278 research outputs found

    Decoupling of supersymmetric particles

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    The possibility of a heavy supersymmetric spectrum at the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is considered and the decoupling from the low energy electroweak scale is analyzed in detail. The formal proof of decoupling of supersymmetric particles from low energy physics is stated in terms of the effective action for the particles of the Standard Model that results by integrating out all the sparticles in the limit where their masses are larger than the electroweak scale. The computation of the effective action for the standard electroweak gauge bosons W^{+-}, Z and \gamma is performed by integrating out all the squarks, sleptons, charginos and neutralinos to one-loop. The Higgs sector is not considered in this paper. The large sparticle masses limit is also analyzed in detail. Explicit analytical formulae for the two-point functions of the electroweak gauge bosons to be valid in that limit are presented. Finally, the decoupling of sparticles in the S, T and U parameters is studied analitically. A discussion on how the decoupling takes place in terms of both the physical sparticle masses and the non-physical mass parameters as the \mu-parameter and the soft-breaking parameters is included.Comment: 50 pages, LaTeX + 2 postscript figures. Figures added, some points clarified, one section added, references updated. Accepted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Pressure dependence of the melting mechanism at the limit of overheating in Lennard-Jones crystals

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    We study the pressure dependence of the melting mechanism of a surface free Lennard-Jones crystal by constant pressure Monte Carlo simulation. The difference between the overheating temperature(TOHT_{OH}) and the thermodynamical melting point(TMT_M) increase for increasing pressure. When particles move into the repulsive part of the potential the properties at TOHT_{OH} change. There is a crossover pressure where the volume jump becomes pressure-independent. The overheating limit is pre-announced by thermal excitation of big clusters of defects. The temperature zone where the system is dominated by these big clusters of defects increases with increasing pressure. Beyond the crossover pressure we find that excitation of defects and clusters of them start at the same temperature scale related with TOHT_{OH}.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Higgs boson masses and B-physics constraints in Non-Minimal Flavor Violating SUSY scenarios

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    Journal of High Energy Physics 2012.5 (2012): 015 reproduced by permission of Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)We present one-loop corrections to the Higgs boson masses in the MSSM with Non-Minimal Flavor Violation. The flavor violation is generated from the hypothesis of general flavor mixing in the squark emass matrices, and these are parametrized by a complete set of δ xY ij (X, Y = L,R; i, j = t,c,u or b, s, d). We calculate the corrections to the Higgs masses in terms of these δ xY ij taking into account all relevant restrictions from B-physics data. This includes constraints from BR(B → X sγ), BR(B s → μ +μ -) and ΔM Bs. After taking into account these constraints we find sizable corrections to the Higgs boson masses, in the case of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson mass exceeding tens of GeV. These corrections are found mainly for the low tan β case. In the case of a Higgs boson mass measurement these corrections might be used to set further constraints on δf YThe work of S.H. was supported in part by CICYT (grant FPA 2007-66387), in part by CICYT (grant FPA 2010-22163-C02-01) and by the Spanish MICINN’s Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program under grant MultiDark CSD2009-00064. The work of M.H. and M.A.-C. was partially supported by CICYT (grant FPA2009-09017) and the Comunidad de Madrid project HEPHACOS, S2009/ESP-1473. The work of S.P. was supported by a Ramón y Cajal contract from MEC (Spain) (PDRYC-2006-000930) and partially by CICYT (grant FPA2009-09638), the Comunidad de Aragón project DCYT-DGA E24/2 and the Generalitat de Catalunya project 2009SGR502. The work is also supported in part by the European Community’s Marie-Curie Research Training Network under contract MRTNCT-2006-035505 ‘Tools and Precision Calculations for Physics Discoveries at Colliders’ and also by the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CPAN (CSD2007-00042

    «Algunas raíces filosóficas del nazismo» de Aron Gurwitsch

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    Introducción, traducción y notas de Mari Luz Pintos PeñarandaUniversidad de Santiago de Compostela(Traducción realizada en colaboración con Evaristo Quintáns Hermida

    Consumer perception of entire male pork coated with spiced edible films as a new product to mask boar taint

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    Pork production has undergone a shift towards the rearing of entire male pigs, however, its meat might carry with the presence of boar taint and it would be considered “unfit for human consumption”. To offer a new alternative to the pork sector tailored to the needs of consumers, a viable option would be the use of edible spiced gelatin films to help minimize boar taint and improve its marketability. The responses of 120 regular meat consumers to entire pork with high levels of boar taint and castrated pork free of boar taint, both coated with spiced gelatin films were evaluated. They showed a similar response between entire and castrated male pork coated with spiced films, regardless of whether consumers usually detected unpleasant odours (as farm/animal) when consuming pork or not. Therefore, the new spiced films offer a new range of products to consumers as they contribute to the improvement of the sensory quality of entire male pork, especially among consumers who tend to buy new products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Osteonecrosis of the Jaws. Prevalence, Risk Factors and Role of Microbiota and Inflammation in a Population of Spain

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    Introduction: The purpose of this article is to determine the prevalence of ONJ in patients who have undergone intravenous bisphosphonate therapy, and relate the risk factors described (including Actinomices); indeed, to establish a protocol to reduce the risk of developing ONJ and to evaluate the evolution of the patient according to the sample’s antibiogram

    Los locutorios como espacios de integración : las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la construcción de redes e identidades

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    Resum.La acelerada y masiva implementación de las TIC en las sociedades contemporáneas pone de manifiesto el papel cada vez más relevante que éstas están tomando, no sólo como medio de acceso a la información, sino especialmente como forma de integración y participación ciudadana en un mundo de carácter glocal. De ahí que los espacios de acceso público a las TIC (cibercafés, bibliotecas, telecentros o locutorios) aparezcan como enclaves esenciales en los que indagar el impacto social que producen las nuevas tecnologías en sujetos y colectivos, así como para analizar las apropiaciones que sus usuarios/as hacen de las TIC, especialmente aquellas dirigidas a generar y consolidar redes sociales. En este artículo, tras revisar la literatura científico-social de los principales lugares de acceso público a TIC, nos acercaremos concretamente a los espacios denominados locutorios, tratando sus características y las formas específicas de vinculación y relación que sus usuarios/as más frecuentes, la población migrante, establece en ellos. De esta forma, el locutorio es tratado como un lugar-metáfora de los procesos migratorios en un mundo globalizado. En la discusión defenderemos el concepto de estación de asociaciones como útil antropológico para caracterizarlosIt's clear that the accelerated and massive implementation in contemporary societies of ICTs makes their role ever more relevant, not just as means of information access but especially insofar as the role they play in forming citizen integration and participation modes that have a glocal character. Hence, public ICT access spaces (cybercafés, libraries, telecenters, or public call centers (locutorios)) appear to be essential enclaves where one can investigate the social impact produced by these new technologies on subjects and collectives, as well as to analyze how users put them to use, particularly those ICTs aimed at the promotion and consolidation of social networks. This article first offers a review of the scientific-social literature focused on the principal public ICT access spaces. It treats the specific characteristics and means of the links and relationships frequent users, the immigrant population, establish in the public call center. As such, it is treated as a place-metaphor for migratory processes in a globalized world. The discussion defends the concept of association stations as an anthropological tool to help elucidate the characteristics of this space