14 research outputs found

    Multiple Provenances: The Role of the Hinterland Sediment Composition on Predicting Reservoir Quality – an Example from the Western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia

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    Reservoir quality depends on sand composition, itself a function of hinterland processes: provenance, tectonic setting, sand evolution and transportation, climate, and the depositional environment. Knowing the percentage of mineral composition such as quartz, feldspar and lithics in the subsurface, one may be able to predict porosity and permeability of reservoir units as they undergoes diagenesis. Sediments in the modern dryland Umbum Creek, western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia reflects the nature of the source region. Six petrographic provenances were identified and established in the Umbum Creek drainage basin, according to the six principal geological units drained: (1) the Palaeoproterozoic-Peake and Denison inliers; (2) the Neoproterozoic; (3) the Palaeozoic Arckaringa basin; (4) the Mesozoic Eromanga basin; (5) the Tertiary Formations; and (6) the Quarternary Formations. Source to sink samples from the Umbum Creek catchment were used to assess the provenance through time as well as finger printed each grain to its provenance lithotype. Climate has a strong influence on the petrogenesis of the Umbum Creek drainage basin sand, but mixing with tributaries is the main process that modifies composition of the Umbum Creek sand. The modern sand is not only directly proportional to the hinterland bedrock lithology, but also cannibalizes all outcropping bedrock along the transport path. This leads to an ultimate sand composition that is not only the result of the hinterland processes but also of the entire drainage basin. Therefore, the whole drainage basin configuration needs to be considered when attempting to predict sediment composition in the subsurface.Saju Menacherry, Tobias H.D. Payenberg, and Simon. C Langhttp://www.searchanddiscovery.net/documents/2006/06142perth_abs/abstracts/menacherry.pd

    Dryland Sediments from Source to Sink – Lake Eyre Basin, Australia.

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    Most of the Australian continent lies within a dryland arid zone, dominated by the Lake Eyre basin (>1M km2), a low relief interior drainage system in the centre of Australia. The Lake Eyre basin contains numerous dryland rivers inset into wide alluvial plains that terminate in saline playa lakes. Lake Eyre is the largest of these, and lies in the basin centre. The lake is surrounded by relict Pleistocene aeolian dune fields overlying older fluvial-lacustrine sediments. The present-day main coarse clastic input is along the western side of Lake Eyre (Neales Fan), sourced mainly from recently uplifted basement rocks (Peake and Denison Inliers) and eroded cover successions (Eromanga Basin). The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictability of variation in grain size, sorting and composition from source to sink in a dryland setting. A relatively small, discrete catchment (100km²) on the fringe of the Neales Fan (Umbum Creek) was selected for detailed analysis. Recent sediments were sampled from strategically located stream confluences (90 samples) and then a quantitative textural and compositional dataset generated from 34 selected samples. Each sample includes a complete half-phi sieve analysis (4mm to 32 microns), and an associated detailed petrographic description recognizing 72 categories of grain composition of varying grain-size. Results show that the sediment provenance comprises uplifted metasedimentary and igneous rocks (Neo-Proterozoic), marine mudstone and sandstone (Mesozoic), and semi-consolidated fluvial and aeolian sands and silts (Tertiary-Quaternary). A mantle of Tertiary-Quaternary duricrust over bedrock lithologies (comprising mainly Fe-rich silcrete) forms remanent tablelands, mesas, and gibber plains and these provide a distinct contribution to the sediment flux. A key outcome is the recognition of apparent downstream coarsening of river sediments. This is partly due to the high influx of resistant silcrete fragments derived from erosion of the duricrust over the adjacent bedrock and low relief plains, probably via major flood events. At least five different styles of silcrete are recognized, and grain size and composition vary strongly with the local bedrock lithology. This has broad implications for controls on sediment supply type and the routing of local sediment sources from interfluves. During climatic wet-phases, higher rainfall and water infiltration assist the mobilization of coarse sediment available for downstream runoff. In contrast, during climatic dry-phases, aeolian processes are dominant, resulting in the removal of the very fine- to fine-grain size fraction. Apparent downstream coarsening is therefore the net effect of a cyclical pattern of wet (flooding) versus dry (aeolian) phases driven by climatic changes in the Late Quaternary, probably in response to shifts in the monsoonal belt. Reservoir implications include changes in the expectation of initial porosity and permeability along the river network, and in particular within the distal zone near the lake margin

