3,608 research outputs found
Radio Galaxy Clustering at z~0.3
Radio galaxies are uniquely useful as probes of large-scale structure as
their uniform identification with giant elliptical galaxies out to high
redshift means that the evolution of their bias factor can be predicted. As the
initial stage in a project to study large-scale structure with radio galaxies
we have performed a small redshift survey, selecting 29 radio galaxies in the
range 0.19<z<0.45 from a contiguous 40 square degree area of sky. We detect
significant clustering within this sample. The amplitude of the two-point
correlation function we measure is consistent with no evolution from the local
(z<0.1) value. This is as expected in a model in which radio galaxy hosts form
at high redshift and thereafter obey a continuity equation, although the
signal:noise of the detection is too low to rule out other models. Larger
surveys out to z~1 should reveal the structures of superclusters at
intermediate redshifts and strongly constrain models for the evolution of
large-scale structure.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter
The finite size effect of galaxies on the cosmic virial theorem and the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions
We discuss the effect of the finite size of galaxies on estimating
small-scale relative pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions from the cosmic
virial theorem (CVT). Specifically we evaluate the effect by incorporating the
finite core radius in the two-point correlation function of mass, i.e.
and the effective gravitational force
softening on small scales. We analytically obtain the lowest-order
correction term for which is in quantitative agreement with the
full numerical evaluation. With a nonzero and/or the cosmic virial
theorem is no longer limited to the case of . We present accurate
fitting formulae for the CVT predicted pairwise velocity dispersion for the
case of . Compared with the idealistic point-mass approximation
(), the finite size effect can significantly reduce the small-scale
velocity dispersions of galaxies at scales much larger than and .
Even without considering the finite size of galaxies, nonzero values for
are generally expected, for instance, for cold dark matter (CDM) models with a
scale-invariant primordial spectrum. For these CDM models, a reasonable force
softening r_s\le 100 \hikpc would have rather tiny effect. We present the CVT
predictions for the small-scale pairwise velocity dispersion in the CDM models
normalized by the COBE observation. The implication of our results for
confrontation of observations of galaxy pair-wise velocity dispersions and
theoretical predictions of the CVT is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages. LaTeX text and 8 postcript figures. submitted to Ap
Forage Suitability Group Report: A Tool for Grassland Management
Forage suitability groups (FSG\u27s) are USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) interpretative reports used to develop conservation plans for forage-producing farms and ranches and provide grassland resource information to producers. These electronic reports use soil properties and climatic data to develop forage selection, management recommendations, seasonal distribution of growth, and yield potentials for groups of soil map unit components that have like agronomic characteristics. The information contained in a FSG report can help the user develop proper livestock-forage balances, grazing management plans, pasture and haycrop renovation options, and land treatment measures
The Omega Dependence of the Evolution of xi(r)
The evolution of the two-point correlation function, xi(r,z), and the
pairwise velocity dispersion, sigma(r,z), for both the matter and halo
population, in three different cosmological models:
(Omega_M,Omega_Lambda)=(1,0), (0.2,0) and (0.2,0.8) are described. If the
evolution of xi is parameterized by xi(r,z)=(1+z)^{-(3+eps)}xi(r,0), where
xi(r,0)=(r/r_0)^{-gamma}, then eps(mass) ranges from 1.04 +/- 0.09 for (1,0) to
0.18 +/- 0.12 for (0.2,0), as measured by the evolution of at 1 Mpc (from z ~ 5
to the present epoch). For halos, eps depends on their mean overdensity. Halos
with a mean overdensity of about 2000 were used to compute the halo two-point
correlation function tested with two different group finding algorithms: the
friends of friends and the spherical overdensity algorithm. It is certainly
believed that the rate of growth of this xihh will give a good estimate of the
evolution of the galaxy two-point correlation function, at least from z ~ 1 to
the present epoch. The values we get for eps(halos) range from 1.54 for (1,0)
to -0.36 for (0.2,0), as measured by the evolution of xi(halos) from z ~ 1.0 to
the present epoch. These values could be used to constrain the cosmological
scenario. The evolution of the pairwise velocity dispersion for the mass and
