1 research outputs found

    Antioxidant effect of coenzyme Q10 in blood from cadmium-exposed rats

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    The effects of acute exposure to cadmium (Cd) on the blood antioxidant defense system (AOS), lipid peroxide (LP) concentration and hematological parameters, and the possible protective role of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) was studied. Male Wistar albino rats 3 months old were treated with cadmium as CdCl2 (0,4mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24h before the sacrificing) or with coenzyme Q10 + Cd (20mg CoQ10/kg b.m., i.m., 48h + 0,4 mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24h before the sacrificing). The hematological parameters: red blood cells count (RBCs), hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and hematocrite (Ht) value were significantly decreased in the blood of Cd treated rats. Intoxication with Cd was also followed by significantly increased of LP concentration. We also observed increased concentrations of non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system (AOS): reduced glutathione (GSH), vitamin C (Vit C) and vitamin E (Vit E). Pretreatment with CoQ10 exhibited a protective role on the toxic effects of Cd on the hematological values, LP concentration as well as on endogeneous antioxidant components.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj kadmijuma (Cd) na antioksidacioni zaštitni sistem (AOS), koncentraciju lipidnih peroksida (LP) i hematološke parametre u krvi, kao i zaštitna uloga koenzima Q10 (CoQ10). Mužjaci pacova Wistar albino, stari tri meseca, akutno su tretirani kadmijumom (0,4mg Cd/kg t.m., i.p., 24h pre žrtvovanja) i koenzimom Q10 + Cd (20mg CoQ10/kg t.m., i.m., 48h + 0,4mg Cd/kg t.m., 24h pre žrtvovanja). Hematološki parametri: broj eritrocita (RBCs), koncentracija hemoglobina (Hb) i hematološka vrednost (Ht) su značajno smanjeni u krvi pacova posle tretmana kadmijumom. Cd značajno povećava i koncentraciju LP, kao i koncentracije neenzimskih komponenti AOS-a: redukovani glutation (GSH), vitamin C (Vit C) i vitamin E (Vit E). Eksperimenti sa pacovima koji su izazvanu anemiju i oksidaciona oštećenja (smanjuje koncentraciju LP), kao i značajno umanjuje toksične efekte Cd na komponente AOS-a.nul