/day in men and 2111±765 kcal/day in women, p<0,001), and relative energy intakes (40,0±12,8 vs. 32,2±10,5 kcal/kg/day, p=0,02). Men athletes also had higher relative intakes of carbohydrates, fat, proteins and all minerals, while vitamin intakes were not different between groups. The intake of carbohydrates was slightly lower than recommended, 5,0±1,5 g/day in men and 4,2±1,3 g/day in women. Also, the intake of cholesterol was high in males, 449±320 g/day. The prevalence of smoking was very high, 33% in males and even 39% in females. On the other hand, there were more alcohol consumers in male than in female athletes (73% vs. 39%, p=0,01). In conclusion, although the overall nutrient intakes in our group of athletes appear to be adequate, special attention should be given to educating young athletes about the risks of alcohol and tobacco consumption. One of the leading roles in education should be given to team coaches

    Erstellung eines Fragebogens zur Einschätzung, inwiefern unsportliches Verhalten als berechtigt wahrgenommen wird

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    Cilj rada bio je konstruirati upitnik za procjenu percipirane legitimnosti nesportskoga ponašanja, utvrditi njegove mjerne karakteristike i provjeriti teorijske pretpostavke o relacijama percipirane legitimnosti nesportskog ponašanja sa spolom, sportskim stažem i rangom natjecanja. Konstruirani upitnik sadrži 14 čestica, koje opisuju specifična nesportska ponašanja iz kategorija fizičke agresije, verbalne agresije i varanja. Stupanj percipirane legitimnosti nesportskoga ponašanja može se interpretirati analizom odgovora na pojedine čestice upitnika, rezultatima na podskalama Legitimnost težih prekršaja, Legitimnost lakših prekršaja i Legitimnost verbalne agresije ili ukupnim rezultatom. Mjerna svojstva upitnika utvrđena su na uzorku od 251 studenta Kineziološkoga fakulteta u Zagrebu. Komponentnim modelom faktorske analize, pri čemu je primijenjen Guttman-Kaiserov kriterij za redukciju broja glavnih komponenata i oblimin rotacija s Kaiserovom normalizacijom, utvrđena je jednostavna i semantički interpretabilna faktorska struktura. Cronbachov koeficijent pouzdanosti kretao se od 0,77 do 0,86, a test-retest pouzdanosti od 0,67 do 0,85. Serijom multiplih regresijskih analiza utvrđena je različita povezanost spola, sportskoga staža i ranga natjecanja s pojedinim podskalama upitnika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da konstruirani upitnik ima zadovoljavajuća mjerna svojstva te da se može rabiti za procjenu percipirane legitimnosti težih prekršaja, lakših prekršaja i verbalne agresije u sportu.The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire for the assessment of perceived legitimacy of unsportsmanlike conduct, to examine its psychometric characteristics and relations with gender, sport experience, and competition level. The questionnaire (PLNP) has 14 items describing physical aggression, verbal aggression and cheating. The participant assesses the acceptability of each type of behavior on a Likert five-point scale. The degree of perceived legitimacy can be obtained on the basis of answers to each questionnaire item, the results on the subscales – Legitimacy of Serious Fouls, Legitimacy of Less Serious Fouls, and Legitimacy of Verbal Aggression – or on the basis of the total result. Psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire were tested on a sample of 251 students of the Faculty of Kinesiology. Principal components factor analysis revealed a simple and semantically interpretable factor structure. Cronbach\u27s reliability coefficients ranged from 0.77-0.86, while test-retest reliability ranged from 0.67-0.85. Multiple regression analyses revealed different relations of gender, sport experience, and competition level with PLNP subscales. The developed questionnaire showed satisfactory psychometric characteristics and that it can be used for the assessment of perceived legitimacy of serious fouls, less serious fouls, and verbal aggression in sports.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, einen Fragebogen zu konstruieren, um einschätzen zu können, inwiefern unter Sportlern unsportliches Verhalten als berechtigt wahrgenommen wird; des Weiteren soll der Fragebogen ermöglichen, die messbaren Merkmale unsportlichen Verhaltens zu ermitteln sowie theoretische Grundvoraussetzungen zum Bezug zwischen wahrgenommener Legitimität unsportlichen Verhaltens einerseits und Geschlechtszugehörigkeit, Dauer der Sportkarriere und Ranglistenposition andererseits zu überprüfen. Der erstellte Fragebogen enthält 14 Komponenten, mit denen spezifische unsportliche, den Kategorien körperliche und verbale Aggression sowie Betrug zugehörende Verhaltensmuster beschrieben werden; es war Aufgabe der Untersuchungsteilnehmer, anhand der Likert-Skala (Stufen 1 bis 5) zu bewerten, inwiefern die beschriebenen Verhaltensmuster akzeptabel seien. Die Stufen der wahrgenommenen Legitimität unsportlichen Verhaltens konnten anhand einer Analyse der zu den einzelnen Komponenten gewonnenen Fragen ermittelt werden, und zwar mittels Aussagen, die zu den Subskalen Berechtigung schwerwiegenderer Vergehen, Berechtigung leichterer Vergehen und Berechtigung verbaler Aggression gemacht wurden, oder aber aufgrund des Gesamtergebnisses. An der Untersuchung nahmen 251 Studenten der Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft in Zagreb teil. Anhand einer Faktorenanalyse mit Komponentenmodell, wobei nach dem Guttmann- Kaiser\u27schen Kriterium zur Reduzierung der Hauptkomponentenzahl sowie nach der Oblimin-Rotation verfahren wurde, konnte eine einfache und semantisch interpretationsfähige Faktorenstruktur ermittelt werden. Der Reliabilitäts-Koeffizient nach Cronbach lag bei 0,77–0,86, die Test-Retest-Reliabilität wiederum bei 0,67–0,85. Eine Serie multipler Regressionsanalysen ergab unterschiedliche Beziehungsmuster zwischen Geschlechtszugehörigkeit, Dauer der Sportkarriere und Ranglistenposition einerseits und einzelnen Subskalen andererseits. Die Untersuchung erwies, dass der erstellte Fragebogen über befriedigende messbare Eigenschaften verfügt und dass er ohne Weiteres eingesetzt werden kann, um festzustellen, inwiefern unter Sportlern schwere und leichtere Vergehen sowie verbale Übergriffe als berechtigt wahrgenommen werden

