50 research outputs found

    Effects of maintenance on biological and productive properties of black currant (ribes nigrum L.) cultivars.

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    Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је проучавање утицаја различитих начина одржавања земљишта у засаду црне рибизле на биолошке и производне особине шест испитиваних сорти. На основу добијених резултата утврђен је најповољнији начин одржавања земљишта који се може препоручити за примену у производној пракси у склопу савремене технологије гајења црне рибизле. Такође, извршен је избор сорти које се одликују високим и стабилним приносима и највреднијим сензоричким, нутритивним и антиоксидативним својствима плодова. Експериментална проучавања обављена су у трогодишњем периоду, од 2012. до 2014. године, у огледном засаду црне рибизле који је подигнут у пролеће 2011. године на објекту „Чачак“ Института за воћарство у Чачку. Огледом је обухваћено шест сорти црне рибизле, и то: Бен ломонд, Бен сарек, Чачанска црна, Титанија, Тибен и Тисел. У засаду су примењена три начина одржавања земљишта: 1) одржавање земљишта у виду јаловог угара, тј. стална обрада земљишта; 2) одржавање земљишта застирањем струготином и 3) одржавање земљишта застирањем црном полиетиленском фолијом. Током трогодишњег периода испитивања праћено је укупно 67 параметара, који су груписани у 6 целина, и то: 1. Фенолошке особине (почетак листања, пуно листање, појава цвасти, почетак цветања, пуно цветање, почетак заметања бобица и сазревање бобица); 2. Вегетативни потенцијал (број избојака по жбуну, дужина избојака, дужина новоформираних избојака, висина жбуна, ширина жбуна, индекс облика жбуна и запремина жбуна); 3. Генеративни потенцијал (број родних пупољака по жбуну, број цвасти по родном пупољку, број цвасти по жбуну, број цветова у цвасти, број бобица у грозду, проценат заметања бобица, број гроздова по жбуну, принос по жбуну и принос по јединици површине); 4. Физичке особине грозда и плода (маса бобица, маса грозда и дужина грозда); 5. Хемијске особине плодова (примарни и секундарни метаболити плодова, витамини и минералне материје)...This thesis studies the effect of different soil maintenance systems in a black currant orchard on biological and productive properties of six cultivars tested. Results led to the identification of the most favourable soil maintenance system that can be recommended for use as part of modern black currant production technology. Furthermore, cultivars were singled out for high stable yields and most valuable sensory, nutritional and antioxidant properties of the fruit. The research was conducted over a three-year period from 2012 to 2014 in the experimental black currant orchard established in the spring of 2011 at the Čačak site of the Fruit Research Institute, Čačak. Six black currant cultivars were examined, including ‘Ben Lomond’, ‘Ben Sarek’, ‘Čačanska Crna’, ‘Titania’, ‘Tiben’ and ‘Tisel’. Three soil maintenance systems were used: 1) bare fallow i.e. continuous tillage; 2) sawdust mulch and 3) black polyethylene foil mulch. During the three years of research, a total of 67 parameters were analysed and classified into 6 groups, as follows: 1. Phenological traits (beginning of leaf unfolding, full leaf unfolding, inflorescence emergence, beginning of flowering, full flowering, beginning of berry set and berry ripening); 2. Vegetative growth potential (number of shoots per bush, shoot length, length of newly developed shoots, bush height, bush width, bush shape index and bush volume); 3. Generative potential (number of fruit buds per bush, number of inflorescences per fruit bud, number of inflorescences per bush, number of flowers per inflorescence, number of berries per cluster, percent berry set, number of clusters per bush, yield per bush and yield per unit area); 4. Physical attributes of the cluster and fruit (berry weight, cluster weight and cluster length); 5. Chemical properties of the fruit (primary and secondary metabolites, vitamins and minerals). The primary metabolites quantified included soluble solids, total sugar, invert sugar, invert sugar components, total acids and organic acids. Among the secondary metabolites found in the fruit, the levels of total anthocyanins, total phenols, total antioxidant capacity, anthocyanin glycosides, flavonols and phenolic acids were determined..

    Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller)

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    We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues

    Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller)

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    We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    Enhanced activation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 correlates with the degree of papillary thyroid carcinoma infiltration

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    Aim To determine whether matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) may be a useful adjunctive tool for predicting unfavorable biological behavior of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) by evaluating the expression profile and proteolytic activity of MMP-9 in PTC by different techniques and correlating the findings with clinicopathological prognostic factors. Methods Immunohistochemical localization of MMP-9 was analyzed with antibodies specific for either total or active MMP-9. Activation ratios of MMP-9 were calculated by quantifying gel zymography bands. Enzymatic activity of MMP-9 was localized by in situ zymography after inhibiting MMP-2 activity. Results Immunostaining of total and active MMP-9 was observed in tumor tissue and occasionally in non-neoplastic epithelium. Only active MMP-9 was significantly associated with extrathyroid invasion, lymph-node metastasis, and the degree of tumor infiltration (P < 0.001, P = 0.004, and P < 0.001, respectively). Gelatin zymography revealed a correlation between the MMP-9 activation ratio and nodal involvement, extrathyroid invasion, and the degree of tumor infiltration. In situ zymography showed that gelatinases exerted their activity in tumor parenchymal and stromal cells. Moreover, after application of MMP-2 inhibitor, the remaining gelatinase activity, corresponding to MMP-9, was highest in cancers with the most advanced degree of tumor infiltration. Conclusions This is the first report suggesting that the evaluation of active MMP-9 by immunohistochemistry and determination of its activation ratio by gelatin zymography may be a useful adjunct to the known clinicopathological factors in predicting tumor behavior. Most important, in situ zimography with an MMP-2 inhibitor for the first time demonstrated a strong impact of MMP-9 activity on the degree of tumor infiltration during PTC progression

    Uticaj tretmana micelije ('semena') šampinjona (Agaricus bisporus L.) - bakterijom Bacillus subtilis QST713 na prinos i zaštitu od zelene plesni

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    A biofungicide based on Bacillus subtilis QST713 was tested for impact on yield and efficacy against a Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 strain from Serbia by coating mushroom grain spawn and comparing the results with the chemical fungicide prochloraz manganese in a mushroom growing room. The tested B. subtilis QST713 strain did not inhibit mycelial growth of Agaricus bisporus in plots free of the pathogen, showing an impact on yield of 91.95%, which was not significantly different from an untreated control. As for the efficacy of the fungicides used against T. aggressivum f. europaeum T77, there were no significant differences between a prochloraz manganese casing treatment, and B. subtilis QST713 coating on mushroom grain spawn, as the efficacy was 70.37 and 53.09%, respectively. These results implied that the biofungicide based on B. subtilis could serve as a harmless alternative to synthetic fungicides in mushroom production, especially during serious compost green muold outbreaks caused by T. aggressivum. Furthermore, the biofungicide should be applied alone because an antagonistic reaction was detected between the fungicide prochloraz and B. subtilis QST713.Biofungicid na bazi Bacillus subtilis QST713 je odabran za testiranje uticaja na prinos i efikasnosti u suzbijanju Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 iz Srbije, kada je primenjeno za tretiranje micelije ('semena') šampinjona u poređenju sa fungicidom prohloraz manganom u oglednom gajilištu. Testirani soj B. subtilis QST713 nije inhibirao rast micelije Agaricus bisporus, u tretmanima bez prisustva patogena, sa uticajem na prinos 91.95% i nije se statistički značajno razlikovao od neinokulisane kontrole. U pogledu efikasnosti fungicida u suzbijanju T. aggressivum f. europaeum T77, nije bilo statistički značajne razlike među tretmanima sa fungicidom prohloraz manganom primenjenim na pokrivku i tretmanom B. subtilis QST713 primejenim na miceliju ('seme') šampinjona, sa odgovorajućim vrednostima 70.37 i 53.09%. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da se biofungicid na bazi B. subtilis može primenjivati kao alternativa sintetičkom fungicidu u proizvodnji šampinjona, posebno kod značajne pojave zelene plesni u kompostu za gajenje šampinjona koju izaziva T. aggressivum. Takođe, preporuka je da se biofungicid primenjuje samostalno jer je uočena antagonistička reakcija između prohloraz mangana i B. subtilis QST713

