8 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal viral load in individuals infected with BA.2, compared to Alpha, Gamma, Delta and BA.1 variants: A single-center comparative analysis

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    BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2 has evolved, leading to the emergence of new Variants Of Concern (VOCs) with significant impact on transmissibility. Although the transmission process is complex, higher nasopharyngeal viral load (NP-VL) can be considered as a proxy for greater transmissibility. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this analysis was to compare NP-VL across a set of representative VOCs observed in mildly symptomatic patients. STUDY DESIGN: Observational single-center comparative analysis of patients with early mild-to-moderate COVID-19, enrolled within the early treatment access program of Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute (March 2021-March 2022). NP-VL before drug administration was estimated through RT-PCR, based on cycle threshold values (CTs); VOCs were identified by Sanger sequencing. VOCs’ average treatment effect (ATE) was estimated on the CTs fitted in the log2 scale, controlling for potential confounders. RESULTS: A total of 707 patients were included. VOCs were: 10% Alpha, 3% Gamma, 34% Delta, 34% BA.1, 19% BA.2. Mean CTs for BA.1 and BA.2 were lower than Delta and BA.1, respectively. After adjusting for calendar time, age, immunodeficiency and vaccination, CTs for Gamma were lower than those seen for Alpha and higher than Delta, for Delta were similar to BA.1, for BA.2 were lower than Delta and BA.1. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis shows higher NP-VL of BA.2 compared to previously circulating VOCs, even after controlling for factors potentially contributing to the amount of nasopharyngeal viral RNA, included vaccination, supporting the increased transmissibility of BA.2. Further studies are necessary to clarify this mechanism and to provide guidance for public health measures

    Locating Italianicity Through Food and Tourism: Playing with Geographical Associations

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    Food is a highly performative expression of Italianicity, and is reproduced, transformed, reified and contested through flows of mobility and globalisation. This chapter aims to explore the scalar geographical associations\u2014particularly the \u2018local\u2019 and the \u2018national\u2019\u2014that connote Italianicity as it emerges in food performances in the context of tourism. The discussion begins by examining the construction, circulation and consumption of food of local origin in tourist food shops, followed by scrutiny of how retailers are open to scaling this geographical frame of reference to the national level in order to meet tourists\u2019 demands for iconic products. This playful scalar entanglement also includes framing or achieving a compromise with foodways that may or may not be consistent with food manners branded as Italian. Italianicity emerges as a \u2018mobile technology\u2019, something that is not only multi-scalar but also one that is bounded and unbounded, fluid and fixing, territorialising and de-territorialising. As such, it should be taken into account when developing transectorial synergies between food and other key sectors of the \u2018Made in Italy\u2019 brand