2,378 research outputs found

    Different Transport Pathways of Individual Precursor Proteins in Mitochondria

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    Transport of mitochondrial precursor proteins into mitochondria of Neurospora crassa was studied in a cellfree reconstituted system. Precursors were synthesized in a reticulocyte lysate programmed with Neurospora mRNA and transported into isolated mitochondria in the absence of protein synthesis. Uptake of the following precursors was investigated: apocytochrome c, ADP/ATP carrier and subunit 9 of the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase. Addition of high concentrations of unlabelled chemically prepared apocytochrome c (1–10 ÎŒM) inhibited the appearance in the mitochondrial of labelled cytochrome c synthesized in vitro because the unlabelled protein dilutes the labelled one and because the translocation system has a limited capacity [apparent V is 1–3 pmol × min−1× (mg mitochondrial protein)−1]. Concentrations of added apocytochrome c exceeding the concentrations of precursor proteins synthesized in vitro by a factor of about 104 did not inhibit the transfer of ADP/ATP carrier or ATPase subunit 9 into mitochondria. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, inhibited transfer in vitro of ADP/ATP carrier and of ATPase subunit 9, but not of cytochrome c. These findings suggest that cytochrome c and the other two proteins have different import pathways into mitochondria. It can be inferred from the data presented that different 'receptors' on the mitochondrial surface mediate the specific recognition of precursor proteins by mitochondria as a first step in the transport process

    Coated Blade Spray Ion Mobility Spectrometry

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    Coated blade spray (CBS) is a microextraction technology with blades that serve as both the extraction device and the electrospray ionization (ESI) emitter. CBS is designed for easy and rapid extraction of analytes in complex matrices as well as ESI directly from the blade. The technology selectively enriches the components of interest on a coated metal blade. The coating consists of a selective polymer. So far, CBS has only been coupled with mass spectrometry but never with ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), where ions are separated and detected based on their ion mobility in a drift gas under the influence of an electric field, while instrumentation is compact and easy to operate so that the advantages of CBS can be particularly well exploited. Therefore, this work focuses on coupling CBS with our previously described ESI-IMS. The ion mobility spectrometer has a drift length of only 75 mm and provides a high resolving power of RP = 100. In this work, preliminary measurements of CBS-IMS are presented. In particular, the detection of benzodiazepines and ketamine in drinks and the pesticide isoproturon in water samples is shown to demonstrate the feasibility of CBS-IMS

    An adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells based on LR NURBS

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    We present an adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells. Their deformation is characterized by the Kirchhoff-Love thin shell theory using a curvilinear surface description. All kinematical objects are defined on the shell's mid-plane. The evolution equation for the phase field is determined by the minimization of an energy functional based on Griffith's theory of brittle fracture. Membrane and bending contributions to the fracture process are modeled separately and a thickness integration is established for the latter. The coupled system consists of two nonlinear fourth-order PDEs and all quantities are defined on an evolving two-dimensional manifold. Since the weak form requires C1C^1-continuity, isogeometric shape functions are used. The mesh is adaptively refined based on the phase field using Locally Refinable (LR) NURBS. Time is discretized based on a generalized-α\alpha method using adaptive time-stepping, and the discretized coupled system is solved with a monolithic Newton-Raphson scheme. The interaction between surface deformation and crack evolution is demonstrated by several numerical examples showing dynamic crack propagation and branching.Comment: In this version, typos were fixed, Fig. 16 is added, the literature review is extended and clarifying explanations and remarks are added at several places. Supplementary movies are available at https://av.tib.eu/series/641/supplemental+videos+of+the+paper+an+adaptive+space+time+phase+field+formulation+for+dynamic+fracture+of+brittle+shells+based+on+lr+nurb

    Longitudinal intravital imaging of the retina reveals long-term dynamics of immune infiltration and its effects on the glial network in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis, without evident signs of neuronal dysfunction in the ganglion cell layer

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    A hallmark of autoimmune retinal inflammation is the infiltration of the retina with cells of the innate and adaptive immune system, leading to detachment of the retinal layers and even to complete loss of the retinal photoreceptor layer. As the only optical system in the organism, the eye enables non-invasive longitudinal imaging studies of these local autoimmune processes and of their effects on the target tissue. Moreover, as a window to the central nervous system (CNS), the eye also reflects general neuroinflammatory processes taking place at various sites within the CNS. Histological studies in murine neuroinflammatory models, such as experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, indicate that immune infiltration is initialized by effector CD4(+) T cells, with the innate compartment (neutrophils, macrophages, and monocytes) contributing crucially to tissue degeneration that occurs at later phases of the disease. However, how the immune attack is orchestrated by various immune cell subsets in the retina and how the latter interact with the target tissue under in vivo conditions is still poorly understood. Our study addresses this gap with a novel approach for intravital two-photon microscopy, which enabled us to repeatedly track CD4(+) T cells and LysM phagocytes during the entire course of EAU and to identify a specific radial infiltration pattern of these cells within the inflamed retina, starting from the optic nerve head. In contrast, highly motile [Formula: see text] cells display an opposite radial motility pattern, toward the optic nerve head. These inflammatory processes induce modifications of the microglial network toward an activated morphology, especially around the optic nerve head and main retinal blood vessels, but do not affect the neurons within the ganglion cell layer. Thanks to the new technology, non-invasive correlation of clinical scores of CNS-related pathologies with immune infiltrate behavior and subsequent tissue dysfunction is now possible. Hence, the new approach paves the way for deeper insights into the pathology of neuroinflammatory processes on a cellular basis, over the entire disease course

