32 research outputs found

    How Much Exposure From 5G Towers Is Radiated Over Children, Teenagers, Schools and Hospitals?

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    The rolling-out of 5G antennas over the territory is a fundamental step to provide 5G connectivity. However, little efforts have been done so far on the exposure assessment from 5G cellular towers over young people and 'sensitive' buildings, like schools and medical centers. To face such issues, we provide a sound methodology for the numerical evaluation of 5G (and pre-5G) downlink exposure over children, teenagers, schools and medical centers. We then apply the proposed methodology over two real scenarios. Results reveal that the exposure from 5G cellular towers will increase in the forthcoming years, in parallel with the growth of the 5G adoption levels. However, the exposure levels are well below the maximum ones defined by international regulations. Moreover, the exposure over children and teenagers is similar to the one of the whole population, while the exposure over schools and medical centers can be lower than the one of the whole set of buildings. Finally, the exposure from 5G is strongly lower than the pre-5G one when the building attenuation is introduced and a maturity adoption level for 5G is assumed

    Massive measurements of 5G exposure in a town: methodology and results

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    We target the problem of performing a large set of measurements over the territory to characterize the exposure from a 5G deployment. Since using a single Spectrum Analyzer (SA) is not practically feasible (due to the limited battery duration), in this work we adopt an integrated approach, based on the massive measurement of 5G metrics with a 5G smartphone, followed by a detailed analysis done with the SA and an ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) meter in selected locations. Results, obtained over a real territory covered by 5G signal, reveal that 5G exposure is overall very limited for most of measurement locations, both in terms of field strength (up to 0.7 [V/m]) and as share w.r.t. other wireless technologies (typically lower than 15%). Moreover, our approach allows easily spotting measurement outliers, e.g., due to the exploitation of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) techniques between 4G and 5G. In addition, the exposure metrics collected with the smartphone are overall a good proxy of the total exposure measured over the whole 5G channel. Moreover, the sight conditions and the distance from 5G base station play a great role in determining the level of exposure. Finally, a maximum of 130 [W] of power radiated by a 5G base station is estimated in the scenario under consideration

    Application of the Maximum Power Extrapolation Procedure for Human Exposure Assessment to 5G Millimeter Waves: Challenges and Possible Solutions

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    This paper describes an investigation on the application of the Maximum Power Extrapolation (MPE) technique on a fully operational Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) FR2-band 5G gNB. The data was acquired in [27.1-27.3] GHz band using a network scanner over nearly 10 minutes periods to allow a statistical analysis and an accurate estimation of the role of each contribution to the total uncertainty, including the fading affecting the 5G FR2 reference signal. The results show that the level of the electromagnetic field is well below the limits imposed by Italian legislation. However the goal of the paper is more fundamental, and shows an approach that can be used to identify the critical elements of the measurement set-up, suggesting where to concentrate efforts to improve the measurement procedure. In particular, the uncertainty budget highlights three contributions, (i.e. estimation of the traffic beam level, of the probe response and of the 5G FR2 reference signal) that deserve further investigations

    Methodology Based on Vector and Scalar Measurement of Traffic Channel Power Levels to Assess Maximum Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation Generated by 5G NR Systems

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    Maximum-Power Extrapolation (MPE) for mobile telecommunication sources follows an established paradigm based on the identification and measurement of a channel that acts as a power reference. Prior to the 5G era, the role of reference channel has been played by always-on broadcast signals since they had the great advantage of being always transmitted at the maximum power level allowed for a generic signal channel. However, the beamforming implemented by 5G sources obliges us to rethink this approach. In fact, with beamforming the 5G source can transmit data traffic streams through a beam characterized by a much higher gain than the broadcast one. This implies that the detected power for traffic beams could be much higher than the corresponding power of broadcast beams. In this paper, a novel approach for 5G MPE procedure is presented, where the direct measurement of the received power of a traffic beam is used to assess the maximum exposure generated by a 5G system. An innovative specific experimental setup is also proposed, with the use of a User Equipment (UE) with the aim of forcing the traffic beam toward the measurement positions. In this way, it is possible to directly measure the power of each Resource Element (RE) transmitted by the traffic beam. As opposed to other MPE proposals for 5G, the discussed technique does not require any correction of the measured data since it relies only on the traffic beam pointing toward the measurement position, simplifying the overall MPE procedure and thus reducing the uncertainty of the MPE estimated field strength