302 research outputs found

    Some propositions about including students with disabilities in chemistry teaching / Algumas proposições sobre a inclusão no ensino de química

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    In this article, we present the results of a Scientific Initiation research with high school students (this is called Pibic-Jr, in Brazil) that shows and discusses the panorama of scientific productions about the use of educational software in chemistry teaching, focused on inclusion of students with disabilities. The bibliographical research was conducted between 2007 and 2017 in the Química Nova na Escola Journal, a free Brazilian magazine [for readers], with reports and research from the area of Chemistry Teaching and, generally, present in undergraduate courses in Chemistry and Natural Sciences. The obtained results were organized in tables for our discussion. Many of the materials produced have been effective in the educational process, especially in chemistry teaching. However, we also realize that, even after the intensification of the study on the development of educational technologies, it is important to expand the investigations, but in the bias of the use of these technological resources to enable the inclusion of students with disabilities in the chemistry teaching.In this article, we present the results of a Scientific Initiation research with high school students (this is called Pibic-Jr, in Brazil) that shows and discusses the panorama of scientific productions about the use of educational software in chemistry teaching, focused on inclusion of students with disabilities. The bibliographical research was conducted between 2007 and 2017 in the Química Nova na Escola Journal, a free Brazilian magazine [for readers], with reports and research from the area of Chemistry Teaching and, generally, present in undergraduate courses in Chemistry and Natural Sciences. The obtained results were organized in tables for our discussion. Many of the materials produced have been effective in the educational process, especially in chemistry teaching. However, we also realize that, even after the intensification of the study on the development of educational technologies, it is important to expand the investigations, but in the bias of the use of these technological resources to enable the inclusion of students with disabilities in the chemistry teaching

    Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Marcetieae (Melastomataceae)

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    This study aims to increase knowledge about the family Melastomataceae in the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais and, consequently, to add new data to the project “Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais”. Marcetieae is a recently described tribe of Melastomataceae, represented in Brazil by 112 species and 18 genera, occurring predominantly in the savannas of the Amazon, cerrado and campo rupestre, rarely occurring in forest environments. At this date were registered at Serra do Cipó 15 species and six genera, Fritzschia is the richest genus with six species, followed by Marcetia and Siphanthera with three species each, and Aciotis, Acisanthera, Macairea are represented by only one species each. Identification keys to the genera and species, descriptions, field plates, and taxonomic notes including geographical distribution and habitat are presented.Este estudo visa ampliar o conhecimento sobre a família Melastomataceae na Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais e, consequentemente, agregar novos dados ao projeto “Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais”. Marcetieae é uma tribo recentemente descrita, representada no Brasil por 112 espécies e 18 gêneros, ocorrendo predominantemente na savana amazônica, cerrado, campo rupestre e, mais raramente, em ambientes florestais. Até o momento foram registradas na Serra do Cipó 15 espécies e seis gêneros, sendo Fritzschia o gênero mais representativo com seis espécies, seguido por Marcetia e Siphanthera com três espécies cada, e Aciotis, Acisanthera e Macairea com apenas uma espécie cada. São apresentadas chaves de identificação para os gêneros e espécies, descrições, pranchas de campo e notas taxonômicas, incluindo informações sobre distribuição geográfica e habitat

    Conocimientos riberos que proviene del igapó: Plantas consumidas por quelônios (Podocnemis spp.) em rio Andirá, Brasil

