34 research outputs found

    Does Studying Economics Discourage Cooperation? Watch What We Do, Not What We Say or How We Play

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    Based on what economics students say and how they play games, economics students appear less cooperative than other students. But appearances can be deceiving: the evidence in this paper indicates that the actual behavior of economics students is more cooperative than that of other students. The authors carried out a 'lost letter' experiment, in which envelopes containing currency were dropped in classrooms and the return rate measured. In this test of actual behavior, the economics students returned a significantly larger percentage of lost letters, exhibiting more cooperative behavior than other students.

    Just Say no: American and Japanese Styles of Refusing Unwanted Sexual Advances

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    To determine whether cultural and gender differences in directness of communication are reflected in styles of refusing unwanted sexual advances, we surveyed American college students and Japanese international college students about direct and indirect ways of saying “no” in dating relationships. While both American and Japanese students said they would rather use indirect refusal tactics than direct ones, Americans rated direct strategies as more likely to be effective than did Japanese participants. Further, American students interpreted direct strategies as clearer refusals than indirect strategies, whereas Japanese respondents did not make this distinction. Men and women responded similarly in both cultural groups, so the findings point primarily to possible cultural differences in the meaning of direct refusals of sexual advances

    Latino Sexual Beliefs Scale: An Exploratory Factor Analysis of Latino Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    The catalyzing forces behind risky sexual behavior are a rich area of interest for public health researchers concerned with reducing HIV risk. Social cognitive theory would suggest that sexual beliefs are a viable example of one such influential agent. Recognizing that culture plays an important role in forming such sexual beliefs, and seeking to understand the unique HIV risks present for Latino men who have sex with men (MSM), this article presents an exploratory factor analysis of the 13-item Latino Sexual Beliefs Scale (LSBS) created as part of a larger study to investigate predictors of condom use among a sample of 482 MSM born in Brazil, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic and living in the U.S. The current analysis identified two psychometric factors in the LSBS as Romantic Exigency (containing six items with a mean loading of.62) and Sexual Acquiescence (containing seven items with a mean loading of.57). This is the first factor analysis conducted on the 13-item LSBS and represents the first known quantitative measure of Latino cultural sexual beliefs related to condom use for Latino MSM. Implications for future research include further validation, use in studies exploring the role of sexual beliefs on condom use, and possible thematic targets in HIV risk reduction interventions

    Can additive measures add to an intersectional understanding? Experiences of gay and ethnic discrimination among HIV-positive Latino gay men

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    The current study investigated a methodological question of whether traditional, additive, quantitative data can be used to address intersectional issues, and illustrated such an approach with a sample of 301 HIV-positive, Latino gay men in the United States. Participants were surveyed using A-CASI. Hierarchical logistic set regression investigated the role of sets of variables reflecting demographic characteristics, gender nonconformity, and gay and ethnic discrimination in relation to depression and gay collective identity. Results showed the discrimination set was related to depression and to gay collective identity, as was gender nonconformity. Follow-up logistic regression showed that both types of discrimination were associated with greater depression, but gender nonconformity was not. Gay discrimination and gender nonconformity were positively associated with gay collective identity, whereas ethnic discrimination was negatively associated. Results are discussed in terms of the use of traditional quantitative data as a potential means of understanding intersectional issues, as well as of contributing to knowledge about individuals facing multiple structural inequalities. © 2013 American Psychological Association

    Identity and Relational Factors Associated with Sexual Role and Positioning for Anal Sex among Colombian Sexual Minority Men

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    This study aimed to identify Top, Bottom, and Versatile sexual role identities and anal sex behavior profiles using latent class analysis in a sample of 942 sexual minority men living in Bogotá. A Versatile-insertive and receptive class (52.2%) was the most prevalent of the four resulting classes, whereas the least common was a class (1.7%) that did not use labels and had a low probability of anal sex. We examined whether identity and relational factors (i.e., sexual orientation, LGBT collective identity, and partner type) were associated with profiles. Gay identity was associated with versatile and receptive classes and bisexual identity was associated with insertive and versatile classes. LGBT collective identity was associated with the class characterized by Bottom identity and receptive positioning. Partner type was not associated with class membership, but versatile behaviors were more common among encounters with a main partner. Models using data at different timescales offered consistent patterns of behavior between the last encounter and the past three months, though the versatile class in the three-month model split into two classes based on frequency of versatile positioning. Findings highlight the relationship between sexual identity and positioning and can inform interventions for sexual health education and identity development