4 research outputs found

    Population Development of Baranya 1991-2001 (Croatia)

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    U ovom su radu analizirane suvremene demogeografske značajke i procesi u Baranji. Ukazano je na dominantne procese i promjene dinamičnih i strukturnih obilježja stanovništva u zadnjem međupopisnom razdoblju. Uz prikaz prostorne diferencijacije demografskih obilježja, naznačen je i mogući budući demogeografski razvoj ovoga kraja.This paper analyzes contemporary population features and processes in Baranya. It points to the dominant processes and changes of the population dynamic and structural characteristics in the last inter-census period. Besides the presentation of the demographic feature differentiation, a possible future population development of this region has also been denoted

    The Demographic Perspectives of Baranja – Results of a Field Study

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    U radu se analiziraju rezultati terenskog istraživanja provedenog anketiranjem, radi ocjene sadašnjeg trenutka i demografske perspektive Baranje. Anketa je provedena među učenicima baranjskih srednjih škola, dijelu populacije koja bi trebala biti nositelj buduće demografske i ukupne socioekonomske revitalizacije tog kraja. Unatoč ambicioznosti anketiranih iskazanoj po pitanju nastavka školovanja, teško je očekivati poboljšanje obrazovne (i dobne) strukture stanovništva, jednog od temeljnih preduvjeta ukupnoga društvenog i gospodarskog oživljavanja ovoga kraja, budući da čak tri četvrtine anketiranih želi napustiti taj prostor i živjeti i raditi u drugim dijelovima Hrvatske ili u inozemstvu. To dakako dovodi u pitanje uspješnost sadašnjih i budućih, kako gospodarskih, tako i demografskih pokušaja oživljavanja tog dijela Hrvatske. Ovako jako izražena želja anketiranih za odlaskom zasigurno ne ostavlja mjesta optimizmu glede revitalizacije ovog područja, odnosno njegovih demografskih i gospodarskih perspektiva, poglavito s obzirom na dob ispitanika. Iz odgovora na pitanje zašto žele napustiti Baranju, vidljivo je njihovo viđenje sadašnjosti i budućnosti tog dijela hrvatskog Podunavlja. Jasno je uočljivo nezadovoljstvo sadašnjim stanjem, ali i izostanak vjere i nade da će se nešto promijeniti. Odgovori zrače rezignacijom i pesimizmom, svakako neprimjerenim osobama te životne dobi. Depresivno ozračje upotpunjuje i nezadovoljstvo zapuštenom i neizgrađenom komunalnom i društvenom infrastrukturom, što gotovo polovicu ispitanika čini nezadovoljnim kvalitetom života, sadržajima i mogućnostima koje su im na raspolaganju u naseljima u kojima žive. Temeljem rezultata dobivenih anketom, može se ustvrditi da će depopulacija i gospodarska inferiornost još dugo biti glavne značajke ovog dijela Hrvatske.The paper analyses the results of a field study, based on a questionnaire survey, conducted in order to assess the present state and the demographic perspectives of the Baranja region (in East Croatia). The questionnaire was conducted among pupils in Baranja’s secondary schools, the population expected to effectuate the future demographic and overall socio-economic revitalisation of this region. Despite the respondents’ ambitions, expressed in their answers to the question regarding further schooling, it is difficult to imagine an improvement of the region’s educational (and age) structure, one of the basic preconditions for its social and economic revival, since as much as three quarters of the respondents expressed a desire to depart from the area and work in other parts of Croatia or abroad. This, indeed, would make us doubt the successfulness of present and future attempts, both economic and demographic in nature, to revitalise this part of Croatia. Such a strongly expressed wish to depart on the part of the respondents certainly does not leave much room for optimism in regard to this region, i.e. in regard to its demographic and economic perspectives, especially taking into consider the age of the respondents. Their vision of the present situation and of the future in this part of Croatian Danubia is reflected in their answers to the question why they wish to leave Baranja. Dissatisfaction with the present situation is clearly indicated, as is their lack of conviction and hope that something will change. Their answers evoke feelings of resignation and pessimism, certainly not typical for persons of their age. Discontent in regard to the neglected and undeveloped municipal and social infrastructure adds to the depressive atmosphere, making nearly half of the respondents dissatisfied with the quality of life, with life’s realities and with the possibilities at their disposal in the settlements in which they live. On the basis of the results received in the survey, it is possible to claim that population decline and economic weakness will for a long time remain characteristics of this part of Croatia

    The Demographic Perspectives of Baranja – Results of a Field Study

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    The paper analyses the results of a field study, based on a questionnaire survey, conducted in order to assess the present state and the demographic perspectives of the Baranja region (in East Croatia). The questionnaire was conducted among pupils in Baranja’s secondary schools, the population expected to effectuate the future demographic and overall socio-economic revitalisation of this region. Despite the respondents’ ambitions, expressed in their answers to the question regarding further schooling, it is difficult to imagine an improvement of the region’s educational (and age) structure, one of the basic preconditions for its social and economic revival, since as much as three quarters of the respondents expressed a desire to depart from the area and work in other parts of Croatia or abroad. This, indeed, would make us doubt the successfulness of present and future attempts, both economic and demographic in nature, to revitalise this part of Croatia. Such a strongly expressed wish to depart on the part of the respondents certainly does not leave much room for optimism in regard to this region, i.e. in regard to its demographic and economic perspectives, especially taking into consider the age of the respondents. Their vision of the present situation and of the future in this part of Croatian Danubia is reflected in their answers to the question why they wish to leave Baranja. Dissatisfaction with the present situation is clearly indicated, as is their lack of conviction and hope that something will change. Their answers evoke feelings of resignation and pessimism, certainly not typical for persons of their age. Discontent in regard to the neglected and undeveloped municipal and social infrastructure adds to the depressive atmosphere, making nearly half of the respondents dissatisfied with the quality of life, with life’s realities and with the possibilities at their disposal in the settlements in which they live. On the basis of the results received in the survey, it is possible to claim that population decline and economic weakness will for a long time remain characteristics of this part of Croatia