9 research outputs found

    Regular yoga exercises and quality of life in women with low back pain - a pilot study

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    Back pain symptoms are one of prevailing disfunctions that determine lowering quality of life and functioning in work environment becoming not only a health problem, but also a social problem in developed countries. In available literature yoga exercises are more and more indicated as a method of leveling low back pain. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the effectiveness of 8-week yoga exercises on quality of life and back pain symptoms by it’s location and intensity in women with normal and excessive body weight. Twenty seven women completed both surveys (preliminary and evaluation), and systematically took part in yoga exercises for 8 weeks. The duration of a single yoga class was 45-60 minutes long. Yoga exercise program required attending to a conducted yoga classes (ashtanga yoga, yin yoga, hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga and yoga for hips and spine), at least twice a week for two months. After 8 weeks 92,59% of participants of program declared noticeable reduce in back pain intensity related to yoga exercises (including 22,22% of complete pain relief). Pain in the lumbar region of the spine was still dominating after 8 weeks (55,56%). It was observed that the majority of the SF-36 health domains scores increased values after 8-week yoga program, what could be related to the reduce of back pain intensity. After 8-week yoga program decrease in mean values of body mass were observed, however these changes were not statistically significant. Two-month yoga intervention may be recommended as a complementary physiotherapeutic method in low back pain treatment as well as to improve the quality of life for women. The relationship between yoga and prevention of obesity requires further research on larger group and the impact of obesity phenotypes is needed to be investigated

    Stress and self-image in multiple sclerosis patients and selected positive aspects of struggling with the disease

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    Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is a chronic disease, with an unpredictable course, involving a heterogeneous clinical picture, and is commonly considered life-changing for both the patient and their family. The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and the reality of living with the condition come as powerful stress to the affected individual, often rapidly altering their previous self-image and self-esteem. The lowered self-esteem contributes to the patient’s suffering, impedes their daily functioning, and affects their ability to perform their social roles. It is not only the diagnosis as such that weighs the patient down, but the increasing toll the disease takes on all areas of life with time. There is a reciprocal correlation between stress and multiple sclerosis flare-ups, with stress being a well-recognised trigger of multiple sclerosis relapses, and relapses, in turn, being extremely stressful to the patient. Any psychological therapy for multiple sclerosis patients must account for the central role of their way of perceiving reality and interpreting stress factors. The patient’s ability to look for and acknowledge good things, positive aspects and favourable circumstances in life may become their shield against the condition’s impact, relieving the negative effects of chronic stress. In the case of multiple sclerosis patients, the increasingly popular positive psychology calls for focus to be placed on exploring the existing assets and resources of one’s situation rather than the deficits in self-image and one’s reality. Studies examining such variables as the willingness for personal growth, or the patient’s levels of optimism, gratitude, sense of meaning, positive orientation, spirituality and satisfaction facilitate the construction of therapies aimed at identifying the positive aspects of life, helping to shift the person’s perspective on the unpleasant experiences associated with their condition.Stwardnienie rozsiane jest zapalno-demielinizacyjną chorobą ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. To choroba przewlekła, nieprzewidywalna, wielopostaciowa, o różnorodnym obrazie objawów i przebiegu, zmieniająca życie pacjenta, jego rodziny i bliskich. Diagnoza stwardnienia rozsianego oraz następstwa choroby wiążą się z tak silnym stresem, że powodują gwałtowne i niezgodne z dotychczasowym rozwojem zmiany w obrazie siebie. Skutkować to może zaniżeniem samooceny i spadkiem poczucia własnej wartości, co z kolei wpływa zarówno na cierpienie chorego, jak i na jego codzienne funkcjonowanie czy odgrywanie ról społecznych. Źródłem stresu jest nie tylko ustalone rozpoznanie, ale przede wszystkim jego następstwa, które z czasem coraz bardziej uwidaczniają się we wszystkich sferach życia. Należy również mieć na względzie dwukierunkową zależność między stresem a zaostrzeniem choroby, czyli wystąpieniem rzutu: stresory sprzyjają rzutom, rzuty zaś wywołują stres. W szeroko pojętej pracy terapeutycznej z osobami chorymi na stwardnienie rozsiane kluczowe znaczenie wydają się mieć sposób postrzegania rzeczywistości oraz interpretacja czynników stresogennych. Odnajdywanie przez chorego pomyślnych zdarzeń, sprzyjających okoliczności i pozytywnych aspektów codziennego życia z chorobą staje się swoistym buforem i łagodzi negatywne skutki trwałego stresu. Coraz popularniejsza obecnie psychologia pozytywna każe nie tylko skupić się na deficytach w postrzeganiu siebie i rzeczywistości występujących u osób chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane, lecz także eksplorować ich zasoby. Badania nad takimi zmiennymi, jak gotowość do uzyskania wzrostu osobistego czy poziom optymizmu, wdzięczności, poczucia sensu, orientacji pozytywnej, duchowości i satysfakcji, pozwalają konstruować oddziaływania terapeutyczne ukierunkowane na dostrzeganie pozytywnych aspektów życia, co może pomóc w przewartościowywaniu przykrych doświadczeń związanych z chorobą