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    Alimentos vegetais podem representar mais de 90% da dieta das espécies de tartarugas aquáticas podocnemis. Grande parte desses alimentos vêm das florestas de várzea ou igapós, morada dos ribeirinhos que dominam o conhecimento das plantas, e também é habitat dos quelônios que as usam como alimento. Portanto, entrevistamos 39 ribeirinhos no período de 2019 a 2021, nas comunidades Granja e Piraí, Barreirinha, Amazonas. Com o objetivo de conhecer as plantas consumidas pelas tartarugas, através do saber tradicional dos ribeirinhos. Utilizando técnicas de pesquisa etnobiologica, usando métodos qualitativos e quantitativos de coleta dos dados: bola de neve, lista livre com análise do índice de Smith e rede social. Nas entrevistas foram indicadas 83 etnoespécies, catalogamos 59 espécies, distribuídas em 55 gêneros e 29 famílias botânicas. O capitarí (Handroanthus barbatus) apresentou maior índice de Smith, portanto foi a mais conhecida, seguido do tucuribá (Couepia paraensis), marajá (Bactris riparia), camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) e o jauari (Astrocaryum jauari). Destacamos as famílias Fabaceae, Myrtaceae e Arecaceae por comtemplarem mais espécies indicadas. Dentre as plantas que catalogamos, as previamente descritas para as espécies de podocnemis na literatura pertenciam a 22 famílias (76%), 26 gêneros (47%) e 30 espécies (51%). Assim, 24% das espécies referem-se ao primeiro registro desses itens alimentares na dieta desses quelônios. Os conhecimentos tradicionais dos ribeirinhos devem ser considerados como informações prioritárias na formulação de estratégias de manutenção e restauração das florestas riparias, para conservação das populações de podocnemidídeos, orientando as legislações para que garantam a conservação dos sistemas sociobiodiversos considerando também o saber do caboclo ribeirinho.Edible plants can represent around 90% of the diet of some species of aquatic turtles of the genus podocnemis. These plants are found in floodplain forests and igapós, the riverside dwellers as well as turtles´ home. These dwellers dominate the common knowledge of those plants. Thus 39 dwellers were interviewed between 2019 and 2021, at Granja and Piraí communities, Barreirinha, Amazonas, Brazil. And, the plants that turtles feed on were identified by means of the traditional knowledge of these riverside dwellers. Ethnobiology techniques as, qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, used were: snowball sampling, free list with Smith index analysis and social network. Among the 83 plant ethnospecies cited, we cataloged 59 species, distributed in 55 genera and 29 botanical families. Handroanthus barbatus had the highest Smith index, therefore it was the best known, followed by Couepia paraensis, Bactris riparia, Myrciaria dubia and Astrocaryum jauari. Fabaceae, Myrtaceae and Arecaceae families presented the greatest number of indicated species. Within the plants we cataloged, the previously described for podocnemis species in the literature belonged to 22 families (76%), 26 genera (47%) and 30 species (51%). So, 24% of species refer to the first record of these food items in podocnemidídeos diet. The riverside dwellers´traditional knowledge the must be considered as priority information in the maintanance and restoration of riparian forests, to chelonians populations conservation, and may even lead to the development of legislation and technical to garantee the socialbiodiverse systems conservation by means of the cultural knowledge of the riverside dwellers.Los alimentos vegetales pueden representar alrededor del 90% de la dieta da especies de tortugas acuáticas del género podocnemis. Estas plantas se encuentran en los bosques aluvial y los igapós, los habitantes de los ribereños y el casa de las tortugas. Estos habitantes dominan el conocimiento común de las plantas. Así fueron entrevistados 39 habitantes entre 2019 y 2021, en las comunidades Granja y Piraí, Barreirinha, Amazonas, Brasil. Y, las plantas de las que se alimentan las tortugas fueron identificadas mediante el conocimiento tradicional de estos ribereños. Las técnicas de etnobiología como métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos de recolección de datos utilizados fueron: muestreo de bola de nieve, análisis de lista libre con índice de Smith y redes sociales. Entre las 83 etnoespecies de plantas citadas, catalogamos 59 especies, distribuidas en 55 géneros y 29 familias botánicas. Las especies con mayor índice de Smith, por lo tanto las más conocidas, son: Handroanthus barbatus, Couepia paraensis, Bactris riparia, Myrciaria dubia e o Astrocaryum jauari. Las familias Fabaceae, Myrtaceae y Arecaceae presentaron el mayor número de especies indicadas. Dentro de las plantas catalogadas, las previamente descritas para las especies de podocnemis en la literatura pertenecieron a 22 familias (76%), 26 géneros (47%) y 30 especies (51%). Así, el 24% de las especies se refieren al primer registro de estos alimentos en la dieta de podocnemidídeos. Los conocimientos tradicionales de los ribereños deben ser considerados como información prioritaria en el mantenimiento y restauración de los bosques de riparians, para la conservación de las poblaciones de tortugas, e incluso pueden conducir al desarrollo de legislación que garanticen la conservación de los sistemas sociobiodiversos a través del conocimiento cultural

    Predicting moisture content from basic density and diameter during air drying of Eucalyptus and Corymbia logs

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    In air drying of Eucalyptus urophylla and Corymbia citriodora logs for the production of charcoal it is necessary to be able to predict when logs have reached the required moisture content of ≤ 35%. This study is aimed to produce models using basic density and diameter to predict the moisture content of Eucalyptus urophylla and Corymbia citriodora logs after 30, 60 and 90 days drying. 1,2 m long logs were taken at three different heights from three C. citriodora trees and three trees each from two E. urophylla clones (VM4 and Mn463). The 27 debarked, end sealed logs were air dried under cover for 90 days during which the change in moisture content was monitored. The relationship between density and drying was analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the models for predicting the moisture content based on the basic density and diameter were produced. The density and the drying showed a high correlation coefficient. The coefficient of determination of the models was above 0,89 with a standard error lower than 6%. The use of the density and diameter to estimate the wood moisture content simplifies the production of the models, which can be used for Eucalyptus and Corymbia genetic materials

