9 research outputs found


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    In terms of foreign trade, in Romania there were some major changes over the past 20 years. In this paper we have focused on the Romanian external trade. The products which have been taken into account were live animals and animal products. Thus, we have made an analyse on the Romanian imports and exports at the global level and at the European level. Focused on the animal products, on the global level, there were registered major differences during the first seven years in the analysed period. Breaking by branches, we have pointed out huge distinctions between imports and exports, where the balance of trade was completely negative. Meanwhile, to have a good view on the international trade there were made links, based on some indexes between imports, exports, GDP and investments


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    Production cost and a large spectre of indicators needed for farm decision making process may easily be determined through the use of direct-costing method. This method uses only variable costs for the agricultural product cost calculation, given that the fxed expenses influence directly the gross fnancial result of the farm. The study was performed based on the data collected in the agricultural year of 2010, from a vegetable farm from the region of South-Muntenia, Romania, having a surface of 15 ha, consecutively cultivating early potato and autumn cabbage. This computation method brings the advantage of emphasizing the most proftable cultivated agricultural products, ensuring a strict control over expenses, by simplifed calculation, even though diffculties may appear when separating the variable expenses from the fxed ones. The indicators calculated for the studied farm have shown crop proftability, lack of risks and farm capacity to adapt in due time and with minimum effort to the changes brought about by the conditions generated by the social-economic environment

    The Effect of Eco-Scheme Support on Romanian Farmsā€”A Gini Index Decomposition by Income Source at Farm Level

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    The Common Agricultural Policy 2021ā€“2027 includes stronger environmental and climate targets to contribute to Green Deal objectives. By using direct payment funds for sustainable agricultural practices, the CAP aims to strengthen incomes, reduce climate impact, protect biodiversity, etc. However, there are many conditions farmers must meet to access funds under eco-schemes, and there are many concerns about their impact on income and profitability. It is, therefore, important to understand the impact of subsidies on Romanian farms. This study analyses income inequality on three Romanian farms (with a cultivated area between 2400 and 2600 ha, 550 and 610 ha, and 40 and 66 ha during the 2019ā€“2021 period), focusing on the impact of different income sources (production and subsidies). The study is based on data collected during the 2019ā€“2021 period and uses Gini coefficients and concentration indicators. The results show the following: the inequality-reducing effect of subsidies depends on crop rotation and changes in income from agricultural production; the influence of subsidies on inequality at the farm level is very low; the dependence on direct payments can be overcome by good crop selection and management; farmers cannot survive without subsidies, especially in years with difficult conditions; the impact of subsidies was higher for the lowest-profit variants. These findings are important because eco-schemes are voluntary, and stakeholders are not expected to spend the money allocated to eco-schemes

    Subsidiesā€™ Impacts on Technicalā€“Economic Indicators in Large Crop Farms

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    The objective of the analysis is to quantify the impact of subsidies on the activity of two large farms of 600 ha and 3000 ha, respectively. The innovative solution from this analysis is to create a model that can be used at the macroeconomic level, showing the possible ways in which these large farms can secure their incomes. To study the use of these subsidies, the methods of technicalā€“economic analysis, economicā€“financial analysis and statistical analysis of the data were used. Descriptive statistics, visual inspection and basic comparative methods were used to determine the statistical patterns of subsidy impact and variation for each crop. In this context, this is evidence of the possibility of probable expansion of crop income and profitability. The results were different for the two arable farms studied. The results for the 600 ha arable farm suggested that the statistical model was inconclusive due to the annual adjustment of the cropping plan and the impossibility of making viable forecasts, especially since the ecological performance fluctuated (in 2020 the farm was on the verge of profitability), although the positive impact of subsidies was evident in loss-making years. For the 3000 ha arable farm, the statistical model was relevant because it highlighted crops (corn and soybeans) that consistently contributed to good and increasing income and economic performance, as well as highlighting the significant impact of subsidies. The conclusions of the study emphasize the indispensability of subsidies for large farms and the contribution of crops to income generation. These conclusions provide a valuable source of information for relevant policy decisions and can guide future research aiming to increase the profitability of these farms and allocate resources appropriately and efficiently in the agricultural sector

    Impact of Reducing Fertilizers and Pesticides on Sunflower Production in Romania versus EU Countries

