286 research outputs found


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    SfM processing of archived analogue images gives an opportunity to efficiently create new and valuable 2D and 3D results. The SfM processing of digitized analogue images brings some challenges. How to digitize negatives of photogrammetric images? What scanning resolution is the most beneficial for processing? How to preprocess the digitized images to be able to process them using the SfM method? What accuracy of results is possible to expect? This paper tries to deal with all these questions. For this paper, 7 negatives of former photogrammetric documentation of a vault were chosen. The negatives were captured by Rollei 3003 metric camera in 1999. Two pieces of software were chosen for the SfM processing. A commercial alternative Agisoft PhotoScan and free open-source alternative MicMac. The results of the SfM processing were compared to the results of an original photogrammetric method, which was used for former processing in 1999

    New Low-Cost Automated Processing of Digital Photos for Documentation and Visualisation of the Cultural Heritage

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    The 3D scanning is nowadays a commonly used and fast technique. A variety of type’s 3D scanners is available, with different precision and aim of using. From normal user´s point of view, all the instruments are very expensive and need special software for processing the measured data. Also transportation of 3D scanners – poses a problem, because duty or special taxes for transport out of the EU have to be paid and there is a risk of damage to dismantling of these very expensive instruments and calibration will be needed. For this reason, a simple and automated technique using close range photogrammetry documentation is very important. This paper describes our experience with the software solution for automatic image correlation techniques and their utilization in close range photogrammetry and historical objects documentation. Non-photogrammetrical approach, which often gives very good outputs, is described the last part of this contribution. An image correlation proceeds well only on appropriate parts of documented objects and depends on the number of images, their overlapping and configuration, radiometrical quality of photos, and surface texture


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    The current paper aims at presenting multitemporal monitoring of two crop fields using close-range aerial photogrammetric techniques with a combination of different sensors. A fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle was used to map the crops regularly in 2016 and 2017. The goal of the following study is to show the experimental results of an enhanced keypoint number extraction of NIR and TIR images and the importance of radiometric calibration of close-range data

    Using of modern technologies for visualization of cultural heritage

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    This paper explores the historical evolution and contemporary applications of photogrammetry and laser scanning in cultural heritage preservation, focusing on the restoration of the Shush synagogue in Iraqi Kurdistan. It traces the development of documentation techniques, highlighting photogrammetry's pivotal role and the impact of the digital revolution. The case study of Project Shush illustrates the practical use of geomatics techniques, advanced 3D modeling, and collaboration with NGOs and authorities. The methodology outlines the use of technologies like terrestrial laser scanners (BLK360, Zeb-Revo) and UAVs, emphasizing their mobility and accuracy. Results detail the project stages, showcasing the creation of a detailed 3D model and the use of Unreal Engine for visualization. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of 3D documentation in cultural heritage and celebrates the success of the Shush synagogue restoration as a testament to technological advancements in preservation. Our research has shown that the joining of different 3D object documentation technologies significantly improves the quality and speeds up the workflow. Comparison of partial point clouds in software Cloudcompare on a case study of a smaller historic building showed differences in the internal structure in centimeters, while for the external parts that were covered with vegetation the differences reached up to decimeters


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    Mobile laser scanning systems confirmed the capability for detailed roadway documentation. Hand in hand with enormous datasets acquired by these systems is the increase in the demands on the fast and effective processing of these datasets. The crucial part of the roadway datasets processing, as well as in many other applications, is the extraction of objects of interest from point clouds. In this work, an approach to the rough classification of mobile laser scanning data based on raster image processing techniques is presented. The developed method offers a solution for a computationally low demanding classification of the highway environment. The aim of this method is to provide a background for the easier use of more sophisticated algorithms and a specific analysis. The method is evaluated using different metrics on a 1.8km long dataset obtained by LYNX Mobile Mapper over a highway

    Recommendations for implementig strategic solutions depending on the business environment

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    Obsahem diplomové práce je představení strategického plánování jako součásti strategického řízení. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny všechny základní fakta celého procesu strategického plánování, každá etapa má popsané vhodné metody či analýzy, které se v určité etapě používají. V praktické části je analyzován současný stav společnosti ACTHERM Praha spol. s.r.o., je provedena strategická analýza, byly vytvořeny vývoje okolí, systémy včasného varování s příslušnými kontingenční plány.The content of this thesis is an introduction of strategic planning as part of strategic management. The theoretical part explains all the basic facts of the entire strategic planning process. Each phase describes methods and approaches used in every stage of the entire process. The practical part analysis the current state of a company called ACTHERM Praha spol. s.r.o. It carries out a strategic analysis, development of business environment and early warning system with relevant contingency plans

    Hypotheses about geoglyphs at Nasca, Peru: new discoveries

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    The known hypotheses about the reasons why the geoglyphs in the Nasca and Palpa region of Peru were created are many: roads/paths, rituals/ceremonials, use of hallucinogens, astronomical meaning, influence of extraterrestrials, underground water… and so on. We present a new hypothesis, formulated by J. Sonnek (first published in 2011) in the context of all previous hypotheses.1 Sonnek explains the geoglyphs as tidied work areas for the production of rope and nets, although he goes much further than Stierlin. This eccentric hypothesis now has not only experimental but also archaeological and ethnographical support, which is presented here. Geoglyphs of a special shape were discovered in the pampas; they may represent technical objects – different types of ‘rope twisters’. Following this idea, Sonnek made technical devices (using today’s materials) and tested them in practice; they work perfectly, see his YouTube videos.2 In November 2012, wooden pieces, which may be the remnants of ropemaking, were collected from the pampa near the towns of Nasca and Palpa, in vicinity of these hypothetic ropemaking places. Radiocarbon testing by 14C standardized radio-carbon age according to Stuiver-Polach convention and Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS) of these wood pieces shows the age to be in a wide range from Early Nasca to the 17th century (and to our epoch with a fake geoglyph, too), thus supporting (but surely not proving) the new hypothesis. Moreover, in the Quechua language, the word huasca, waskha (read: uasca) means a rope or cord or place where these are produced. This word is very similar to ‘nasca’