    Infestação de ninfas de cigarrinhas - das - raízes altera a quantidade de compostos fenólicos em cana - de - açucar

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    Com a intensificação da colheita mecanizada da cana-de-açúcar sem queima da palhada, a cigarrinha-das-raízes Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal, 1854) tornou-se uma das principais pragas da cultura, favorecida pelas condições de umidade e baixa variação de temperatura do solo. Poucos trabalhos são dedicados ao estudo da resposta da planta ao ataque deste inseto, dificultando o conhecimento de cultivares resistentes. Os compostos fenólicos são muito estudados por sua ação anti-herbivoria. A presente pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de verificar se o ataque de ninfas de M. fimbriolata induz alterações na quantidade de fenóis totais em cana-de-açúcar. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação, com condições de temperatura e umidade controladas, com delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 X 2 X 4 e três repetições. Ninfas de segundo ínstar de M. fimbriolata foram inoculadas no sistema radicular das plantas, nos níveis: controle, 2-4 e 4-8 ninfas por vaso (primeira-segunda infestação, respectivamente). Os vasos foram cobertos com tela de nylon para isolar o efeito dos adultos, que eram mortos nos monitoramentos diários. Folhas e raízes foram coletadas e congeladas em nitrogênio líquido até a realização das análises. Plantas atacadas por ninfas de M. fimbriolata apresentaram maiores teores de fenóis totais em raízes e folhas. A cultivar SP80-1816 apresentou-se mais responsiva ao ataque das ninfas em raízes. A cultivar SP86-42 apresentou maiores teores de fenóis em raízes e folhas de plantas controle, podendo ser um indicativo da não-preferência dos insetos por esta variedade. O teor de compostos fenólicos parece não ser um bom marcador para identificar genótipos de cana-de-açúcar resistentes a ninfas de M. fimbriolata.The increased rate of sugarcane harvest without previous burn has provided a very favorable environment to the froghopper Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal, 1854), with high moisture and low temperature variation. Few works have studied the response of sugarcane to this pest, so little is known about resistant cultivars. Plant phenolics are widely studied compounds because of their known antiherbivore effect. This research aims to determine if the attack of M. fimbriolata nymphs stimulates the accumulation of total phenolics in sugarcane. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse and arranged in completely randomized design, in a 3 X 2 X 4 factorial with three replications. Second instar nymphs of M. fimbriolata were infested at the following rates: control, 2-4 and 4-8 nymphs per pot (first-second infestations, respectively). Pots were covered with nylon net and monitored daily to isolate the effect of leaf sucking adults. Leaf and root samples were collected and kept frozen in liquid nitrogen until analyses. Infested plants showed higher levels of phenolics in both root and leaf tissues. In roots, the cultivar SP80-1816 accumulated more phenolic compounds in response to the infestation of M. fimbriolata. On the other hand, higher levels were found in leaves and roots of control plants of SP86-42, which might be an indication of a non-preference mechanism. The increase of total phenolics in sugarcane infested with root-sucking froghopper nymphs does not seem to be useful to detect the resistance to this pest


