18 research outputs found
Bewertung von Software-Systemen der Luft- und Raumfahrt auf der Basis computergeschuetzter Qaulittsanalysen.
Die hohe Komplexitt und enorme Gre von Softwaresystemen der Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie die strikten Anforderungen an deren Sicherheit, Zuverlssigkeit, Verfgbarkeit und Wartbarkeit erfordern die Anwendung moderner Methoden, Verfahren und Werkzeuge zur Softwarequalittssicherung. Im Rahmen dieser Verffentlichung wird ein Ansatz zur effizienten Verifikation dieser Anforderungen mittels moderner computergesttzter Methoden und Verfahren prsentiert. Die Anwendung dieser Methoden, Verfahren und der in diesem Zusammenhang erforderlichen Werkzeuge sowie die Integration dieser Aktivitten in die im Rahmen von Projekten stattfindende Softwarequalittssicherung werden eingehend beschrieben. Abschlieend werden die Effektivitt sowie die Kosteneffizienz dieses Ansatzes an Hand der organisatorischen Integration dieser Aktivitten in den Projektlebenszyklus erlutet
Evaluation of Space Software Systems Based on Computer Generated Quality Analysis.
(19) Zusammenfassung The high complexity and enormous size of software systems developed in space projects and the the strict and prententious quality requirements regarding readability, maintainability, availability and saftety imposed on them makes it necessary the utilization of modern software quality assurance methodologies. In this paper an approach to supporting the efficient verification of these requirements is presented. The utilizatuin of these modern methodologies supported by computer based tools will be detailed. Additionally, the integration of the software quality analysis activities in the overall project framework willbe described. It is finally argued that the approach is a cost effective one as the weak parts of the software are automatically identified and the analysis produces different levels of information on the software quality that are delivered to the different project team members
Nanostructured networks for energy storage: Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT) as current collectors for high-power Li4Ti5O12(LTO)//LiMn2O4(LMO) lithium-ion batteries
As a concept for electrode architecture in high power lithium ion batteries, self-supported nanoarrays enable ultra-high power densities as a result of their open pore geometry, which results in short and direct Li+-ion and electron pathways. Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT) on metallic current collectors with low interface resistance are used as current collectors for the chemical solution infiltration of electroactive oxides to produce vertically aligned carbon nanotubes decorated with in situ grown LiMn2O4 (LMO) and Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) nanoparticles. The production processes steps (catalyst coating, VACNT chemical vapor deposition (CVD), infiltration, and thermal transformation) are all scalable, continuous, and suitable for niche market production to achieve high oxide loadings up to 70 wt %. Due to their unique transport structure, as-prepared nanoarrays achieve remarkably high power densities up to 2.58 kW kg\u1000001, which is based on the total electrode mass at 80 C for LiMn2O4//Li4Ti5O12 full cells. The tailoring of LTO and LMO nanoparticle size (~20–100 nm) and VACNT length (array height: 60–200 m) gives insights into the rate-limiting steps at high current for these kinds of nanoarray electrodes at very high C-rates of up to 200 C. The results reveal the critical structural parameters for achieving high power densities in VACNT nanoarray full cells