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    Background and Objective The aim of the study was to assess postural stability in patients with varying degrees of equalisation of limb shortness in the lower leg after treatment with the Ilizarov method compared to a control group, which consisted of people with lower extremities of equal lengths. Material and Methods The study included 58 men treated with the Ilizarov method due to lower-limb length (LL) inequality in the lower leg and 61 healthy men who served as the control group. Patients with LL inequality were divided into two groups with varying degrees of limb equalisation. The measurement was made using the Biodex Balance System, which enables examination of the patient's ability to control balance and to assess the patient's lower-limb support function by determining their ability to control bilateral, dynamic postural stability on an unstable surface. Results: The study showed that not all patients treated with the Ilizarov method obtained results matching those in the control group. The largest limb-loading asymmetries were recorded in patients with a limb shortness of greater than 1 cm. People with LL asymmetry up to 1 cm obtained better results in terms of all measured parameters compared to patients whose LL discrepancy after treatment was more than 1 cm. The results of the balance parameter on an unstable surface differed between the patients subjected to treatment with the Ilizarov method and the group of healthy individuals. Conclusions People with lower limb-length asymmetry up to 1 cm obtained better results on all measured parameters compared to those with a limb-length discrepancy exceeding 1 cm. The results of the balance control parameter obtained on an unstable surface differed between groups of patients following treatment with the Ilizarov method and healthy individuals. People with limb-length asymmetry up to 1 cm following the treatment placed their weight in the lower extremities in a similar way as healthy individuals did

    The locomotor system's ailments of professionally active nurses : original research results

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    Praca pielęgniarek wiąże się z narażeniem na szkodliwe czynniki chemiczne, biologiczne i przeciążenia układu ruchu, co negatywnie wpływa na ich zdrowie. Większość z nich cierpi z powodu bólu kręgosłupa, a także wskazuje związek między wykonywaną pracą a zdrowiem fizycznym oraz psychicznym. Dolegliwości bólowe nasilają się głównie przy utrzymywaniu długotrwałych, wymuszonych pozycji ciała oraz przy dźwiganiu ciężkich rzeczy. Niedostateczna ilość sprzętu pomocniczego i jego nieodpowiedni stan techniczny, a także problemy natury ergonomicznej to dodatkowe elementy zwiększające ryzyko wystąpienia dolegliwości u pielęgniarek.The work of nurses is associated with exposure to harmful chemical and biological factors, as well as overload of the motor system, which negatively affects their health. Most nurses sufler from back pain and indicate the link between work and physical and mental health. Pain complaints increased mainly while maintaining long-lasting, forced body positions and when carrying heavy things. We should also pay attention to the insufficient amount of auxiliary equipment in the care of the patient or if existing its poor technical condition

    Stres i obraz siebie wśród osób chorujących na stwardnienie rozsiane oraz wybrane pozytywne aspekty zmagania się z chorobą

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    Stwardnienie rozsiane jest zapalno-demielinizacyjną chorobą ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. To choroba przewlekła, nieprzewidywalna, wielopostaciowa, o różnorodnym obrazie objawów i przebiegu, zmieniająca życie pacjenta, jego rodziny i bliskich. Diagnoza stwardnienia rozsianego oraz następstwa choroby wiążą się z tak silnym stresem, że powodują gwałtowne i niezgodne z dotychczasowym rozwojem zmiany w obrazie siebie. Skutkować to może zaniżeniem samooceny i spadkiem poczucia własnej wartości, co z kolei wpływa zarówno na cierpienie chorego, jak i na jego codzienne funkcjonowanie czy odgrywanie ról społecznych. Źródłem stresu jest nie tylko ustalone rozpoznanie, ale przede wszystkim jego następstwa, które z czasem coraz bardziej uwidaczniają się we wszystkich sferach życia. Należy również mieć na względzie dwukierunkową zależność między stresem a zaostrzeniem choroby, czyli wystąpieniem rzutu: stresory sprzyjają rzutom, rzuty zaś wywołują stres. W szeroko pojętej pracy terapeutycznej z osobami chorymi na stwardnienie rozsiane kluczowe znaczenie wydają się mieć sposób postrzegania rzeczywistości oraz interpretacja czynników stresogennych. Odnajdywanie przez chorego pomyślnych zdarzeń, sprzyjających okoliczności i pozytywnych aspektów codziennego życia z chorobą staje się swoistym buforem i łagodzi negatywne skutki trwałego stresu. Coraz popularniejsza obecnie psychologia pozytywna każe nie tylko skupić się na deficytach w postrzeganiu siebie i rzeczywistości występujących u osób chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane, lecz także eksplorować ich zasoby. Badania nad takimi zmiennymi, jak gotowość do uzyskania wzrostu osobistego czy poziom optymizmu, wdzięczności, poczucia sensu, orientacji pozytywnej, duchowości i satysfakcji, pozwalają konstruować oddziaływania terapeutyczne ukierunkowane na dostrzeganie pozytywnych aspektów życia, co może pomóc w przewartościowywaniu przykrych doświadczeń związanych z chorobą

    Gait Symmetry Analysis in Patients after Treatment of Pilon Fractures by the Ilizarov Method