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    Pemphigoid of the mucous membranes is an autoimmune, vesiculobullous, chronic disease characterized by the presence of suprabasal or subepithelial blisters on mucous membranes. It predominantly affects a fixed older age, generally from the fourth decade of life. Ocular involvement is common, with the formation of scars characteristic of this type of pemphigoid, and when the conjunctiva is affected, it can lead the patient to blindness. Those with this alteration may have involvement of the oral mucous membranes, with the inserted gingiva being the most affected site, triggering a condition of desquamative gingivitis, as well as painful and bleeding bullous lesions with deep cleavage. The etiology is unknown, but some authors associate pemphigoid with the use of certain drugs such as Captopril, Furosemide and Amoxicillin. Diagnosis is based on clinical history, perilesional biopsy and direct immunofluorescence. Histopathological examinations show the separation of the basal epithelial layer from the connective tissue itself, vacuolation in the basal lamina under an intact epithelium, and deposits of IgG and C3 in the basal membrane, which can be identified through direct immunofluorescence. The treatment is done in a multidisciplinary way, through topical or systemic corticosteroid therapy, depending on the severity of the disease, in addition to laser therapy and drug associations. The present work aims to present a case of pemphigoid of the mucous membranes, where the patient presented lesions in the eyes and in the oral mucosa, with a diagnosis confirmed through histopathology, in concomitant treatment of stomatology with other medical specialties, such as ophthalmology, presenting satisfactory evolution of the mouth injuries.Penfigoide das membranas mucosas, é uma doença autoimune, vesiculobolhosa, de caráter crônico, que se caracteriza pela presença de bolhas suprabasais, ou subepiteliais, em membranas mucosas. Acomete predominantemente fixa etária mais elevada, geralmente, a partir da quarta década de vida. O envolvimento ocular é costumaz, ocorrendo a formação de cicatrizes característica desse tipo de penfigoide, e quando afetada a conjuntiva, pode levar o paciente à cegueira. Os portadores desta alteração podem apresentar envolvimento das mucosas orais, sendo a gengiva inserida o sítio mais afetado, desencadeando um quadro de gengivite descamativa, além de lesões bolhosas de clivagem profunda, doloridas e sangrantes. A etiologia é desconhecida, mas alguns autores associam o penfigoide ao uso de certos fármacos como Captopril, Furosemida e Amoxicilina. O diagnóstico é baseado na história clínica, biópsia perilesional e imunofluorescência direta. Nos exames histopatológicos, observa-se a separação da camada basal epitelial do tecido conjuntivo propriamente dito, vacuolização na lâmina basal sob um epitélio íntegro, e, depósitos de IgG e C3 na membrana basal, que podem ser identificados através de imunofluorescência direta. O tratamento é feito de forma multiprofissional, através de corticosteroideterapia, tópica ou de forma sistêmica, a depender da gravidade da doença, além de laserterapia e associações medicamentosas. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um caso de penfigoide das membranas mucosas, onde o paciente apresentava lesões oculares e em mucosa oral, tendo diagnóstico confirmado através de histopatologia, em tratamento concomitante da estomatologia com outras especialidades médicas, como oftalmologia, apresentando evolução satisfatória das lesões bucais

    The importance of heat against antinutritional factors from Chenopodium quinoa seeds

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    Chenopodium quinoa seeds have high protein content. The nutritional value of quinoa is superior compared with traditional cereals. Its essential amino acid composition is considered next to the ideal, and its quality matches that of milk proteins. In this study, the seed storage proteins from Chenopodium quinoa were extracted, fractionated, partially purified, and characterized. The structural characterization was performed by Tricine-SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis, and it confirmed the presence of proteins of molecular weight of 30 and 7kDa, probably corresponding to lectins and trypsin inhibitors, respectively. The functional characterization of these proteins evidenced their activity as antinutritional factors due to their in vitro digestibility. Quinoa proteins have an excellent amino acid composition with many essential amino acids. In vitro digestibility evaluation indicated that heat-treated samples showed a more complete digestion than the native state samples. Quinoa seeds can be an important cereal in human diet after adequate heat treatment

    Omphalophlebitis in a Calf - Treatment with Umbilical Vein Marsupialization

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    Background: Omphalophlebitis is characterized as an omphalopathy that affects the umbilical vein. In these cases, ultrasonography can help identify the severity of abdominal lesions and guide the choice of treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein is a surgical procedure indicated in cases where this vessel presents with purulent secretion up to the liver parenchyma. This report describes a case of omphalophlebitis in a heifer treated by marsupialization of the umbilical vein. The preoperative and postoperative sonographic findings are also described. Case: A 4-day-old Holstein calf was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil. On physical examination, the animal was found to be apathetic, with tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, hyperemic mucous membranes, and moderate dehydration. An increase in volume was observed in the umbilical region, with local hyperthermia, firm consistency, and sensitivity to palpation. On deep palpation of the abdomen, a mass originating in the umbilical region and extending cranially was observed, leading to the suspicion of omphalophlebitis. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed external umbilical abscess and omphalophlebitis. Initially, conservative treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs was performed; however, there was no improvement in the clinical picture. Therefore, exploratory celiotomy was performed to remove the umbilical infectious focus. During the procedure, it was verified that the umbilical vein was dilated with a thickened wall until its insertion in the hepatic parenchyma, hence removal of the infected region through a ligature was not possible. Thus, marsupialization of the umbilical vein was performed to create a cutaneous opening for drainage of the purulent contents. In the postoperative period, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic drugs were administered. Dressing of the surgical wound and of the umbilical vein lumen was performed with topical polyvidone at 0.2%. Removal of the stitches was done 14 days postoperatively. Weekly ultrasonographic examinations were performed, which showed a gradual reduction in the diameter of the umbilical vein throughout the postoperative period. Thirty days after the surgical procedure, no further drainage of the purulent content was observed from the umbilical vein, and healing of the stump was demonstrated. After 7 months, a repeat ultrasonography was performed, revealing normal echogenicity and echotexture of the hepatic parenchyma and complete atrophy of the umbilical vein. Discussion: Umbilical vein marsupialization is a surgery rarely described in the literature, and no report has followed the evolution of a case by ultrasonography. The ultrasound examination of the umbilical structures was essential for the definitive diagnosis and choice of surgical treatment. Marsupialization of the umbilical vein was chosen due to the impossibility of ligature of this vessel, which presented with thickened walls and lumen filled with purulent content until its insertion into the liver. Postoperative monitoring via serial ultrasonography examinations allowed follow up of the evolution of the case and animal recovery. At the sonographic reevaluation after 7 months, the findings were unremarkable, indicating complete recovery of the patient. Umbilical marsupialization is a surgical technique that allows complete recovery of calves with severe omphalophlebitis. Ultrasonography is fundamental for the diagnosis of omphalophlebitis and in determining the best therapeutic protocol. Sonographic evaluation during the postoperative period allows follow-up of the progression of lesions in abdominal structures and helps in defining the prognosis. Keywords: omphalophlebitis, ultrasonography, hepatic abscess, liver, surgery. Título: Onfaloflebite em bezerra - tratmento com marsupialização da veia umbilical Descritores: onfaloflebite, ultrassonografia, abscesso hepático, fígado, cirurgia

