75 research outputs found
Sturm-Liouville Problem for Stationary Differential Operator with Nonlocal Two-Point Boundary Conditions
The Sturm-Liouville problem with various types of two-point boundary conditions is considered in this paper. In the first part of the paper, we investigate the Sturm-Liouville problem in three cases of nonlocal two-point boundary conditions. We prove general properties of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for such a problem in the complex case. In the second part, we investigate the case of real eigenvalues. It is analyzed how the spectrum of these problems depends on the boundary condition parameters. Qualitative behavior of all eigenvalues subject to the nonlocal boundary condition parameters is described
Investigation of Negative Critical Points of the Characteristic Function for Problems with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions
In this paper the Sturm-Liouville problem with one classical and the other nonlocal two-point or integral boundary condition is investigated. Critical points of the characteristic function are analyzed. We investigate how distribution of the critical points depends on nonlocal boundary condition parameters. In the first part of this paper we investigate the case of negative critical points
Kokybės auditas: koncepcija ir metodologijos tobulinimas
Audito metodologija plačiai nagrinėjama tiek užsienio, tiek Lietuvos autorių mokslinėje literatūroje, tačiau išsamių studijų, kuriose būtų sistemingai analizuojamos visos šiuo metu naudojamos audito rūšys, nėra daug. Kokybės audito metodologija taip pat nėra iki galo išnagrinėta ir aiškiai susisteminta. Nagrinėjant audito koncepcijas sunku vienareikšmiškai nustatyti, kuriam audito tipui – veiklos ar valdymo – yra priskiriamas kokybės auditas. Atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė, kad visoje audito sistemoje kokybės auditą galima identifikuoti kaip veiklos audito sudedamąją dalį. Kokybės auditas yra svarbus visoje audito sistemoje, nes jis yra dalis vertinimo proceso, kuriuo auditoriai atskleidžia tobulintinas organizacijos veiklos kokybės sritis. Straipsnyje, remiantis teorinės literatūros sistemine analize ir kokybės auditorių bei ekspertų anketinės apklausos rezultatais, suformuotas audito sistemos pagal funkcinį požymį modelis, identifikuoti kokybės audito atlikimo būdų pranašumai ir trūkumai, pateiktos kokybės audito metodologijos tobulinimo rekomendacijos.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: kokybės auditas, audito procesas, audito sistema, audito metodologija, tobulinimas, modelis, apklausa.
Quality audit: concept and methodology improvementIndrė Pečiulytė, Juozas Ruževičius
SummaryThe methodology of audit is extensively researched by both foreign and Lithuanian authors, but there isn’t a complete theory of audit, in which all the currently existing types of audit are mentioned. This is due to the fact that the quality audit methodology is not fully explored and clearly systematized. When analyzing audit concepts, it is a challenge to determine which type of audit – performance or management – is attributable to the quality audit. The theoretical analysis has shown that in the audit system the quality audit can be assigned as part of the performance audit. Quality audit is important throughout the audit system as it is part of the evaluation process, which helps auditors to reveal areas for improvement within their organizations. According to the theoretical literature systematic analysis and the quality auditors’ questionnaire survey results, in this study the audit system model by the functional character has been formed, the advantages and disadvantages of quality audit techniques have been identified, and recommendations for the quality audit methodology improvement are presented.Keywords: quality audit, auditing process, audit system, audit methodology, improvement, survey, model
Sustainable development and energy security level after Ignalina NPP shutdown
The paper presents the investigation of the impact of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) shutdown on Lithuanian energy security. The system of energy security indicators, covering technical, economic and socio-political aspects is presented. The integral characteristic of these indicators shows the level of energy security. The paper analyses the Lithuanian energy security level in 2007. To make a comparison, the energy security level in 2010, after the shutdown of Ignalina NPP, when Lithuanian Power Plant in Elektrėnai becomes the main electricity producer, is forecasted. Two alternatives are analysed: Lithuanian Power Plant uses either gas or heavy fuel oil for electricity production. The security level of each indicator, each indicator block and the total security level are presented as the result. Energy security indicators, which increased or decreased after the shutdown of Ignalina NPP, are analysed, including the indicators which have had the greatest impact on the change in energy security level. The influence of Ignalina NPP shutdown on CO2 emissions is presented. Also, electricity generating costs for different types of electricity production at a different discount rate are presented
Transanalinė totalinė mezorektalinė ekscizija (taTME): pirmoji mūsų patirtis
Transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME) is a new natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery modality combined of three rectal surgery techniques. Detailed analysis of the taTME is the object of this article. We submit the report of three taTME procedures for histologically confirmed rectal adenocarcinoma that were performed for the first time in Lithuania, Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos.Transanalinė totalinė mezorektalinė ekscizija (taTME) yra naujas endoskopinis natūralių angų chirurgijos būdas, susidedantis iš trijų tiesiosios žarnos chirurginių metodų. Šiame straipsnyje detaliai aprašoma taTME chirurginė technika bei pristatomos pirmosios trys taTME procedūros, kurios buvo atliktos Vilniaus universiteto ligoninėje Santariškių klinikose
Domestic and international factors in ttip negotiations: agricultural and food sector.
