3 research outputs found

    Načini koriŔćenja poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta brdsko-planinskog područja jugozapadne Srbije

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    In order to raise primary agricultural production to an economically viable level, the Republic of Serbia adopted the number of documents, strategies and laws regulating important issues related to agriculture and rural areas. This documentation would create conditions for achieving the economic, ecological and social goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations for the period 2015ā€“2030. When it comes to the development of rural areas of Serbia, the main goals would be to: 1/ stop the migration of the rural population by creating the prerequisites for the modernization of primary agricultural production to increase the production of health-safe and functional food in areas where sustainable and organic agriculture can be organized 2/ production of health-safe and functional organic food. The holders of these projects, with the help of scientists from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, increased the volume of primary plant and animal production on surfaces that were neglected for many years and covered with perennial weeds.Da bi podigli primarnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju na ekonomski isplativ nivo u Republici Srbiji je usvojen značajan broj dokumenata, strategija i zakona kojima se reguliÅ”u značajna pitanja vezana za poljoprivredu i ruralna područja. Ovom dokumentacijom stvorili bi se uslovi za ostvarivanje ekonomskih, ekoloÅ”kih i socijalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja usvojine od Ujedinjenih nacija za period 2015ā€“2030. Kada je u pitanju razvijanje ruralnih područja u Srbiji, osnovni ciljevi bili bi: kako da se zaustavi migracija seoskog stanovniÅ”tva stvaranjem preduslova da se osavremenjavanjem primarne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, povećanjem zdravstveno bezbedne i funkcionalne hrane u predelima gde se može organizovati održiva i organska poljoprivreda, i proizvoditi organska zdravstveno bezbedna hrana. Nosioci ovih projekata, uz pomoć naučnih radnika Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu, povećali su obim primarne biljne i stočarske proizvodnje na povrÅ”inama koje su bile duži niz godina zapuÅ”tene i obrasle viÅ”egodiÅ”njim korovima

    Land use regimes of agricultural soils in mountainous areas of southwest Serbia

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    In order to raise primary agricultural production to an economically viable level, the Republic of Serbia adopted the number of documents, strategies and laws regulating important issues related to agriculture and rural areas. This documentation would create conditions for achieving the economic, ecological and social goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations for the period 2015ā€“2030. When it comes to the development of rural areas of Serbia, the main goals would be to: 1/ stop the migration of the rural population by creating the prerequisites for the modernization of primary agricultural production to increase the production of health-safe and functional food in areas where sustainable and organic agriculture can be organized 2/ production of health-safe and functional organic food. The holders of these projects, with the help of scientists from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, increased the volume of primary plant and animal production on surfaces that were neglicted for many years and covered with perennial weeds

    Development of SeismoPortal web application for damage prediction caused by earthquakes

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    This paper describes development of SeismoPortal web application for damage prediction caused by earthquakes, using Django framework with GeoDjango spatial module. Besides the development of web application, the paper deals with development of ZRisk plugin for QGIS that estimates the risk caused by earthquakes to populations and buildings, from earthquakes, expressed in percentage of building damage and in number of casualties