17 research outputs found

    Restricted epigenetic inheritance of H3K9 methylation

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    In most eukaryotes methylation of histone H3 on lysine 9 (H3K9me) is the key post-translational modification required for the assembly of constitutive heterochromatin at centromeres and other chromosomal regions. H3K9me is bound by the chromodomain proteins HP1/Swi6 and the Suv39/Clr4 H3K9 methyltransferase itself suggesting that, once established, H3K9me might act as an epigenetic mark that can transmit the chromatin state independently of the initiator signal. However, it has not been demonstrated that H3K9me does indeed act as an epigenetic mark. Fission yeast represents an excellent system to address this question since S. pombe lacks DNA methylation and H3K9me is catalysed by the unique, non-essential H3K9 methyltransferase Clr4. To determine whether H3K9me carries epigenetic properties it is important to uncouple H3K9me from genomic domains that have the intrinsic ability to recruit the heterochromatin machinery. One way to solve this problem is to isolate H3K9me from its original context and investigate whether at an ectopic site H3K9me can self-propagate through cell division. To accomplish this, we tethered regulatable TetR-Clr4 fusion protein at euchromatic loci in fission yeast. This resulted in the assembly of an extensive domain of H3K9me-dependent heterochromatin that is rapidly disassembled following TetR-Clr4 release. Strikingly, the inactivation of Epe1, a putative histone demethylase, is sufficient to maintain the silent H3K9me-dependent heterochromatin at the tethering sites through mitotic and meiotic cell divisions in absence of TetR-Clr4. These results indicate that H3K9me acts as an epigenetic mark to maintain heterochromatin domains; however, a regulatory mechanism dependent on Epe1 exists to actively remove H3K9me and thus prevent heterochromatin from being transmitted when assembled at inappropriate regions of the genome

    Restricted epigenetic inheritance of H3K9 methylation

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    Post-translational histone modifications are believed to allow the epigenetic transmission of distinct chromatin states, independently of associated DNA sequences. H3K9 methylation is essential for heterochromatin formation, however, a demonstration of its epigenetic heritability is lacking. Fission yeast has a single H3K9 methyltransferase, Clr4, that directs all H3K9 methylation and heterochromatin. Utilizing releasable tethered Clr4 reveals that an active process rapidly erases H3K9 methylation from tethering sites in wild-type cells. However, inactivation of the putative histone demethylase Epe1 allows H3K9 methylation and silent chromatin maintenance at the tethering site through many mitotic divisions, and transgenerationally through meiosis, after release of tethered Clr4. Thus, H3K9 methylation is a heritable epigenetic mark whose transmission is usually countered by its active removal, which prevents the unauthorised inheritance of heterochromatin

    A nucleosome turnover map reveals that the stability of histone H4 Lys20 methylation depends on histone recycling in transcribed chromatin

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    Nucleosome composition actively contributes to chromatin structure and accessibility. Cells have developed mechanisms to remove or recycle histones, generating a landscape of differentially aged nucleosomes. This study aimed to create a high-resolution, genome-wide map of nucleosome turnover in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) method was used to study replication-independent nucleosome turnover through the appearance of new histone H3 and the disappearance or preservation of old histone H3. The genome-wide location of histones was determined by chromatin immunoprecipitation–exonuclease methodology (ChIP-exo). The findings were compared with diverse chromatin marks, including histone variant H2A.Z, post-translational histone modifications, and Pol II binding. Finally, genome-wide mapping of the methylation states of H4K20 was performed to determine the relationship between methylation (mono, di, and tri) of this residue and nucleosome turnover. Our analysis showed that histone recycling resulted in low nucleosome turnover in the coding regions of active genes, stably expressed at intermediate levels. High levels of transcription resulted in the incorporation of new histones primarily at the end of transcribed units. H4K20 was methylated in low-turnover nucleosomes in euchromatic regions, notably in the coding regions of long genes that were expressed at low levels. This transcription-dependent accumulation of histone methylation was dependent on the histone chaperone complex FACT. Our data showed that nucleosome turnover is highly dynamic in the genome and that several mechanisms are at play to either maintain or suppress stability. In particular, we found that FACT-associated transcription conserves histones by recycling them and is required for progressive H4K20 methylation