The object of this paper is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - a proposed trade agreement between the European Union and the United States, with the aim of promoting trade and multilateral economic growth. If successfully concluded, this agreement would be the most ambitious in history. EU and U.S. began negotiating TTIP in 2013 with the aim to conclude it by the end of 2014. However, it is under negotiation until this day and one of the cornerstones creating disagreement in both sides is the agricultural and food industry sector. So the main question of this thesis is what are the main factors that impede liberalization in agricultural sector in TTIP negotiations? In order to answer the main question of the thesis, the literature of International Political Economy was analyzed and three theoretical approaches were identified. Some theories of foreign economic policy stress the importance of domestic interest groups, whereas others focus on the effects of domestic institutions – these two are categorized as domestic factors. However, other theories concentrate on interaction among states in international arena and how these patterns of interaction affect trade policy formation. These are called international factors. Using systematic process analysis method as it was entitled by P. A. Hall, the theoretical model of three determining factors was invoked to explain the obstacles for trade liberalization in agricultural sector in TTIP negotiations. The theoretical approaches of IPE – interest groups, institutions, international interaction - were in some cases found to be too insufficient and controversial to successfully explain the phenomenon that was analyzed. Thus due to specificity of the object in this thesis – international negotiations – some shortage of information was faced. However, some significant insights can be made. The results of the analysis revealed that it is the interest group approach that proved to have the best explanatory power in the case of TTIP. Majority of IPE literature focus on economic interest groups, however, in this analysis, the importance of civil society groups was stressed. Theoretical approach of domestic institutions faced some difficulties explaining why the process of liberalization is not moving smoothly during TTIP negotiations. However, in this analysis it was identified that it could have better explanatory power if refusing some inaccurate premises that this theoretical approach relies on and combining it with the interest group approach. And lastly, the international interaction approach was concluded to be too vague to make valid findings. The only factor that could explain the situation from the international interaction perspective was cultural differences between parties
The subjective Lithuanian population links with social and lifestyle factors
The survey data of the lifestyle of adult population of Lithuania was analyzed. In 2012 it was examined random 4000 Lithuanian adults take of 20-26 years made of population register list. The participants were questioned by male. The research was applied by standardized questionnaire made of the questions about social and demographic data, subjective health (own health assessment, complaints and diseases), lifestyle (nutrition, physical activity, smoking and alcoholic beverage consumption habits) habits. The questionnaire was filled in by 1801 persons (725 male and 1076 female), the overall response is 51 percent. Statistical analysis was performed using the computer statistical package SPSS 15.0 and MS Excel
What requirements for the evaluation of the amount of damage should be applied when exempting a person from criminal liability in cases of performance of professional duties?
Profesinių pareigų vykdymas priskiriamas baudžiamąją atsakomybę šalinančių aplinkybių institutui, kurio nuostatos lemia asmens veikos, formaliai atitinkančios nusikalstamą veiką, pripažinimą teisėta (neprieštaraujančia teisei) ir asmens, veikiančio valstybės vardu, įgyvendinančio viešuosius interesus ir vykdančio profesines pareigas, netraukimą baudžiamojon atsakomybėn. Autorė, pasitelkusi lyginamosios analizės metodą, nagrinėja profesinių pareigų vykdymo bendrąsias principines nuostatas nacionalinėje ir užsienio valstybių baudžiamojoje teisėje, pateikia profesinių pareigų vykdymo specifiką kaip leidimą padaryti žalą teisės saugomai vertybei. Lietuvos Respublikos BK 30 str., reglamentuojančiame profesinių pareigų vykdymą kaip baudžiamąją atsakomybę šalinančią aplinkybę, neteikiama nuoroda į žalos dydį. Tai gali klaidinti ir sudaryti įspūdį, kad atliekant profesines pareigas lyg ir pateisinama bet kokia kitam asmeniui padaryta žala. Aišku, kad taip būti negali. Baudžiamosios teisės doktrinos atstovai profesinių pareigų vykdymui, kaip teisės institutui, skyrė nedaug dėmesio. Teisimų praktika taip pat dar nėra gausi. Darbe analizuojama kokiais kriterijais turėtų būti vadovaujamasi vertinant žalos dydį, padaryta vykdant profesines pareigas. Profesinių pareigų vykdymui giminingų BK normų aspektu, nagrinėjama ar ši baudžiamąją atsakomybę šalinanti aplinkybė žalų dydžių vertinimo reikalavimais konkuruoja su kitomis baudžiamąją aplinkybę šalinančiomis aplinkybėmis. Darbe taip pat nagrinėjama ar profesinių pareigų vykdymas neturėtų pateisinti žalos padarymą tik tais atvejais, kai žalos negali pateisinti kitos baudžiamąją atsakomybę šalinančios aplinkybės. Teisminėje praktikoje ir teorijoje yra nuomonių, kad negalima nustatyti dvigubų žalos padarymo standartų. Tačiau, kita vertus, vykdantys profesines pareigas asmenys paprastau yra labiau parengti fiziškai, psichologiškai turi daugiau patirties ir žinių. Ar tokiu atveju tai