58 research outputs found


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    Assessment of green investment impact on the energy efficiency gap of the national economy

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    The paper deals with the analysis of the green investment impact on the energy efficiency gap. The findings of the bibliometric analysis proved the increasing trend of the published documents on green investment and energy efficiency gap. In the study, the author used Scopus Tools Analysis, Web of Science Results Analysis and VOSviewer for providing the bibliometric analysis. In the paper the author checked the hypothesis as follows: cointegration exists between GDP, energy efficiency, green investment and share of renewable energy; green investment had a positive impact on the percentage of renewable energy; green investment had a positive effect on the countries energy efficiency and decreased the energy efficiency ga

    Institutional Determinants Of Assessing Energy Efficiency Gaps In The National Economy

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    The article examines approaches to the analysis of factors that influence the difference between capacity and current energy production in the country, that is, the gap in energy efficiency in the economy. To investigate the main trends in the theory of energy efficiency and energy conservation, a bibliometric analysis was carried out (using VOSViewer v.1.6.10 toolkit), the object of which was 1428 scientific articles in publications indexed by the Scopus scientometric database. The analysis showed that in 2019, scientists published 1.5 times more work on the subject than in 2005, and revealed five clusters of scientists who investigated the problems of the connection between institutional determinants and lack of electricity in the country

    Application of remote training technology at the development of electronic coureses progpams

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    Didactic potential and functions of computer telecommunications provide the opportunity to organize an educational process that meets the requirements and goals of profile training and reflects the basic principles of the personality-oriented approach. Given that the profile training involves flexibility, wide variation and differentiation in both the choice of the content of the students and the forms of education, educational models based on the use of distance educational technologies become an effective resource for the implementation of profile educatio

    Analysis of the condition of connecting electrodes to the body of the patient with the application of a defibrator

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    The application of defibrillators in medical practice is considered in the paper. It is shown that for automated defibrillators there is a problem of analyzing the wall of electrode connection to the patient's body during automatic defibrillator operation

    Algorithm of surgical treatment of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis.

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    The purpose of the work was to evaluate the algorithm of surgical treatment of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis. The results of surgical treatment of 181 patients with complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis were analyzed. 24.5% of patients were admitted with type B pain syndrome. Among them, all patients had multiple strictures of the main pancreatic duct and tissue pressure resistance was >200 mm Hg. Histologically,these patients had stage 4 of pancreatic fibrosis. A combined local resection by Frey-Izbickiy allows to reduce the number of relapses of pancreatic hypertension by 11.1%

    Клінічна та морфологічна характеристика пейсмейкера хронічного панкреатиту

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    Мета. Клінічно та морфологічно обгрунтувати поняття пейсмейкера хронічного панкреатиту (ХП). Матеріали і методи. Проаналізовано результати хірургічного лікування 181 хворого з ХП, ускладненим синдромом панкреатичної гіпертензії. Результати. З больовим синдромом типу В, що опосередковано вказує на тотальний тяжкий фіброз підшлункової залози (ПЗ), госпіталізовані 24,5% пацієнтів. Клінічно у всіх цих хворих виявлені множинні стриктури головної протоки ПЗ, інструментально - тканинний тиск спротиву (ТТС) понад 26,7 кПа (200 мм рт. ст.) та гістологічно - площа сполучнотканинних полів сягала (81,4 ± 6,62)%. Таким чином, пейсмейкером ХП слід вважати стриктуру  - зону максимального фіброзу та кальцеутворення головної протоки ПЗ і, що є основним, проток другого та третього порядків. Головка ПЗ була пейсмейкером ХП тільки у 83,8% спостережень, перешийок або тіло та хвіст ПЗ - у 16,2%. Висновки. Ключовим у хірургічному лікуванні ХП є широке висічення стриктури (зони фіброзу) ПЗ, що забезпечує виконання комбінованої локальної резекції ПЗ за Frey-Izbicki, після якої частота виникнення рецидиву панкреатичної гіпертензії менша на 11,1%