    Cohesin controls X chromosome structure remodeling and X-reactivation during mouse iPSC-reprogramming

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    Reactivation of the inactive X chromosome is a hallmark epigenetic event during reprogramming of mouse female somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This involves global structural remodeling from a condensed, heterochromatic into an open, euchromatic state, thereby changing a transcriptionally inactive into an active chromosome. Despite recent advances, very little is currently known about the molecular players mediating this process and how this relates to iPSC-reprogramming in general. To gain more insight, here we perform a RNAi-based knockdown screen during iPSC-reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts. We discover factors important for X chromosome reactivation (XCR) and iPSC-reprogramming. Among those, we identify the cohesin complex member SMC1a as a key molecule with a specific function in XCR, as its knockdown greatly affects XCR without interfering with iPSC-reprogramming. Using super-resolution microscopy, we find SMC1a to be preferentially enriched on the active compared with the inactive X chromosome and that SMC1a is critical for the decompacted state of the active X. Specifically, depletion of SMC1a leads to contraction of the active X both in differentiated and in pluripotent cells, where it normally is in its most open state. In summary, we reveal cohesin as a key factor for remodeling of the X chromosome from an inactive to an active structure and that this is a critical step for XCR during iPSC-reprogramming

    “Be Sustainable”: EOSC-Life Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Principles in Life Science Data Handling

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    The main goals and challenges for the life science communities in the Open Science framework are to increase reuse and sustainability of data resources, software tools, and workflows, especially in large-scale data-driven research and computational analyses. Here, we present key findings, procedures, effective measures and recommendations for generating and establishing sustainable life science resources based on the collaborative, cross-disciplinary work done within the EOSC-Life (European Open Science Cloud for Life Sciences) consortium. Bringing together 13 European life science research infrastructures, it has laid the foundation for an open, digital space to support biological and medical research. Using lessons learned from 27 selected projects, we describe the organisational, technical, financial and legal/ethical challenges that represent the main barriers to sustainability in the life sciences. We show how EOSC-Life provides a model for sustainable data management according to FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) principles, including solutions for sensitive- and industry-related resources, by means of cross-disciplinary training and best practices sharing. Finally, we illustrate how data harmonisation and collaborative work facilitate interoperability of tools, data, solutions and lead to a better understanding of concepts, semantics and functionalities in the life sciences

    The future of integrated structural biology

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    Instruct-ERIC, "the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for Structural biology research," is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users. Here, we describe the current state-of-the-art of integrated structural biology and discuss potential future scientific developments as an impulse for the scientific community, many of which are located in Europe and are associated with Instruct. We reflect on where to focus scientific and technological initiatives within the distributed Instruct research infrastructure. This review does not intend to make recommendations on funding requirements or initiatives directly, neither at the national nor the European level. However, it addresses future challenges and opportunities for the field, and foresees the need for a stronger coordination within the European and international research field of integrated structural biology to be able to respond timely to thematic topics that are often prioritized by calls for funding addressing societal needs

    Distinct roles for Sir2 and RNAi in centromeric heterochromatin nucleation, spreading and maintenance.

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    Epigenetically regulated heterochromatin domains govern essential cellular activities. A key feature of heterochromatin domains is the presence of hypoacetylated nucleosomes, which are methylated on lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3K9me). Here, we investigate the requirements for establishment, spreading and maintenance of heterochromatin using fission yeast centromeres as a paradigm. We show that establishment of heterochromatin on centromeric repeats is initiated at modular 'nucleation sites' by RNA interference (RNAi), ensuring the mitotic stability of centromere-bearing minichromosomes. We demonstrate that the histone deacetylases Sir2 and Clr3 and the chromodomain protein Swi6(HP1) are required for H3K9me spreading from nucleation sites, thus allowing formation of extended heterochromatin domains. We discovered that RNAi and Sir2 along with Swi6(HP1) operate in two independent pathways to maintain heterochromatin. Finally, we demonstrate that tethering of Sir2 is pivotal to the maintenance of heterochromatin at an ectopic locus in the absence of RNAi. These analyses reveal that Sir2, together with RNAi, are sufficient to ensure heterochromatin integrity and provide evidence for sequential establishment, spreading and maintenance steps in the assembly of centromeric heterochromatin