nėra specialioji baudžiamąją atsakomybę šalinanti aplinkybė. Darbe vadovaujantis nacionaline ir užsienio šalių moksline literatūra, teismine praktika bus bandoma apibrėžti rekomenduotinus maksimalius žalos dydžius.Performance of professional duties is assigned to the Institute limiting criminal liability, the provisions of which determine the recognition of personal acts, formerly complying with the signs of a criminal offense, as legal (not contrary to the law) and not prosecuting the person acting on behalf of state and implementing public interest in the course of his/her professional duties. The author, through the method of comparative analysis, analyses the general principle provisions of the performance of professional duties in national and foreign criminal law, and presents the specifics of the performance of professional duties as a licence to cause damage to the values protected by the law. The Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, Article 30, governing the discharge of professional duties as a circumstance limiting criminal liability, does not contain any reference to the amount of damage. This can be misleading and give the impression that any damage caused to another person could be justified while performing professional duties. It is clear that this cannot be the case. Representatives of the criminal law doctrine have paid little attention to the enforcement of professional duties as a legal institute. Case law is not abundant, as well. The paper analyzes what criteria should be used in assessing the amount of damage done in performing professional duties. To perform professional duties from the aspect of related rules of the Criminal Code, the paper analyses whether this circumstance limiting criminal liability competes with other circumstances limiting criminal liability in terms of requirements for evaluation of the amount of damage. The paper also examines whether the performance of professional duties should not justify damage only in cases where damage cannot be justified by other circumstances limiting criminal liability. There are opinions in the judicial practice and theory that double standards for damage are not acceptable. But on the other hand, persons engaged in professional duties are usually better prepared physically, mentally and have more experience and knowledge. In such case, is it not a special circumstance limiting criminal liability? Based on national and foreign scientific literature, and case law, the work attempts to define the recommended maximum liability for damage. Under the regulation of the criminal Court and established case law, in determining the amount of damage, the consequences, the guilt of the person who causes damage, and the amount of damage are assessed etc. The Code of the Republic of Lithuania, Article 30 does not directly establish the requirements for the assessment of damage. And no other legislation provides what injuries can be caused by a police officer, fire fighter, medical worker and another officer in carrying out his direct professional duties. One might get an impression that any damage caused to a person while carrying out professional duties is justified. It is most important that the person acts within his professional competence, and does not exceed the statutory powers. However, the systematic interpretation of this law leads to the conclusion that in the current legal situation, the question as to whether the offense limits criminal liability on the basis of Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, could only be decided in case of property damage or insignificant bodily injuries, or in exceptional cases minor bodily injuries. This conclusion follows from the interpretation of this provision and its relation with other provisions of the Code of the Republic of Lithuania. Therefore, primarily the principle of more important interest, and the related norms of the Criminal Code – self-defence, detention of a person who has committed a criminal offense, and the state of necessity. In performing professional duties, detaining an offender, if the actions of the officer are in line with the relevant law, he is not responsible for any extent of damage caused to third persons. However, force when detaining a person, that may cause injury and even death, can be used only to the extent necessary to carry out official duties, and only after all possible measures of persuasion or other measures have not been effective. The uniqueness of performing professional duties is determined by the acting special entity, his obligation to act and the provision that without violating the powers specified in the laws and other legislation governing professional duties, the damage caused must not correspond to the ratio of damages required in the event of the state of necessity. While the criminal laws of other countries do not distinguish the performance of professional duties as a separate circumstance limiting criminal liability, this does not diminish the position of the Lithuanian lawmakers to distinguish it as a separate circumstance limiting criminal liability. Criminal law scholars in many countries are unanimous in their opinion that damage (the violated interest) caused under the circumstances limiting criminal liability (state of necessity, performance of professional duties) must be less significant than the damage averted (the protected interest), as the preservation of the more significant value may coincide with the public interest, or be useful to it, socially acceptable, and particularly the usefulness of the act to society determines that the act as an element of performing professional obligations is not