679 research outputs found

    Relativistic non-equilibrium thermodynamics revisited

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    Relativistic irreversible thermodynamics is reformulated following the conventional approach proposed by Meixner in the non-relativistic case. Clear separation between mechanical and non-mechanical energy fluxes is made. The resulting equations for the entropy production and the local internal energy have the same structure as the non-relativistic ones. Assuming linear constitutive laws, it is shown that consistency is obtained both with the laws of thermodynamics and causality.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Interacting quintessence and the coincidence problem

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    We investigate the role of a possible coupling of dark matter and dark energy. In particular, we explore the consequences of such an interaction for the coincidence problem, i.e., for the question, why the energy densities of dark matter and dark energy are of the same order just at the present epoch. We demonstrate, that, with the help of a suitable coupling, it is possible to reproduce any scaling solution ρX∝ρMaΟ\rho_X \propto \rho_M a^\xi, where aa is the scale factor of the Robertson-Walker metric and Ο\xi is a constant parameter. ρX\rho_X and ρM\rho_M are the densities of dark energy and dark matter, respectively. Furthermore, we show that an interaction between dark matter and dark energy can drive the transition from an early matter dominated era to a phase of accelerated expansion with a stable, stationary ratio of the energy densities of both components.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 20-26 July 200

    The thermodynamic evolution of the cosmological event horizon

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    By manipulating the integral expression for the proper radius ReR_e of the cosmological event horizon (CEH) in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe, we obtain an analytical expression for the change \dd R_e in response to a uniform fluctuation \dd\rho in the average cosmic background density ρ\rho. We stipulate that the fluctuation arises within a vanishing interval of proper time, during which the CEH is approximately stationary, and evolves subsequently such that \dd\rho/\rho is constant. The respective variations 2\pi R_e \dd R_e and \dd E_e in the horizon entropy SeS_e and enclosed energy EeE_e should be therefore related through the cosmological Clausius relation. In that manner we find that the temperature TeT_e of the CEH at an arbitrary time in a flat FRW universe is Ee/SeE_e/S_e, which recovers asymptotically the usual static de Sitter temperature. Furthermore, it is proven that during radiation-dominance and in late times the CEH conforms to the fully dynamical First Law T_e \drv S_e = P\drv V_e - \drv E_e, where VeV_e is the enclosed volume and PP is the average cosmic pressure.Comment: 6 page

    Comparazione tra la flora vascolare delle isole di Lampione e Zembretta

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    Viene presentata una comparazione tra la flora vascolare dell'isola di Lampione (Italia) e quella di Zembretta (Tunisia) entrambe estese circa 2 ettari e ricadenti nello stretto di Sicili

    Thermodynamics of a black hole in a cavity

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    We present a unified thermodynamical description of the configurations consisting on self-gravitating radiation with or without a black hole. We compute the thermal fluctuations and evaluate where will they induce a transition from metastable configurations towards stable ones. We show that the probability of finding such a transition is exponentially small. This indicates that, in a sequence of quasi equilibrium configurations, the system will remain in the metastable states till it approaches very closely the critical point beyond which no metastable configuration exists. Near that point, we relate the divergence of the local temperature fluctuations to the approach of the instability of the whole system, thereby generalizing the usual fluctuations analysis in the cases where long range forces are present. When angular momentum is added to the cavity, the above picture is slightly modified. Nevertheless, at high angular momentum, the black hole loses most of its mass before it reaches the critical point at which it evaporates completely.Comment: 27 pages, latex file, contains 3 figures available on request at [email protected]

    The Coincidence Problem in Holographic f(R) Gravity

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    It is well-known that f(R)f(R) gravity models formulated in Einstein conformal frame are equivalent to Einstein gravity together with a minimally coupled scalar field. In this case, the scalar field couples with the matter sector and the coupling term is given by the conformal factor. We apply the holographic principle to such interacting models. In a spatially flat universe, we show that the Einstein frame representation of f(R)f(R) models leads to a constant ratio of energy densities of dark matter to dark energy.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    On the stochastic mechanics of the free relativistic particle

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    Given a positive energy solution of the Klein-Gordon equation, the motion of the free, spinless, relativistic particle is described in a fixed Lorentz frame by a Markov diffusion process with non-constant diffusion coefficient. Proper time is an increasing stochastic process and we derive a probabilistic generalization of the equation (dτ)2=−1c2dXÎœdXÎœ(d\tau)^2=-\frac{1}{c^2}dX_{\nu}dX_{\nu}. A random time-change transformation provides the bridge between the tt and the τ\tau domain. In the τ\tau domain, we obtain an \M^4-valued Markov process with singular and constant diffusion coefficient. The square modulus of the Klein-Gordon solution is an invariant, non integrable density for this Markov process. It satisfies a relativistically covariant continuity equation