    Controlled X-chromosome dynamics defines meiotic potential of female mouse in vitro germ cells

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    The mammalian germline is characterized by extensive epigenetic reprogramming during its development into functional eggs and sperm. Specifically, the epigenome requires resetting before parental marks can be established and transmitted to the next generation. In the female germline, X-chromosome inactivation and reactivation are among the most prominent epigenetic reprogramming events, yet very little is known about their kinetics and biological function. Here, we investigate X-inactivation and reactivation dynamics using a tailor-made in vitro system of primordial germ cell-like cell (PGCLC) differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells. We find that X-inactivation in PGCLCs in vitro and in germ cell-competent epiblast cells in vivo is moderate compared to somatic cells, and frequently characterized by escaping genes. X-inactivation is followed by step-wise X-reactivation, which is mostly completed during meiotic prophase I. Furthermore, we find that PGCLCs which fail to undergo X-inactivation or reactivate too rapidly display impaired meiotic potential. Thus, our data reveal fine-tuned X-chromosome remodelling as a critical feature of female germ cell development towards meiosis and oogenesis.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (BFU2014-55275-P, BFU2017-88407-P to B.P.), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (EUR2019-103817 to B.P.), the AXA Research Fund (to B.P.) and the Agencia de Gestio d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, 2017 SGR 346 to B.P.). We would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) to the EMBL partnership and to the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa.” We also acknowledge support of the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya. N.A. is supported by an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship (LTF 695-2019). J.S. and M.B. were supported by La Caixa International PhD Fellowships and J.S. by a travel grant from the Company of Biologists (Development Journal). P.A. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 75165

    Cohesin controls X chromosome structure remodeling and X-reactivation during mouse iPSC-reprogramming

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    Reactivation of the inactive X chromosome is a hallmark epigenetic event during reprogramming of mouse female somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This involves global structural remodeling from a condensed, heterochromatic into an open, euchromatic state, thereby changing a transcriptionally inactive into an active chromosome. Despite recent advances, very little is currently known about the molecular players mediating this process and how this relates to iPSC-reprogramming in general. To gain more insight, here we perform a RNAi-based knockdown screen during iPSC-reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts. We discover factors important for X chromosome reactivation (XCR) and iPSC-reprogramming. Among those, we identify the cohesin complex member SMC1a as a key molecule with a specific function in XCR, as its knockdown greatly affects XCR without interfering with iPSC-reprogramming. Using super-resolution microscopy, we find SMC1a to be preferentially enriched on the active compared with the inactive X chromosome and that SMC1a is critical for the decompacted state of the active X. Specifically, depletion of SMC1a leads to contraction of the active X both in differentiated and in pluripotent cells, where it normally is in its most open state. In summary, we reveal cohesin as a key factor for remodeling of the X chromosome from an inactive to an active structure and that this is a critical step for XCR during iPSC-reprogramming.This work was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-114080GB-I00 and BFU2017-86760-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) to M.P.C.; and BFU2014-55275-P, BFU2017-88407-P, EUR2019-103817, PID2021-123383NB-I00 to B.P.), the AXA Research Fund (to B.P.) and the Agencia de Gestio d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, 2017 SGR 689 to M.P.C. and 2017 SGR 346 to B.P.). M.P.C. is supported by ICREA (Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats). We would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) to the EMBL partnership and to the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa”. We also acknowledge support of the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya. M.V.N. has been supported by the People Program (Marie Curie Actions) FP7/2007–2013 under REA grant [608959] from the European Union and a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación 2017 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. P.A. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 747488. M.B. has been supported by an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship (ALTF682–2021). J.T.L. is supported by the U.S. NIH grant, R01-MH118351. Portions of this work have appeared as part of the PhD dissertation “Screen for novel factors involved in pluripotency and X chromosome reactivation.“ by S.F.G. (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019)