    Seasonal precipitation in eastern Amazon during rainy season: regional observations and RegCM3 simulations

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    This paper presents a contribution on the climate modelling studies with emphasis on seasonal rainfall variability in eastern Amazonia, during the austral summer and autumn seasons (DJF and MAM). Based on RegCM3 regional climate simulations for a 26 years period (1982/83 to 2007/08) using high resolution domain scale (30 km) and two different convection schemes (Grell and MIT), it was investigated the model performance to simulate the regional pluviometric distribution in eastern Amazon, with reference to a new observational data base containing regional aspects extracted from a dense rain gauge station network. The quantitative analysis showed that RegCM3 presents systematic errors, especially those related to the dry bias in the Amapá and north/northeast of Pará using both schemes Grell and MIT, which indicate that the model does not reproduce ITCZ characteristics over equatorial Atlantic. The simulations using MIT also indicated wet bias in the southwest/south/southeast of Pará and north of Tocantins. Moreover, through composites technique, it was also investigated RegCM3 response to reproduce the anomalous spatial rainfall patterns in association with ENSO episodes and interhemispheric SSTa gradient phases across the intertropical Atlantic. The results showed that the model represented realistically well the spatial pattern related to the rainfall anomalies above (below) than normal in most of eastern Amazonia, during the known favourable scenarios, i.e., La Niña and south Atlantic SSTa gradient (unfavourable, i.e., El Niño and north Atlantic SSTa gradient).O presente trabalho apresenta uma contribuição aos estudos de modelagem climática com ênfase na variabilidade pluviométrica sazonal da Amazônia oriental, durante as estações de verão e outono (DJF e MAM). Baseado nos resultados das simulações regionais do RegCM3 para um período de 26 anos (1982/83 a 2007/08) e usando domínio em alta resolução espacial (30 Km) e dois diferentes esquemas de convecção (Grell e MIT), foi investigado o desempenho do modelo em simular a distribuição regional de precipitação sazonal na Amazônia oriental, com referência a um novo conjunto de dados observacional compilado com informações de uma ampla rede integrada de estações pluviométricas. As análises quantitativas evidenciaram que o RegCM3 apresenta erros sistemáticos, sobretudo aqueles relacionados com viés seco no Amapá e norte/nordeste do Pará usando ambos os esquemas Grell e MIT, os quais apontam que o modelo não reproduz as características da ZCIT sobre o Atlântico equatorial. As simulações usando MIT, também apresentaram viés úmido no sudoeste/sul/sudeste do Pará e norte do Tocantins. Além disso, através da técnica de composições, também foi investigado o desempenho do RegCM3 em reproduzir os padrões espaciais anômalos de precipitação sazonal em associação aos episódios ENOS, e as fases do gradiente térmico sobre o Atlântico intertropical. Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo conseguiu representar realisticamente bem o padrão espacial das anomalias pluviométricas acima (abaixo) do normal em grande parte da Amazônia oriental, durante os conhecidos cenários favoráveis, i.e., condições de La Niña e gradiente de aTSM para o Atlântico sul (desfavoráveis, i.e., El Niño e gradiente de aTSM para o Atlântico norte