14 research outputs found
Two New Reference Materials Based on Tobacco Leaves: Certification for over a Dozen of Toxic and Essential Elements
The preparation, certification, and characterization of two new biological certified reference materials for inorganic trace analysis have been presented. They are based on two different varieties of tobacco leaves, namely, Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves (INCT-OBTL-5), grown in Greece, and Polish Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6), grown in Poland. Certification of the materials was based on the statistical evaluation of results obtained in a worldwide interlaboratory comparison, in which 87 laboratories from 18 countries participated, providing 2568 laboratory averages on nearly 80 elements. It was possible to establish the certified values of concentration for many elements in the new materials, that is, 37 in INCT-OBTL-5 and 36 in INCT-PVTL-6, including several toxic ones like As, Cd, Hg, Pb, and so forth. The share and the role of instrumental analytical techniques used in the process of certification of the new CRMs are discussed
Origin and production of silver in early medieval Poland
Modern archaeology makes use of analytical methods in order to answer questions about deposit and technological provenience of artefacts. This paper discusses selected and the most interesting, results obtained during the completion of a research project which focuses on silver from the 10th and 11th centuries in Poland. In total, 200 silver artefacts known from Polish hoards (found in Kalisz-Dobrzec, Nowa Obra, Wolsztyn District, Zalesie, Olsztyn District, Słuszków and Jastrzębniki, Kalisz District, Kalisz-Rajsków and Stojkowo, Kołobrzeg District and Naruszewo, Płońsk District) were studied. A micro-invasion LA-ICP-MS (Laser Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) was used for determinining lead isotope ratios in silver. The data obtained were evaluated using statistical methods which allowed reliable isotopic ratios in inhomogeneous alloy to be obtained. In order to study the provenance of silver, the obtained lead isotope ratios in the artefacts were compared with those of silver deposits. The use of SEM-EDX allowed the tracing of morphological changes and the measurement of quantitative elemental composition of coins, raw silver and jewellery according to technological traits
Possibilities to increase the efficiency of the supply chain of packaged food ration in tactical actions
W artykule podjęto próbę poprawy możliwości łańcucha dostaw paczkowanych racji żywnościowych w działaniach taktycznych. Dokonano tego poprzez zidentyfikowanie obszaru procesu organizacji żywienia żołnierzy na szczeblu batalionu w czasie działań taktycznych, którego zwiększenie efektywności jest możliwe, scharakteryzowanie możliwości transportowych paczkowanych racji żywnościowych w działaniach taktycznych oraz analizę i ocenę możliwości zwiększenia efektywności łańcucha dostaw polowych paczkowanych racji żywnościowych w działaniach taktycznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych rozważań zaprezentowano wnioski końcowe, które pozwolą zwiększyć efektywność łańcucha dostaw paczkowanych racji żywnościowych w działaniach taktycznych.The article attempts to improve the supply chain of prepackaged food rations in tactical operations. This was done by identifying the area of the process of organizing soldiers nutrition at the battalion level during tactical operations, the efficiency of which is possible, characterizing the transport possibilities of food parcels in tactical operations, and analyzing and assessing the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the field supply chain of food rations in tactical activities. As a result of the considerations presented, final conclusions were presented, which will allow to increase the efficiency of the supply chain of food parcels in tactical operations
Critical comparison of INAA and ICP-MS applied in the characterization of purity of TRISO fuel and substrates to its production
The application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), both in solution and laser ablation (LA) mode, and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in the nuclear material analysis are presented in this paper. The possibility of each technique for the chemical characterization of substances used during TRISO fuel production and its advantages and limitations are discussed based on the obtained results of the analysis of real materials used in TRISO fuel production in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. The paper also reports the application of INAA and LA-ICP-MS to the verifi cation of the purity of the protective layers of pyrolytic carbon (PyC) and silicon carbide
Safety and possibilities of the transfers of polish military seasons on large distances
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza bezpieczeństwa oraz identyfikacji możliwości transportowych Sił Zbrojnych RP w procesie przemieszczania komponentów wydzielonych do realizacji zadań w ramach Polskich Kontyngentów Wojskowych, a także jakości wykonywania usług transportowych przez podmioty zewnętrzne. W wyniku przeprowadzonych rozważań stwierdzono, że statki powietrzne znajdujące się na wyposażeniu SZ RP nie są w stanie w pełni zabezpieczyć potrzeb przemieszczających się poza granice kraju wojsk, lecz poprzez udział w międzynarodowych programach transportowych można zwiększyć możliwości transportowe przemieszczających się wojsk przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu dobrej jakości wykonywanych usług. Bezpieczeństwo przerzutu polskich kontyngentów wojskowych na duże odległości może być zachowane, pod warunkiem zachowania odpowiednich procedur oraz reżimów czasowych.The purpose of this article is to analyze the safety and identification of transport capabilities of the Polish Armed Forces in the process of moving components separated to carry out tasks under the Polish Military Contingents, as well as the quality of transport services performed by external entities. As a result of the considerations, it was found that aircraft equipped with the Polish Armed Forces are not able to fully protect the needs of troops moving across borders, but through participation in international transport programs, the transport capabilities of moving troops can be increased while maintaining good quality of carried out services. The security of the transfer of Polish military contingents over long distances can be maintained, provided that appropriate procedures and time regimes are maintained
The Oslo Meteorite Research for Cosmogenic Radionuclides and The Interpretation of The Results