    Morphological description and molecular detection of Pestalotiopsis sp on hazelnut in Serbia

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    In autumn 2015, hazelnut plants with leaf blight symptoms were noticed in a commercial plantation in the Province of Vojvodina, Serbia. Symptomatic samples were collected and submitted to laboratory analysis. Based on morphological characterization, the fungus isolated from the material was initially identified as Pestalotiopsis sp. Pathogenicity tests showed that two selected isolates infected hazelnut leaves and fruits that developed symptoms after artificial inoculation. The pathogen was re-isolated from diseased leaves and fruits, confirming Koch's postulates. Molecular identification was performed with sequence and phylogenetic analysis of ITS, EF1-alpha, and TUB genomic regions. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the results of the morphological identification. The detection of Pestalotiopsis sp., a causal agent of leaf blight on hazelnut in Serbia, is one of a few reports of these pathogenic fungi on hazelnut

    Uticaj treatiranja pokrivke biofungicidom na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 na suzbijanje zelene plesni i prinos šampinjona

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    The impact of a biofungicide based on Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 on mushroom yield and efficacy in suppression of Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 from Serbia was estimated in comparision with a similar microbial fungicide, Bacillus velezensis QST713, and the chemical fungicide prochloraz manganese. The biofungicide B. velezensis QST713 is registered for treatments of mushrooms and other crops in many countries but it is not currently available on the Serbian market. The tested B. subtilis Ch-13 fungicide enhanced mushroom yield 12%, compared with an uninoculated control, and notably more than B. velezensis QST713 applied at its higher test concentrations. Regarding the efficacy of the biofungicides in control of the compost pathogen T. aggressivum f. europaeum, B. subtilis Ch-13 applied in concentration of 3 × 108 CFU per m2 showed higher efficacy than the higher concentrations (5 × 109 and 1 × 1010 CFU per m2) of B. velezensis QST713. The biofungicide based on B. subtilis Ch-13 should be further investigated regarding its different modes of application to ensure better efficacy in disease control as it showed beneficial features in both promoting A. bisporus production and suppressing the growth of the aggressive compost pathogen T. aggressivum, the causal agent of devastating green mould disease.Biofungicid na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 odabran je za procenu uticaja na prinos šampinjona i efikasnost u suzbijanju Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 iz Srbije u poređenju sa sličnim mikrobiološkim fungicidom na bazi Bacillus velezensis QST713 i fungicidom prohloraz manganom. Biofungicid B. velezensis QST713 je registrovan u šampinjonima i drugim usevima u mnogim državama, ali nije dostupan na tržištu Sribje. Testirani B. subtilis Ch-13 je povećao prinos šampinjona 12% u poređenju sa neinokulisanom kontrolom i u značajno većoj meri od B. velezensis QST713 primenjenog u većim koncentracijama. U određivanju efikasnosti biofungicida u suzbijanju kompostnog patogena T. aggressivum f. europaeum, B. subtilis Ch-13 primenjen u koncentraciji 3 × 108 CFU po m2, ispoljio je veću efikasnost od B. velezensis QST713 primenjenog u većim koncentracijama (5 × 109 i 1 × 1010 CFU po m2). Biofungicid na bazi B. subtilis Ch-13 bi trebalo dalje testirati i proučiti različite načine njegove primene da bi se uspostavila veća efikasnost u suzbijanju patogena jer je pokazao značajne osobine u pospešivanju prinosa A. bisporus i zaštiti od agresivnog patogena iz komposta T. aggressivum, prouzrokovača zelene plesni šampinjona