725 research outputs found

    Phase transitions in one dimension and less

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    Phase transitions can occur in one-dimensional classical statistical mechanics at non-zero temperature when the number of components N of the spin is infinite. We show how to solve such magnets in one dimension for any N, and how the phase transition develops at N = infinity. We discuss SU(N) and Sp(N) magnets, where the transition is second-order. In the new high-temperature phase, the correlation length is zero. We also show that for the SU(N) magnet on exactly three sites with periodic boundary conditions, the transition becomes first order.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum criticality in a generalized Dicke model

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    We employ a generalized Dicke model to study theoretically the quantum criticality of an extended two-level atomic ensemble interacting with a single-mode quantized light field. Effective Hamiltonians are derived and diagonalized to investigate numerically their eigenfrequencies for different quantum phases in the system. Based on the analysis of the eigenfrequencies, an intriguing quantum-phase transition from a normal phase to a superradiant phase is revealed clearly, which is quite different from that observed with a standard Dicke model.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Frustration and glassiness in spin models with cavity-mediated interactions

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    We show that the effective spin-spin interaction between three-level atoms confined in a multimode optical cavity is long-ranged and sign-changing, like the RKKY interaction; therefore, ensembles of such atoms subject to frozen-in positional randomness can realize spin systems having disordered and frustrated interactions. We argue that, whenever the atoms couple to sufficiently many cavity modes, the cavity-mediated interactions give rise to a spin glass. In addition, we show that the quantum dynamics of cavity-confined spin systems is that of a Bose-Hubbard model with strongly disordered hopping but no on-site disorder; this model exhibits a random-singlet glass phase, absent in conventional optical-lattice realizations. We briefly discuss experimental signatures of the realizable phases.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Polarization transitions in interacting ring 1D arrays

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    Periodic nanostructures can display the dynamics of arrays of atoms while enabling the tuning of interactions in ways not normally possible in Nature. We examine one dimensional arrays of a ``synthetic atom,'' a one dimensional ring with a nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction. We consider the classical limit first, finding that the singly charged rings possess antiferroelectric order at low temperatures when the charge is discrete, but that they do not order when the charge is treated as a continuous classical fluid. In the quantum limit Monte Carlo simulation suggests that the system undergoes a quantum phase transition as the interaction strength is increased. This is supported by mapping the system to the 1D transverse field Ising model. Finally we examine the effect of magnetic fields. We find that a magnetic field can alter the electrostatic phase transition producing a ferroelectric groundstate, solely through its effect of shifting the eigenenergies of the quantum problem.Comment: 12 pages in two column format, 18 figure

    Competing density-wave orders in a one-dimensional hard-boson model

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    We describe the zero-temperature phase diagram of a model of bosons, occupying sites of a linear chain, which obey a hard-exclusion constraint: any two nearest-neighbor sites may have at most one boson. A special case of our model was recently proposed as a description of a ``tilted'' Mott insulator of atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Our quantum Hamiltonian is shown to generate the transfer matrix of Baxter's hard-square model. Aided by exact solutions of a number of special cases, and by numerical studies, we obtain a phase diagram containing states with long-range density-wave order with period 2 and period 3, and also a floating incommensurate phase. Critical theories for the various quantum phase transitions are presented. As a byproduct, we show how to compute the Luttinger parameter in integrable theories with hard-exclusion constraints.Comment: 16 page

    Semi-classical Analysis of Spin Systems near Critical Energies

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    The spectral properties of su(2)su(2) Hamiltonians are studied for energies near the critical classical energy ϵc\epsilon_c for which the corresponding classical dynamics presents hyperbolic points (HP). A general method leading to an algebraic relation for eigenvalues in the vicinity of ϵc\epsilon_c is obtained in the thermodynamic limit, when the semi-classical parameter n1=(2s)1n^{-1}=(2s)^{-1} goes to zero (where ss is the total spin of the system). Two applications of this method are given and compared with numerics. Matrix elements of observables, computed between states with energy near ϵc\epsilon_c, are also computed and shown to be in agreement with the numerical results.Comment: 3 figure

    Fidelity and quantum phase transitions

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    It is shown that the fidelity, a basic notion of quantum information science, may be used to characterize quantum phase transitions, regardless of what type of internal order is present in quantum many-body states. If the fidelity of two given states vanishes, then there are two cases: (1) they are in the same phase if the distinguishability results from irrelevant local information; or (2) they are in different phases if the distinguishability results from relevant long-distance information. The different effects of irrelevant and relevant information are quantified, which allows us to identify unstable and stable fixed points (in the sense of renormalization group theory). A physical implication of our results is the occurrence of the orthogonality catastrophe near the transition points.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum replica approach to the under-screened Kondo model

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    We extend the Schwinger boson large N treatment of the underscreened Kondo model in a way that correctly captures the finite elastic phase shift in the singular Fermi liquid. The new feature of the approach, is the introduction of a flavor quantum number with K possible values, associated with the Schwinger boson representation. The large N limit is taken maintaining the ratio k=K/N fixed. This approach differs from previous approaches, in that we do not explicitly enforce a constraint on the spin representation of the Schwinger bosons. Instead, the energetics of the Kondo model cause the bosonic degrees of freedom to ``self assemble'' into a ground-state in which the spins of K bosons and N-K conduction electrons are antisymmetrically arranged into a Kondo singlet. With this device, the large N limit can be taken, in such a way that a fraction K/N of the Abrikosov Suhl resonance is immersed inside the Fermi sea. We show how this method can be used to model the full energy dependence of the singular Abrikosov Suhl resonance in the underscreened Kondo model and the field-dependent magnetization.Comment: Revised draft, with plots explicitly showing logarithmic scaling of inverse coupling constant. Small corrections prior to submission to journa