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    The aim of this study was to comprehensively assess the gait parameters in patients who had undergone treatment of pilon fractures by the Ilizarov method. We analyzed gait parameters in patients who had undergone treatment for pilon fractures by the Ilizarov method; 20 patients aged 47.0 years (25.2–78.6) were included in the study. The control group consisted of 32 healthy volunteers. Gait examination was performed using the pedobarographic platform. Statistically significant differences in the following gait parameters: maximum forefoot force (%), step length (cm), and step time (s) were found between the study group and the control group, between the nonoperated leg, and both the operated leg and the dominant limb. Statistically significant differences in the study group between the treated lower limb and the healthy lower limb were only observed in the case of the maximum forefoot force parameter (%). Healthy subjects from the control group obtained significantly higher values during locomotion for stride time, cadence step, and velocity than the patients, with stride time being statistically significantly shorter and the velocity and the cadence step higher. We observed symmetry in the gait parameters after treating pilon fractures by the Ilizarov method. This method of stabilization allows the restoration of gait parameters, with results similar to those obtained after the treatment of other motor organ pathologies described in the literature, although different from those observed in healthy subjects. In particular, the biomechanics of the lower limbs remain disturbed

    Body Balance after Fascial Therapy in Athletes with Soft Lower Limb Muscle Injuries

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    Background: Most injuries in competitive sports are due to overstrain and excessive muscular and fascial tension. This study aimed to assess the effects of a single session of fascial therapy on balance and lower limb weight-bearing in professional athletes following a lower limb soft-tissue injury. Methods: A pedobarographic platform was used to assess the weight-bearing on both lower limbs and corporal balance. A total of 41 athletes with an acute soft-tissue injury involving the quadriceps femoris muscle were included in the study. Each patient underwent myofascial therapy in the injured limb only. The therapy was intended to release tension and improve proprioception. Results: The injured and healthy limbs showed significant asymmetry in body weight distribution. Before treatment, the patients bore less weight on the injured limb than on the healthy limb. After fascial therapy, eyes-closed tests showed an improved weight distribution symmetry between the two lower limbs. There were no significant differences in the values of the evaluated balance parameters between those measured at baseline and those measured after the therapy, measured after the rehabilitation session. Conclusions: A single fascial therapy session has a beneficial effect on corporal balance in runners with an injured lower limb

    Kinematic Parameters Following Pilon Fracture Treatment with the Ilizarov Method

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    Background: The purpose of our study was to analyze kinematic parameters following pilon fracture treatment with the Ilizarov method. Methods: Our study assessed kinematic parameters of gait in 23 patients with pilon fractures treated with the Ilizarov method. Patients had completed their treatment 24–48 months prior to measurements. The range-of-motion values in the non-operated limb (NOL) and operated limb (OL) were compared. Kinematic parameters were measured using the Noraxon MyoMOTION System. Results: We observed no significant differences in hip flexion, hip abduction, or knee flection between the OLs and NOLs in patients after treatment with the Ilizarov method. We observed significant differences in the ranges of ankle dorsiflexion, inversion, and abduction (p p p < 0.003, respectively) between the OLs and the NOLs. Conclusion: Following pilon fracture treatment with the Ilizarov method, we observed no differences in terms of knee or hip joint mobility between the OL and the NOL, whereas the range of motion in the ankle joint of the OL was significantly limited. The treatment of pilon fractures with the Ilizarov method does not ensure the complete normalization of ankle joint kinematic parameters. Therefore, intense personalized rehabilitation of the ankle joint is recommended

    Assessment of Gait after Treatment of Tibial Nonunion with the Ilizarov Method

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    Background: Tibial nonunion is a common bone union disorder leading to abnormal gait, and thus reducing quality of life in the social dimension. Research question: The aim of our work was to comprehensively assess gait parameters of patients who had undergone Ilizarov treatment for tibial nonunion compared to a control group of healthy individuals. Methods: This study evaluated patients treated for aseptic tibial nonunion with the Ilizarov method. 24 patients with a mean age of 55.0 years were included in the study. The control group consisted of 32 healthy volunteers with no significant medical history who were selected to match the gender and age of patients in the study group so that the groups were homogeneous. A Zebris Medical GmbH pedobarographic platform was used to assess the gait parameters. Results: For all gait parameters examined, force forefoot max, force backfoot max, step length, stance phase, swing phase and step time, we observed statistically significant differences between the group that had undergone treatment and the control group. In the group of patients, statistically significant differences between the operated lower limb and the non-operated limb were only observed for the force forefoot max and step time parameters (p = 0.029 and p = 0.045, respectively). Patients presented a longer loading of the operated limb (0.720 s) than the non-operated limb (0.635 s). For the stride time, step cadence and gait velocity parameters, healthy subjects achieved much better results during locomotion, and these differences were statistically significant at p &lt; 0.001. Significance: Treatment of tibial nonunion with the Ilizarov method did not restore normal gait parameters in our group of patients. In fact, the gait parameters of patients were significantly worse than the healthy individuals in the control group. Furthermore, gait parameters following treatment were not symmetrical, and the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system remained impaired