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    The Farm-to-Fork strategy was the starting point for this study. Farmers in Romania and other member states expect a decrease in agricultural production in the main crops, due to the reduction of the quantities of fertilizers and pesticides allowed to be used. The article aims to highlight these quantities currently used, as well as the correlation with the realized productions, before the application of the mentioned strategy. The sunflower farming system was the object of the analysis, for which purpose the cultivated areas and the productions obtained in Romania were studied and compared to those in Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary and Poland. It was found that in Romania, in the period 2010ā€“2019, small amounts of fertilizers and pesticides were applied. Romania occupies the last position among the countries under analysis, both in terms of fertilizers and pesticides. To obtain a ton of sunflower in Romania, the nitrogen fertilizers used were 19.2 kg N active nutrient, with a negative deviation of āˆ’45.5 kg N active nutrient compared to Germany. The P2O5 phosphorus fertilizers used in Romania represent 7.48 kg of the active phosphorus nutrient with a negative deviation of āˆ’13.09 kg/ha compared to Spain. Potassium fertilizers used in Romania comprise 2.68 kg of active potassium nutrient used to obtain a ton of sunflower and have a negative deviation of āˆ’22.66 kg/ha compared to Poland. The pesticides used in Romania for sunflower cultivation represent 0.35 kg total pesticides used per ton and have a negative deviation of āˆ’2.48 kg compared to Spain, the largest consumer. In the event that a unit reduction of 50% for pesticides and 20% for fertilizers is applied, according to the Farm to Fork Strategy, the impact will be unequal on the productions obtained, both quantitatively and qualitatively

    The Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides in Wheat Production in the Main European Countries

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    The aspects highlighted in this paper refer to the application of fertilizers and plant protection products to the wheat crop, and their impact on total production, competitiveness in export markets, price optimization as a result of increased harvest quality, and not least row, ensuring farmersā€™ incomes. The present analysis concerned the areas cultivated with wheat, and the productions achieved in relation to the quantities of fertilizers and protection products used in wheat cultivation, in Romania, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Poland and the UK. The analysis highlighted that, the average productions are influenced both by the technology used, by the fertilization and treatments applied, as well as by other synergistic factors that intervene in wheat crops. In countries such as Spain and Italy, the correlation between the amounts of N (nitrogen), P2O5 (phosphorus), K2O (potassium) and the average production of wheat is insignificant, but in Romania and Hungary, there is a strong, direct connection between the number of fertilizers used and the average wheat crop yield. In Romania and Hungary, there is a very significant connection, but the production link average with pesticides is negative, while in Germany, the correlation is direct and quite intense for all types of fertilizers used, while the use of pesticides has a lower influence on average wheat production. In this study, we also applied a multiple regression model; in which the dependent variable was the average yield of wheat per ha and the independent variables were the average quantity of pesticides and fertilizers used. We used the ā€œt Statā€ values for each coefficient to determine whether the coefficient is equal to zero; where a high value of ā€œt Statā€, greater than 2; indicates the fact that the coefficient is significantly different from the value zero. The ā€œp-valueā€ for each coefficient indicates the probability that the coefficient has the value zero. A value below the significance level of 5% results in a coefficient significantly different from zero and with an impact on the dependent variable. The use of fertilizers on wheat crops has a synergistic effect as shown by the multiple linear regression analysis which demonstrated a strong direct relationship, particularly with the amount of N, K2O and P2O5 applied

    A Scientometric Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Studies

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    In recent years, climate change has begun to put pressure on humanity and affect natural and human systems. The aim of this paper is to provide an improved understanding of the state of the literature on the impacts of climate change that can be addressed through measures related to disaster risk reduction, sustainable agricultural practices, and the circular economy. This review also represents a valuable and fundamental reference for both researchers and practitioners in these fields. A total of 74,703 articles (climate change adaptation, 45,030; disaster risk reduction, 5920; sustainable agricultural practices, 7940; circular economy, 15,813) published between 1990 and 2022 were extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection, and the links between these areas were mapped using VOSviewer. There has been an increase in the amount of published research on these four topics since 2007, indicating the increasing involvement of researchers to address these topics, influenced by the concerns of national and international bodies to address these changes

    A Scientometric Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Studies

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    In recent years, climate change has begun to put pressure on humanity and affect natural and human systems. The aim of this paper is to provide an improved understanding of the state of the literature on the impacts of climate change that can be addressed through measures related to disaster risk reduction, sustainable agricultural practices, and the circular economy. This review also represents a valuable and fundamental reference for both researchers and practitioners in these fields. A total of 74,703 articles (climate change adaptation, 45,030; disaster risk reduction, 5920; sustainable agricultural practices, 7940; circular economy, 15,813) published between 1990 and 2022 were extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection, and the links between these areas were mapped using VOSviewer. There has been an increase in the amount of published research on these four topics since 2007, indicating the increasing involvement of researchers to address these topics, influenced by the concerns of national and international bodies to address these changes