6 research outputs found

    Le pietre (o gli altari) di Hybris e di Anaideia

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    A study about the history and the function of the two altar-stones on the Areopagus, according to the literary sources

    Aristofane e la legge sulla’eisangelia

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    On the sources (exp. Aristophanes Ran. 358-362) of the law, which was promulgated in 411 and revised soon after 403 B.C

    Sofocle e il suicidio di Euctemone

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    On the basis of Arist. Rhet. 1375a, the author strives to reconstruct the legal proceeding instituted by Sophocles against Pisander, with the charge to have induced Euctemon to commit suicide

    Adimanto e l’accusa di tradimento

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    A careful analysis shows that Adeimantos was unjustly charged with treason during the Peloponnesian War. It is well possible that the alleged trial against him did not take place; in case it did, Adeimantos surely was not in Athens in those days