    Inferred reservoir quality from modern fluvio-aeolian sediments: Umbum Creek, Western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia

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    Reservoir qualities of subsurface reservoir rocks are primarily controlled by their composition, texture and grain size. The ability to quantifiably predict such porosity and permeability is a significant factor in reservoir quality forward modeling. Sand composition, texture and grain size are functions of hinterland processes: provenance, tectonic setting, climate, sand evolution and transportation, and the depositional environment. Sands from the modern dryland Umbum Creek, western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia reflect the nature of the hinterland region and drainage basin. Evolution of sand composition throughout the river course is mainly related to the changes in the relative proportion of bedrock lithologies. Six petrographic provenances were identified and established in the Umbum Creek drainage basin: upstream Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic provenances supply lithic grains and metamorphic minerals to the stream's sand, whereas quartz is mainly sourced from reworked older sedimentary units further downstream. Initial rock compositions such as mineralogy, texture and grain size are the main influence on diagenetic processes such as cementation, quartz overgrowth, mechanical and chemical compaction, grain breakage and pressure solution. In the case of the Umbum Creek sands, the medium to coarse grain size, 88-92% of quartz, less than 2% of feldspar and less than 10% of lithic fragments, together with subrounded to rounded grains, moderately well sorting and very little in clay content, leads to a suitable candidate for good reservoir quality, if buried. A similar analysis of the hinterland of a petroleum basin could lead to a better assessment of reservoir quality prior to drilling.http://www.aapg.org/longbeach2007

    The role of conceptual geological models in more accurately estimating inplace hydrocarbon: An example from the Cooper Basin, South Australia

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    The generating and usage of conceptual geological models become an integral part of reservoir characterisation studies, because they represent geologist understanding of the reservoir. With understanding of uncertainty associated with the conceptual models, their usage could be expanded to accomplish critical task such as inplace hydrocarbon (IPH) estimation. This paper presents a recommended workflow for building a conceptual geological model for a fluvial system and discusses the different uncertainties associated with it. Afterward, Its uses this workflow to build a conceptual geological model for a gas reservoir in the Cooper Basin, South Australia and estimates the IPH through stochastic modeling method. Building a fully integrated conceptual geological model involves input data of different scales such as core data, well logs and analogues, and each input has its own uncertainty. The process of building a conceptual model is made up of different steps such as core description and depositional facies identifications. Uncertainty cannot be eliminated, but it can be reduced. It cannot be eliminated because the accurate description of the reservoir is not known and will not be known precisely, but using available data will help in narrowing down the possible choices. Inplace hydrocarbon estimates using stochastic modeling method was preformed for a gas reservoir in the Cooper Basin. There were two stochastic porosity models built using the same input data, but one model was based on a conceptual model and the other was not. The results showed that the use of conceptual models has given higher oil and gas estimates. This is due to the mechanism of the porosity simulation based on geological data. The porosity is simulated independently in each facies object in each reservoir interval. Another advantage of using the conceptual model is improvements in the continuity of porosity. Without the facies objects, porosity continuity will be dependent of semivariograms and values at wells. In the absence of any well data, the continuity will be estimated for the semivariogram parameters namely range and direction. Copyright 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers

    El merchandising visual y su influencia en el comportamiento del consumidor de una tienda retail de artículos de electrónica menor en el C.C. Real Plaza de la ciudad de Trujillo, en el año 2017