    Pouzdanost hrvatske verzije upitnika international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) - long form

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    Studies have shown satisfactory reliability of different language versions of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous study reported data on reliability of the Croatian version of IPAQ. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine test-retest reliability of IPAQ in Croatia. We assessed physical activity levels using the Croatian long version of IPAQ in a random stratified sample of 122 Croatian adults (60.1% female) aged 15 to 65 years and in a random stratified sample of 133 university students (61.1% female) living in student dormitories in Zagreb. IPAQ was administered on two occasions, 3-4 and 1-2 weeks apart, in the general population and university students, respectively. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between test and retest data for domain-specific and intensity-specific physical activity levels ranged between .45 and .77 in the general population, and between .49 and .59 in university students. To conclude, the Croatian long version of IPAQ showed satisfactory reliability for measuring domain-specific and intensity-specific physical activity levels. Nevertheless, a significant amount of unsystematic error in the IPAQ results should always be considered when interpreting the results in relational studies.Dosadašnja su istraživanja pokazala zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost upitnika International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) prevedenoga na različite jezike. Prema saznanjima autora, do sada ni u jednom istraživanju nisu prikazani podaci o pouzdanosti hrvatske verzije IPAQ-a. Stoga je cilj ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi test-retest pouzdanost IPAQ-a u Hrvatskoj. Dugačkom verzijom IPAQ-a na hrvatskom jeziku procijenjena je razina tjelesne aktivnosti na slučajnom stratificiranom uzorku od 122 odrasla stanovnika Hrvatske iz opće populacije, u dobi od 15 do 65 godina (od čega 60,1% žena) te na slučajnom stratificiranom uzorku od 133 studenta, stanara studentskih domova u Zagrebu (61,1% ženskoga spola). Anketiranje je provedeno u dva navrata, pri čemu su između prvoga i ponovljenoga anketiranja u općoj populaciji prošla 3-4 tjedna, a između dva anketiranja u populaciji studenata tjedan do dva. Spearmanovi koeficijenti rang korelacije između razina tjelesne aktivnosti u različitim domenama i različitoga intenziteta, utvrđeni u testu i retestu, kretali su se između 0,45 i 0,77 u općoj populaciji, odnosno između 0,49 i 0,59 u studenata. Hrvatska verzija IPAQ-a pokazala je zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost u procjeni razina tjelesne aktivnosti. Unatoč tome, prilikom interpretacije rezultata u relacijskim istraživanjima potrebno je voditi računa o nesistematskoj pogrešci IPAQ-a, čija se razina ne može smatrati zanemarivom