dangerous to the public. However, one should not strongly condemn the attitude that it is allowed to cause equivalent or more significant damage, if the boundaries for application of this permit are narrowed by other (additional) conditions of legality. It is appropriate to take into account whether in the situation of performing professional duties, the violated value was a source of danger, and whether it is not related with the danger that arose. Thus, the more valuable, more significant are the interests, values, good for the protection of which the damage was caused, and more damage can be caused without exceeding the statutory limits for performing the professional duties. In cases where the source of danger is a person or he/they is/are acts, there may be situations when it is difficult to limit self-defence from their performance of professional duties according to the delimitation criteria established in criminal law doctrine (by refusing the provision that in case of performance of provisional duties, damage is caused to third parties). Perhaps one should consider the possibility of amending the currently effective institutes of the performance of provisional duties and self-defence, by establishing a provision that self-defence is possible only in case of deliberate attack and by providing that in defending the imperatively specified values, the performance of professional duties not require to have the proportion between the damage caused and the damage avoided. This way, the issue of defence against careless infringement could be resolved.Teisės fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Development opportunities of rural tourism in Lazdijai area
Tyrimo objektas - kaimo turizmo paslaugos. Tyrimo dalykas – paslaugos. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti kaimo turizmo paslaugų plėtros galimybes ir pateikti siūlymus kaimo turizmo paslaugų plėtrai Lazdijų rajone. Uždaviniai: • išanalizuoti teorinius kaimo turizmo paslaugų plėtojimo veiksnius; • parengti kaimo turizmo paslaugų tyrimo metodiką; • apžvelgti Lazdijų rajono privalumus plėtojant kaimo turizmą ir plečiant jo paslaugų spektrą; • remiantis atlikta teorine analize ir empiriniais tyrimais, pateikti siūlymus kaimo turizmo paslaugų plėtrai Lazdijų rajone. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, analizės ir sintezės metodai. Tyrimo rezultatai: • pirmoje darbo dalyje pateikta lietuvių bei užsienio autorių mokslinės literatūros analizė, kaimo turizmo verslo, paslaugų plėtros, vadybos funkcijų bei kokybės aspektų klausimais; • antroje dalyje atliktas žvalgybinis tyrimas Lazdijų rajone, kurio metu buvo išanalizuoti privalumai ir galimybės plėtoti kaimo turizmo paslaugas šiame rajone; • trečioje darbo dalyje pateikta anketinio tyrimo duomenų analizė bei pateikti pasiūlymų kompleksai kaimo turizmo paslaugoms plėtoti Lazdijų rajone; • kaimo turizmo verslo sėkmė priklauso nuo verslininkų sugebėjimų numatyti, ko tikisi į jų sodybą atvykę poilsiautojai, todėl reikia nuodugniai apgalvoti kaip sėkmingai konkuruoti su kitomis kaimo turizmo sodybomis, koks bus sodybos išskirtinis bruožas. • siekdami užsibrėžtų tikslų kaimo turizmo sodybų šeimininkai, turėtų kontroliuoti paslaugų kokybę, atsižvelgdami į nuolat kintančius vartotojų poreikius. • svarbiausias akcentas plėtojant kaimo turizmo paslaugas - visos naujos paslaugos turi puoselėti kaimo, o ne miesto tradicijas.Research object – rural tourism. Research subject – facilitys. Research aim – Find out rural tourism development opportunities and to submit proposals for rural tourism development in Lazdiju area. Objectives: • analyze the theoretical development of rural tourism service factors; • develop rural tourism research methodology; • review the benefits to the rural tourism and expanding its range of services in the district of Lazdijai; • to submit proposals for rural tourism development in Lazdijai area on the basis of a theoretical analysis and empirical research. Research methods: scientific literature analysis, questionnaire survey, analysis and synthesis methods. Research results: • in the first part is presented cientific literature analysis of the work of the Lithuanian and foreigns, the rural tourism business, service development, management functions and quality aspects; • in the second part of work a reconnaissance study Lazdijai area, which was to analyze the advantages and opportunities for the development of rural tourism services in the region; • in the third part of the workis presented the survey questionnaire data analysis and to submit proposals for facilities for rural tourism services in the development of Lazdijai area; • business success of rural tourism depends on the ability of entrepreneurs to provide you expect to come to their farm, vacationers, and therefore should be carefully thought out how to successfully compete with other rural tourism farmsteads, what will be a unique feature of the farmstead. • rural tourism landlords achieving the objectives, should control the quality of service in the light of the constantly changing needs of consumers. • a key focus of the development of rural tourism services – all new services should foster for rural, but not urban traditions.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Investigation of boundary problems with different nonlocal condition
This paper is a survey of different articles of the author concerning boundary problems with nonlocal conditions. The stacionary, parabolic and Sturm-Liouville problems with various types of nonlocal boundary conditions are analyzedVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
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