Nondestructive high-resolution gamma spectrometry techniques were used to measure cosmogenic radionuclides in 32.5g fragment of Oslo meteorite which the fall was not observed. Five radioisotopes with half-lives ranging from 278.1 days to 7.17´105 years have been detected. The signals observed for 26Al, 22Na, 54Mn, 57Co and 60Co were interpreted in terms of the meteoroid depth profiles and terrestrial age after the fall. The pre-atmospheric radius of the chondrite was estimated to be >100 cm. Concentrations of short-lived nuclides limits the fall date before December 2011
Surface prospection of soil samples composition of elements originate from “Meteoryt Morasko” reserve
The research was focused on strewnfield in “Meteorite Morasko” reserve. The main goal of the project was to find correlation between chemical composition of soil and concentration of cosmogenic material which was discovered in the region. After field prospection the sampling was made for three reference regions in the reserve. ICP-MS method was used to determine the elemental composition of soil samples. Investigation has been carried out to indicate the chemical components which iron meteorite matrix is built of like Fe, Ni and Co. Results of the study gave information about distribution and correlation of chemical components in the reserve
Development of Analytical Procedures for Chemical Characterization of Substrates for the Production of TRISO Coated Particles as Nuclear Fuel in High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
High temperature gas-cooled reactors have recently gained importance as a source of electricity and process heat. Nuclear fuel used in these reactors consists of TRISO (TRiple coated ISOtropic) coated particles, where spherical grains of UO2 or UC2 or UCO kernel are covered with four successive layers consisting of pyrolytic carbon and silicon carbide. Of great importance is the chemical purity of reagents and substances used for the production of TRISO coated fuel particles. Analytical techniques ensuring the determination of elements at trace levels are inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and neutron activation analysis (NAA). They were applied in this work for the chemical characterization of substrates used for TRISO fuel production. Two analytical procedures were developed: the first, where materials are analyzed using ICP-MS, and the second with the aid of NAA. Successive stages of these procedures are described with details. Results of quantitative chemical analysis of examined substances are reported as well as detection limits for the investigated elements. Moreover, the expanded uncertainties estimated for the determined elements while employing the devised analytical procedures are presented
Koncepcja modelu łańcucha dostaw ładunków agro z wykorzystaniem żeglugi śródlądowej w aspekcie zapewnienia niezawodności systemu transportowego
Making transport sentences requires taking into account many external and internal factors dependent on changes taking place on the shipping market. The place, time and type of transported cargo, etc., have an impact on the complexity of the transport system structure, which is why it is important to explore the possibilities and create transport optimization models throughout the entire cargo supply chain and analyze issues related to their organization, which affects the safety and reliability of this type of systems. The aim of the article is to present and analyze the concept of the agro cargo supply chain model using inland navigation, in the relations between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany on the example of the Capital Group OT Logistics S.A. (OTL SA Capital Group). Taking into account the complexity and structure of transport tasks, it is important to look for optimal solutions in the field of transport. Each supply chain model includes only certain selected factors that have a limited impact on the volatility of the transport. It is not possible to build a model that would fully recreate the behavior of the object, with all possible external influences. The article considers the optimization model of inland wheat transport to final consumers, which predicts a constant demand for cereal loads in certain time segments. This model does not provide any rapid domestic fluctuations in demand for wheat at certain time intervals.Wykonywanie zdań przewozowych wymaga uwzględnienia wielu czynników zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych zależnych od zmian zachodzących na rynku żeglugowym. Miejsce, czas i rodzaj transportowanego ładunku itp. mają wpływ na złożoność struktury systemów transportowych, przez co istotne jest badanie możliwości i tworzenie modeli optymalizacji przewozów w całym łańcuchu dostaw ładunków oraz analiza zagadnień związanych z ich organizacją, co wpływa na bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność tego typu systemów. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i analiza koncepcji modelu łańcucha dostaw ładunków agro, z wykorzystaniem żeglugi śródlądowej, w relacjach Polska – Niemcy na przykładzie Grupy Kapitałowej OT Logistics S.A. (GK OTL SA). Biorąc pod uwagę złożoność i strukturę zadań przewozowych istotne jest poszukiwanie optymalnych rozwiązań w zakresie funkcjonowania transportu z uwzględnieniem aspektów bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności. Każdy model łańcucha dostaw uwzględnia tylko pewne wybrane czynniki, które mają ograniczony wpływ na zmienność przewozu. Nie jest możliwe zbudowanie modelu, który w pełni odtworzyłby zachowanie obiektu, przy wszelkich możliwych oddziaływaniach zewnętrznych. W artykule rozpatrzono model optymalizacji śródlądowych przewozów pszenicy do odbiorców końcowych, który przewiduje stały popyt na ładunki zbożowe w określonych odcinkach Model ten nie przewiduje gwałtownych wewnątrzkrajowych wahań popytu na pszenicę w określonych odcinkach czasowych
Studies on uranium recovery from a U-bearing Radoniów Dump
This work reports the possibility of uranium recovery from a post-mining uranium ore dump in Poland by a bioleaching method. The studies were conducted on the dump leaching model with the mass of 570 kg of uranium bearing mineral material from Radoniów pile and in the periodic bioreactor with a work volume of 80 dm3 and with mechanical mixing and aeration of the charge. The uranium concentration in the examined material was about 800 ppm. In this process, the consortium of microorganisms isolated from former mines was used. It was composed of the following microorganisms: Bacillius, Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas, Thiobacillus, Halothiobacillus, Thiomonas, and Geothrix. The effi ciency of the uranium bioleaching process was 98% in the reactor, and a yield of 70% was obtained in the dump leaching model. The post-leaching solution contained signifi cant amounts of uranium ions that were separated in two stages: (1) by ion chromatography and then (2) by a two-step precipitation method. The resulting solution was a source of ammonium diuranate, the precursor of yellowcake (uranium oxides)