28 research outputs found

    Mobility impairment is associated with reduced microstructural integrity of the inferior and superior cerebellar peduncles in elderly with no clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction☆

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    While the cerebellum plays a critical role in motor coordination and control no studies have investigated its involvement in idiopathic mobility impairment in community-dwelling elderly. In this study we tested the hypothesis that structural changes in the cerebellar peduncles not detected by conventional magnetic resonance imaging are associated with reduced mobility performance. The analysis involved eighty-five subjects (age range: 75–90 years) who had no clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction. Based on the short physical performance battery (SPPB) score, we defined mobility status of the subjects in the study as normal (score 11–12, n = 26), intermediate (score 9–10, n = 27) or impaired (score < 9, n = 32). We acquired diffusion tensor imaging data to obtain indices of white matter integrity: fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD). Using a parcellation atlas, regional indices within the superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles (ICP, MCP, SCP) were calculated and their associations with mobility performance were analyzed. Subjects with impaired mobility showed reduced FA and AD values in the ICP and SCP but not in the MCP. The ICP-FA, ICP-AD and SCP-FA indices showed a significant association with the SPPB score. We also observed significant correlation between ICP-FA and walk time (r = − 0.311, p = 0.004), as well as between SCP-AD and self-paced maximum walking velocity (r = 0.385, p = 0.003) and usual walking velocity (r = 0.400, p = 0.002). In logistic regression analysis ICP-FA and ICP-AD together explained 51% of the variability in the mobility status of a sample comprising the normal and impaired subgroups, and correctly classified more than three-quarters of those subjects. Our findings suggest that presence of microstructural damage, likely axonal, in afferent and efferent connections of the cerebellum contributes to the deterioration of motor performance in older people

    Parametric design and correlational analyses help integrating fMRI and electrophysiological data during face processing

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    Face perception is typically associated with activation in the inferior occipital, superior temporal (STG), and fusiform gyri (FG) and with an occipitotemporal electrophysiological component peaking around 170 ms on the scalp, the N170. However, the relationship between the N170 and the multiple face-sensitive activations observed in neuroimaging is unclear. It has been recently shown that the amplitude of the N170 component monotonically decreases as gaussian noise is added to a picture of a face [Jemel et al., 2003]. To help clarify the sources of the N170 without a priori assumptions regarding their number and locations, ERPs and fMRI were recorded in five subjects in the same experiment, in separate sessions. We used a parametric paradigm in which the amplitude of the N170 was modulated by varying the level of noise in a picture, and identified regions where the percent signal change in fMRI correlated with the ERP data. N170 signals were observed for pictures of both cars and faces but were stronger for faces. A monotonic decrease with added noise was observed for the N170 at right hemisphere sites but was less clear on the left and occipital central sites. Correlations between fMRI signal and N170 amplitudes for faces were highly significant (P < 0.001) in bilateral fusiform gyrus and superior temporal gyrus. For cars, the strongest correlations were observed in the parahippocampal region and in the STG (P < 0.005). Besides contributing to clarify the spatiotemporal course of face processing, this study illustrates how ERP information may be used synergistically in fMRI analyses. Parametric designs may be developed further to provide some timing information on fMRI activity and help identify the generators of ERP signals

    Levels of categorization in visual recognition studied with functional MRI

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    to conceptual categories, and our results also establish the importance of manipulating task requirements when evaluating a `neural module&apos; hypothesis. Addresses: *Psychology, Yale University, PO Box 208205, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8205, USA. + Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, PO Box 208042, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8042, USA. # Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, Box 1978, Providence, RI 02912, USA. Correspondence: Isabel Gauthier E-mail: [email protected] Current Biology 1997, 7: 645-651. Background The neural processes that underlie recognition of a face, rather than another object, could be special in at least two ways: they may require unique perceptual processing and/or engage a specific region of the brain [1-2]. Several behavioral studies suggest, however, that a common mechanism is used to process faces and non-face objects when experimental condition

    Does Visual Subordinate-Level Categorization Engage The Functionally-Defined Fusiform Face Area?

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to compare brain activation associated with basic-level #e.g., BIRD# and subordinate-level #e.g., EAGLE# processing for both visual and semantic judgments. We localized the putative face area for eleven subjects, who also performed visual matching judgments for pictures and aurally-presented words. The middle fusiform and occipital gyri were recruited for subordinate minus basic visual judgments, re#ecting additional perceptual processing. When the face area was localized individually for each subject, analyses in the middle fusiform gyri revealed that subordinate-level processing activated the individual&apos;s face area. We propose that what is unique about the way faces engage this region is the focal spatial distribution of the activation rather than the recruitment of the face area per se. Eight subjects also performed semantic judgments on aurally-presented basic- and subordinate-level words. The parahippocampal gyri were more activated f..

    Does visual subordinate-level categorisation engage the functionally defined fusiform face area?

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to compare brain activation associated with basic-level (e.g. bird) and subordinate-level (e.g. eagle) processing for both visual and semantic judgements. We localised the putative face area for 11 subjects, who also performed visual matching judgements for pictures and aurally presented words. The middle fusiform and occipital gyri were recruited for subordinate minus basic visual judgements, reflecting additional perceptual processing. When the face area was localised individually for each subject, analyses in the middle fusiform gyri revealed that subordinate-level processing activated the individuals face area. We propose that what is unique about the way faces engage this region is the focal spatial distribution of the activation rather than the recruitment of the face per se. Eight subjects also performed semantic judgements on aurally presented basic- and subordinate-level words. The parahippocampal gyri were more activated for subordinate-level than basic-level semantic judgements. Finally, the left posterior inferior temporal gyrus was activated for subordinate-level judgements, both visual and semantic, as well as during passive viewing of faces.</p