62 research outputs found
Multimodal discrimination of immune cells using a combination of Raman spectroscopy and digital holographic microscopy
This work was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under grant EP/J01771X/1, A European Union FAMOS project (FP7 ICT, 317744), and the ’BRAINS’ 600th anniversary appeal, and Dr. E. Killick. We would also like to thank The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust for funding support. KD acknowledges support of a Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Fellowship. This work was also supported by the PreDiCT-TB consortium [IMI Joint undertaking grant agreement number 115337, resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies’ in kind contribution (www.imi.europa.eu)]The ability to identify and characterise individual cells of the immune system under label-free conditions would be a significant advantage in biomedical and clinical studies where untouched and unmodified cells are required. We present a multi-modal system capable of simultaneously acquiring both single point Raman spectra and digital holographic images of single cells. We use this combined approach to identify and discriminate between immune cell populations CD4+ T cells, B cells and monocytes. We investigate several approaches to interpret the phase images including signal intensity histograms and texture analysis. Both modalities are independently able to discriminate between cell subsets and dual-modality may therefore be used a means for validation. We demonstrate here sensitivities achieved in the range of 86.8% to 100%, and specificities in the range of 85.4% to 100%. Additionally each modality provides information not available from the other providing both a molecular and a morphological signature of each cell.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Cause-specific mortality time series analysis: a general method to detect and correct for abrupt data production changes
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Monitoring the time course of mortality by cause is a key public health issue. However, several mortality data production changes may affect cause-specific time trends, thus altering the interpretation. This paper proposes a statistical method that detects abrupt changes ("jumps") and estimates correction factors that may be used for further analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The method was applied to a subset of the AMIEHS (Avoidable Mortality in the European Union, toward better Indicators for the Effectiveness of Health Systems) project mortality database and considered for six European countries and 13 selected causes of deaths. For each country and cause of death, an automated jump detection method called Polydect was applied to the log mortality rate time series. The plausibility of a data production change associated with each detected jump was evaluated through literature search or feedback obtained from the national data producers.</p> <p>For each plausible jump position, the statistical significance of the between-age and between-gender jump amplitude heterogeneity was evaluated by means of a generalized additive regression model, and correction factors were deduced from the results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty-nine jumps were detected by the Polydect method from 1970 to 2005. Most of the detected jumps were found to be plausible. The age- and gender-specific amplitudes of the jumps were estimated when they were statistically heterogeneous, and they showed greater by-age heterogeneity than by-gender heterogeneity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The method presented in this paper was successfully applied to a large set of causes of death and countries. The method appears to be an alternative to bridge coding methods when the latter are not systematically implemented because they are time- and resource-consuming.</p
Civielrechtelijke sancties op de schending van informatieplichten: Handvatten voor de ambtshalve toetsingspraktijk aan de Richtlijn consumentenrechten
De rechter is gelet op artikel 24 Richtlijn consumentenrechten gehouden in individuele gevallen ambtshalve te toetsen of aan de informatieverplichtingen uit afdeling 6.5.2b BW is voldaan, ook wanneer de richtlijn geen expliciete sanctie aanreikt. Ten aanzien van de meeste informatieverplichtingen is dan ook onduidelijk wat de gevolgen zijn als geconstateerd wordt dat de handelaar deze niet correct is nagekomen. De sanctie op de schending van informatieplichten uit de Richtlijn consumentenrechten dient ‘doeltreffend, evenredig en afschrikkend’ te zijn en de civiele rechter kan kiezen tussen een scala aan procesrechtelijke en materieelrechtelijke sancties. Deze worden in dit artikel in kaart gebracht en de meest voor de hand liggende optie(s) worden besproken. Voorkomen moet worden dat de bescherming van de ene partij (de consument) ontaardt in een onevenredige last voor de andere partij (de handelaar)
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