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    RESUMEN El presente estudio titulado “EL MERCHANDISING VISUAL Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL COMPORTAMIENTO DEL CONSUMIDOR DE UNA TIENDA RETAIL DE ARTÍCULOS DE ELECTRÓNICA MENOR EN EL C.C. REAL PLAZA DE LA CIUDAD DE TRUJILLO, EN EL AÑO 2017”, tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia del merchandising visual en el comportamiento del consumidor de una comercializadora de artículos de electrónica menor en la ciudad de Trujillo. Esta investigación muestra como el establecimiento influye en el consumidor, ya sea por la primera impresión con la arquitectura externa o a través de la presentación de los productos en el interior de la tienda. El problema de la investigación está referido a la siguiente interrogante: ¿Cuál es la influencia del merchandising visual en el comportamiento del consumidor de una comercializadora de artículos de electrónica menor en la ciudad de Trujillo, en el año 2017? y cuya hipótesis fue positiva reafirmando que “El merchandising visual influye de forma positiva en el comportamiento del consumidor de una comercializadora de artículos de electrónica menor, en la ciudad de Trujillo”. Destacando como variable dependiente: el comportamiento del consumidor y como variable independiente: el merchandising visual. El diseño de la investigación fue no experimental, descriptivo y transversal. La población objeto de estudio está conformada por personas: hombres y mujeres de 20 a 59 años de edad, de los NSE A, B y C, que adquieren productos de electrónica menor. Se estableció una muestra significativa de 182 personas. Se empleó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario. El Merchandising Visual en la empresa Coolbox es una herramienta clave que influye en el comportamiento del consumidor. Lo que se demuestra en los resultados de las ventas y en la rotación de los productos, que se reflejan en el tercer trimestre del 2017 en comparación al periodo anterior.ABSTRACT The present study entitled "VISUAL MERCHANDISING AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF A RETAIL STORE OF MINOR ELECTRONICS ITEMS IN C.C. REAL PLAZA OF THE CITY OF TRUJILLO, IN THE YEAR 2017 ", has as purpose to determine the influence of visual merchandising on consumer behavior of a retailer of minor electronics in the city of Trujillo. This research shows how the establishment influences the consumer, either by the first impression with the external architecture or through the presentation of the products inside the store. The research problem is related to the following question: What is the influence of visual merchandising on the consumer behavior of a minor electronics retailer in the city of Trujillo in 2017? And whose hypothesis was positive reaffirming that "Visual merchandising influences in a positive way the consumer behavior of a retailer of minor electronics articles in the city of Trujillo." Highlighting as dependent variable: consumer behavior and as independent variable: visual merchandising. The research design was non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional. The population under study is made up of people: men and women aged 20-59, from NSE A, B and C, who purchase smaller electronics products. A significant sample of 182 people was established. The technique of the survey was used and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. Visual Merchandising at Coolbox is a key tool that influences consumer behavior. This is demonstrated by the results of sales and the turnover of products, which are reflected in the third quarter of 2017 compared to the previous period

    Source to Sink Sedimentation in a Dryland Fluvial System, Western Lake Eyre Basin, Central Australia

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    Subsurface porosity and permeability of reservoir sandstones is strongly and systematically related to texture and composition of the initial sediment. Initial sediments texture and composition, in turn, are controlled by the provenance lithotype and transport distance within the sedimentary basin. Therefore the study of a modern system from source to sink in any climatic condition can be used to predict subsurface compositions and textures of reservoir sandstones. Umbum Creek in Central Australia is a modern dryland river flows eastward from the Davenport Ranges (Palaeo-Neo Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks) and drains Mesozoic and Cainozoic sedimentary rocks on its way to the depositional edge on the western side of Lake Eyre. Sediments were sampled from strategically located stream confluences and categorized through petrography and sieve analysis to capture the input of the various provenance lithotypes. Results show that over the 100 km transport distance, the observed grain-size as coarse grained and the sorting is moderate to well. The composition is high in quartz compare to lithics and feldspar, thus making the sediment a good candidate for reservoir quality sand in the subsurface. The modern sand is not only directly proportional to the hinterland bedrock lithology, but also cannibalizes all outcropping bedrock along the transport path. This practically means that no bypass area exists in the system, but that the complete catchment constitutes a source for the sediments, while the sink area is relatively small. This relationship needs to be considered on predicting subsurface sandstone compositions based on a hinterland study.Saju Menacherry, Simon C. Lang, Tobias H. D. Payenberg, and William Heinshttp://www.aapg.org/houston