    Neural crest–derived cells with stem cell features can be traced back to multiple lineages in the adult skin

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    Given their accessibility, multipotent skin-derived cells might be useful for future cell replacement therapies. We describe the isolation of multipotent stem cell–like cells from the adult trunk skin of mice and humans that express the neural crest stem cell markers p75 and Sox10 and display extensive self-renewal capacity in sphere cultures. To determine the origin of these cells, we genetically mapped the fate of neural crest cells in face and trunk skin of mouse. In whisker follicles of the face, many mesenchymal structures are neural crest derived and appear to contain cells with sphere-forming potential. In the trunk skin, however, sphere-forming neural crest–derived cells are restricted to the glial and melanocyte lineages. Thus, self-renewing cells in the adult skin can be obtained from several neural crest derivatives, and these are of distinct nature in face and trunk skin. These findings are relevant for the design of therapeutic strategies because the potential of stem and progenitor cells in vivo likely depends on their nature and origin

    Computed tomographic enterography adds information to clinical management in small bowel Crohn's disease

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    Background: CT enterography yields striking findings in the bowel wall in Crohn's disease. These images may help to evaluate whether small bowel narrowing results from active disease requiring anti-inflammatory therapy. However, the clinical relevance of these images is unknown. It is also not known if these radiologic findings correlate with objective biomarkers of inflammation. Methods: In a blinded and independent evaluation, IBD subspecialty gastroenterologists reviewed clinical data, and CT radiologists reviewed CT enterography scans of 67 consecutive patients with Crohn's disease and suspicion of either small bowel inflammation or stricture. Comparisons were made between (1) clinical and radiologic assessments of inflammation and stricture, (2) clinical assessments before and after computed tomographic enterography (CTE) reports were revealed, and (3) radiologic findings and objective biomarkers of inflammation. Results: (1) Individual CTE findings correlated poorly (Spearman's rho < 0.30) with clinical assessment; (2) clinicians did not suspect 16% of radiologic strictures, and more than half the cases of clinically suspected strictures did not have them on CTE; (3) CTE data changed clinicians' perceptions of the likelihood of steroid benefit in 41 of 67 cases; (4) specific CTE findings correlated with CRP, and a distinct set of CTE findings correlated with ESR in the subset of patients who had these biomarkers measured. Conclusions: CTE seems to add unique information to clinical assessment, both in detecting additional strictures and in changing clinicians' perceptions of the likelihood of steroids benefiting patients. The biomarker correlations suggest that CTE is measuring real biologic phenomena that correlate with inflammation, providing information distinct from that in a standard clinical assessment. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2006)Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/55965/1/20013_ftp.pd

    Evoked responses to rhythmic visual stimulation vary across sources of intrinsic alpha activity in humans

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    Rhythmic flickering visual stimulation produces steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Based on electrode-level analyses, two dichotomous models of the underpinning mechanisms leading to SSVEP generation have been proposed: entrainment or superposition, i.e., phase-alignment or independence of endogenous brain oscillations from flicker-induced oscillations, respectively. Electrode-level analyses, however, represent an averaged view of underlying ‘source-level’ activity, at which variability in SSVEPs may lie, possibly suggesting the co-existence of multiple mechanisms. To probe this idea, we investigated the variability of SSVEPs derived from the sources underpinning scalp EEG responses during presentation of a flickering radial checkerboard. Flicker was presented between 6 and 12 Hz in 1 Hz steps, and at individual alpha frequency (IAF i.e., the dominant frequency of endogenous alpha oscillatory activity). We tested whether sources of endogenous alpha activity could be dissociated according to evoked responses to different flicker frequencies relative to IAF. Occipitoparietal sources were identified by temporal independent component analysis, maximal resting-state alpha power at IAF and source localisation. The pattern of SSVEPs to rhythmic flicker relative to IAF was estimated by correlation coefficients, describing the correlation between the peak-to-peak amplitude of the SSVEP and the absolute distance of the flicker frequency from IAF across flicker conditions. We observed extreme variability in correlation coefficients across sources, ranging from −0.84 to 0.93, with sources showing largely different coefficients co-existing within subjects. This result demonstrates variation in evoked responses to flicker across sources of endogenous alpha oscillatory activity. Data support the idea of multiple SSVEP mechanisms

    LHC Luminosity and energy upgrade: A Feasibility Study

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    We discuss a possible staged upgrade of the LHC and of its injectors, with a view to increasing the luminosity from the nominal 10**34 cm**-2s**-1 to 10**35 cm**-2s**-1 in each of the two high-luminosity experiments. We also consider possible scenarios for an upgrade to a proton beam energy of about 14 TeV. Starting from beam dynamics considerations and fundamental limitations of the hardware subsystems, we derive realistic requirements for the major components, such as superconducting magnets, cryogenic and RF systems, beam dump and vacuum. We also discuss a novel approach to the optimization of the collider performance, compatible with the beam-beam limit for high intensity proton bunches or long "super-bunches", and sketch a new design of the interaction regions, including an alternative beam crossing scheme. Finally we identify further studies required for an LHC performance upgrade and propose an R&D programm

    Electron Cloud Effects in the CERN SPS and LHC

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    Electron cloud effects have been recently observed in the CERN SPS in the presence of LHC type proton beams with 25 ns bunch spacing. Above a threshold intensity of about 4 X 10^12 protons in 81 consecutive bunches, corresponding to half of the nomina