halo distribution is measured and compared with the evolution predicted by the
Cosmic Virial Theorem (CVT). According to the CVT, sigma(r,z)^2 ~ G Q rho(z)
r^2 xi(r,z) or sigma proportional to (1+z)^{-eps/2}. The values of eps measured
from our simulated velocities differ from those given by the evolution of xi
and the CVT, keeping gamma and Q constant: eps(CVT) = 1.78 +/- 0.13 for (1,0)
or 1.40 +/- 0.28 for (0.2,0).Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. Also available at
Redshift Evolution of the Nonlinear Two-Point Correlation Function
This paper presents a detailed theoretical study of the two-point correlation
function for both dark matter halos and the matter density field in five
cosmological models with varying matter density and neutrino
fraction . The objectives of this systematic study are to evaluate
the nonlinear gravitational effects on , to contrast the behavior of
for halos vs. matter, and to quantify the redshift evolution of and its
dependence on cosmological parameters. Overall, for halos exhibits
markedly slower evolution than for matter, and its redshift dependence is
much more intricate than the single power-law parameterization used in the
literature. Of particular interest is that the redshift evolution of the
halo-halo correlation length depends strongly on and
, being slower in models with lower or higher
. Measurements of to higher redshifts can therefore be a
potential discriminator of cosmological parameters. The evolution rate of
for halos within a given model increases with time, passing the phase of fixed
comoving clustering at to 3 toward the regime of stable clustering at
. The shape of the halo-halo , on the other hand, is well
approximated by a power law with slope -1.8 in all models and is not a
sensitive model discriminator.Comment: 22 pages, 8 postscript figures, AAS LaTeX v4.0. Accepted for
publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 510 (January 1 1999
Using White Dish CMB Anisotropy Data to Probe Open and Flat-Lambda CDM Cosmogonies
We use data from the White Dish experiment to set limits on cosmic microwave
background radiation anisotropies in open and spatially-flat-Lambda cold dark
matter cosmogonies. We account for the White Dish calibration uncertainty, and
marginalize over the offset and gradient removed from the data. Our 2-sigma
upper limits are larger than those derived previously. These upper limits are
consistent with those derived from the -DMR data for all models tested.Comment: 17 pages of latex. Uses aasms4.sty. 4 figures included. Submitted to
Designing a mobile augmented memory system for people with traumatic brain injuries
Augmented memory systems help people remember events in their lives. Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) often have memory impairments. We conducted a user study to learn about strategies individuals with TBI use to remember events in their lives. We explored what characteristics individuals with TBI expect of an augmented memory system. We then investigated these aspects in an initial mobile app design, and propose here a concept for a rehearsal application that addresses the issues found in our studies
Hierarchical clustering and formation of power-law correlation in 1-dimensional self-gravitating system
The process of formation of fractal structure in one-dimensional
self-gravitating system is examined numerically. It is clarified that
structures created in small spatial scale grow up to larger scale through
clustering of clusters, and form power-law correlation.Comment: 9pages,4figure
The EXOSAT medium-energy slew survey catalog
We present a catalog of X-ray sources observed during slew maneuvers by the
Medium Energy Detector Array onboard the EXOSAT Observatory. The EXOSAT Medium
Energy slew-survey catalog (EXMS) provides a unique record of the 1--8 keV
X-ray sky between 1983 and 1986. 98% of the sky was observed, with 85%
receiving an exposure of >60 s. 1210 sources were detected. By comparing these
source positions with other catalogs, identifications are given for 992
detections (82% of the sample). These identifications consist of 250 distinct
objects, including 95 different X-ray binary systems, and 14 different AGN. A
further 58 detections have multiple candidates, while 160 detections remain
unidentified. Collimator transmission corrected 1-8 keV count rates are given
for the identified sources, together with raw count rates for the other
detections. The construction of the EXMS and the checks performed to ensure the
validity of the derived source properties are discussed. A publically available
version of this catalog is maintained on the EXOSAT database and archive system
(telnet://[email protected]).Comment: 52 pages. 22 Figures. To be published in A&AS. For more information,
see http://astro.estec.esa.nl/SA-general/Projects/Exosat/exmsintro.htm
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