734 research outputs found

    A General Transfer-Function Approach to Noise Filtering in Open-Loop Quantum Control

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    We present a general transfer-function approach to noise filtering in open-loop Hamiltonian engineering protocols for open quantum systems. We show how to identify a computationally tractable set of fundamental filter functions, out of which arbitrary transfer filter functions may be assembled up to arbitrary high order in principle. Besides avoiding the infinite recursive hierarchy of filter functions that arises in general control scenarios, this fundamental filter-functions set suffices to characterize the error suppression capabilities of the control protocol in both the time and frequency domain. We prove that the resulting notion of filtering order reveals conceptually distinct, albeit complementary, features of the controlled dynamics as compared to the order of error cancellation, traditionally defined in the Magnus sense. Examples and implications are discussed.Comment: Paper plus supplementary material. 10 pages, 1 figure. Unnumbered equation between 2 and 3 corrected. Results are unchange

    Total correlations as fully additive entanglement monotones

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    We generalize the strategy presented in Refs. [1, 2], and propose general conditions for a measure of total correlations to be an entanglement monotone using its pure (and mixed) convex-roof extension. In so doing, we derive crucial theorems and propose a concrete candidate for a total correlations measure which is a fully additive entanglement monotone.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Title changed, new result

    On the dynamics of initially correlated open quantum systems: theory and applications

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    We show that the dynamics of any open quantum system that is initially correlated with its environment can be described by a set of (or less) completely positive maps, where d is the dimension of the system. Only one such map is required for the special case of no initial correlations. The same maps describe the dynamics of any system-environment state obtained from the initial state by a local operation on the system. The reduction of the system dynamics to a set of completely positive maps allows known numerical and analytic tools for uncorrelated initial states to be applied to the general case of initially correlated states, which we exemplify by solving the qubit dephasing model for such states, and provides a natural approach to quantum Markovianity for this case. We show that this set of completely positive maps can be experimentally characterised using only local operations on the system, via a generalisation of noise spectroscopy protocols. As further applications, we first consider the problem of retrodicting the dynamics of an open quantum system which is in an arbitrary state when it becomes accessible to the experimenter, and explore the conditions under which retrodiction is possible. We also introduce a related one-sided or limited-access tomography protocol for determining an arbitrary bipartite state, evolving under a sufficiently rich Hamiltonian, via local operations and measurements on just one component. We simulate this protocol for a physical model of particular relevance to nitrogen-vacancy centres, and in particular show how to reconstruct the density matrix of a set of three qubits, interacting via dipolar coupling and in the presence of local magnetic fields, by measuring and controlling only one of them.Comment: 19 pages. Comments welcom

    Broadband spectroscopy of quantum noise

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    Characterizing noise is key to the optimal control of the quantum system it affects. Using a single-qubit probe and appropriate sequences of π\pi and non-π\pi pulses, we show how one can characterize the noise a quantum bath generates across a wide range of frequencies -- including frequencies below the limit set by the probe's T2\mathbb{T}_2 time. To do so we leverage an exact expression for the dynamics of the probe in the presence of non-π\pi pulses, and a general inequality between the symmetric (classical) and anti-symmetric (quantum) components of the noise spectrum generated by a Gaussian bath. Simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.Comment: 23 pages. Comments welcom

    Comparing the Overhead of Topological and Concatenated Quantum Error Correction

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    This work compares the overhead of quantum error correction with concatenated and topological quantum error-correcting codes. To perform a numerical analysis, we use the Quantum Resource Estimator Toolbox (QuRE) that we recently developed. We use QuRE to estimate the number of qubits, quantum gates, and amount of time needed to factor a 1024-bit number on several candidate quantum technologies that differ in their clock speed and reliability. We make several interesting observations. First, topological quantum error correction requires fewer resources when physical gate error rates are high, white concatenated codes have smaller overhead for physical gate error rates below approximately 10E-7. Consequently, we show that different error-correcting codes should be chosen for two of the studied physical quantum technologies - ion traps and superconducting qubits. Second, we observe that the composition of the elementary gate types occurring in a typical logical circuit, a fault-tolerant circuit protected by the surface code, and a fault-tolerant circuit protected by a concatenated code all differ. This also suggests that choosing the most appropriate error correction technique depends on the ability of the future technology to perform specific gates efficiently
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