3 research outputs found

    Selected Compounds Structurally Related to Acyclic Sesquiterpenoids and Their Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity

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    By implementing a common and industrially used method, 30 compounds which are structurally related to geranyl acetone, nerolidol, farnesal, farnesol and farnesyl acetate were obtained. Their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria was investigated. Pharmacophore models were proposed based on the obtained results and 3D QSAR modelling. Cytotoxic effects against mainly human immortalised and normal cell lines of different origin (malignant melanoma MeWo, colorectal adenocarcinoma HT29, promyelocytic leukemia HL60, gingival fibroblasts HFIG, skin keratinocytes HaCaT and rat small intestine epithelium IEC6) were examined. The odour descriptions of newly synthesised compounds are given

    Synthesis of 3- and 4- pyridyl analogues of acyclic monoterpenes - sensory properties and antimicrobial activity

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    Acykliczne zwi膮zki terpenowe s膮 podstawowymi sk艂adnikami kompozycji zapachowych masowo stosowanych w r贸偶nych ga艂臋ziach przemys艂u. Jednak偶e zwi膮zki te charakteryzuj膮 si臋 stosunkowo wysok膮 lotno艣ci膮, a przez to nisk膮 trwa艂o艣ci膮 zapachow膮. Poza tym wi臋kszo艣膰 z nich znajduje si臋 na li艣cie potencjalnych alergen贸w. Z tego powodu uzyskuje si臋 syntetyczne analogi zwi膮zk贸w zapachowych naturalnie wyst臋puj膮cych w przyrodzie, np. Phenoxanol庐 - fenyloanalog cytronellolu. Zsyntetyzowane zosta艂y moleku艂y b臋d膮ce kombinacj膮 element贸w strukturalnych terpen贸w i pirydyny, w kt贸rych formalnie fragment izobutenylowy (obecny w ka偶dym acyklicznym terpenie) zosta艂 zast膮piony fragmentem 3- lub 4-pirydylowym. Pirydyloanalogi linalolu, geranyloacetonu oraz nerolidolu zosta艂y poddane ocenie sensorycznej oraz testom aktywno艣ci przeciwdrobnoustrojowej.Acyclic terpenes are basic components of fragrance compositions in many products. Starting from commercially available aldehydes: nicotinic and isonicotinic, the 3-pyridyl and 4-pyridyl analogues of linalool, geranyloacetone and nerolidol have been synthesized. In these compounds the isobutenyl moiety was replaced by a 3-, 4-pyridine substituent. The olfactory properties of new products are not corresponding of parent terpenes type. The antimicrobial activities of new compounds against pathogenic mircoflora have also been studied (showing MIC 0.2-1.0 碌L/mL)