747 research outputs found

    Prion proteins: evolution and preservation of secondary structure

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    AbstractPrions cause a variety of neurodegenerative disorders that seem to result from a conformational change in the prion protein (PrP). Thirty-two PrP sequences have been subjected to phylogenetic analysis followed by reconstruction of the most probable evolutionary spectrum of amino acid replacements. The replacement rates suggest that the protein does not seem to be very conservative, but in the course of evolution amino acids have only been substituted within the elements of the secondary structure by those with very similar physico-chemical properties. Analysis of the full spectrum of single-step amino acid substitutions in human PrP using secondary structure prediction algorithms shows an over-representation of substitutions that tend to destabilize α-helices

    A Chemosensory Gene Family Encoding Candidate Gustatory and Olfactory Receptors in Drosophila

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    AbstractA novel family of candidate gustatory receptors (GRs) was recently identified in searches of the Drosophila genome. We have performed in situ hybridization and transgene experiments that reveal expression of these genes in both gustatory and olfactory neurons in adult flies and larvae. This gene family is likely to encode both odorant and taste receptors. We have visualized the projections of chemosensory neurons in the larval brain and observe that neurons expressing different GRs project to discrete loci in the antennal lobe and subesophageal ganglion. These data provide insight into the diversity of chemosensory recognition and an initial view of the representation of gustatory information in the fly brain


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    In this article, an innovative new method of non-destructive testing for estimating the sensitivity of limestone is presented. An advantage of the laser ultrasonic structuroscopy method is the time and the quality, due to which less tests are necessary for an analysis of rock properties. Limestone is measured with an innovative structural control method, which shows a good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the basic structural analysis


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    В статье представлены результаты исследования взаимовлияний стиля руководства, групповой мотивации и психологического климата, как показателей психологической безопасности сотрудников образовательной организации.Объектом исследования выступили трудовые коллективы двух дошкольных образовательных организаций. Предметом исследования – показатели психологической безопасности сотрудников дошкольных образовательных организаций.Методологическую основу составили подходы социальной психологии (А.И. Донцов, Е.Б. Перелыгина, Ю.П. Зинченко), психологии труда (М.А. Котик) и акмеологии (А.А. Деркач, И.С. Бусыгина) к исследованию корпоративной безопасности и педагогической психологии к исследованию психологической безопасности образовательной среды (И.А. Баева, В.А. Ясвин).Методы. Для исследования показателей психологической безопасности сотрудников образовательных организации использовались стандартизированные методики: «Определение стиля руководства трудовым коллективом» (В.П. Захарова, А.Л. Журавлева), «Шкала психологической атмосферы» (Ф. Фидлер), «Формирование положительной групповой мотивации» (В.А. Розанова).Результаты работы. Проведенное исследование показало, что в образовательной организации с демократическим стилем руководства сотрудники чувствуют себя в большей психологической безопасности по сравнению с сотрудниками в образовательной организации с авторитарными стилем руководства. Сделаны выводы относительно необходимости установления личностно-доверительного, демократического стиля взаимодействия в организации, как между сотрудниками, так и между руководителем и сотрудниками; укрепления идентификационных, ценностных оснований образовательной организации.Область применения: результаты исследования могут использоваться в системе образования при проектировании психологически безопасной среды образовательной организации; в системе подготовки и переподготовки педагогических кадров по вопросам организации и управления в образовании.The article presents the results of the study of mutual influence of leadership style, group motivation and psychological climate as indicators of psychological safety of employees of the educational organization.The study was made by labor groups from the two pre-school educational institutions. The subject of the research is indicators of psychological safety of employees of preschool educational institutions.Methodology was based on approaches of social psychology (A.I. Dontsov, E.B. Perelygina, Y.P. Zinchenko), work psychology (M.A. Kotick) and acmeology (A.A. Derkach, I.S. Busygina) to the study of corporate security and educational psychology to study the psychological safety of the educational environment (I.A. Baeva, V.A. Yasvin).Methods. For research of indicators of psychological safety of employees of the educational organization the standardized techniques were used: “Determination of style of the management of labor collective” (V.P. Zakharova, A.L. Zhuravleva), “Scale of the psychological atmosphere” (F. Fidler), “Formation of positive group motivation” (V.A. Rozanova).Result of work. The study showed that in an educational organization with a democratic style of leadership, employees feel more psychologically safe than employees in an educational organization with an authoritarian style of leadership. The conclusions regarding the need to establish a personal-trust, democratic style of interaction in the organization, both between employees and between the head and employees; strengthening the identification, value grounds of the educational organization.Field of application: the results of the study can be used in the system of education in the design of psychologically safe environment of the educational organization; in the system of training and retraining of teaching staff on the organization and management in education