8 research outputs found

    StatistiÄŤka analiza obrade podataka u nekim seizmiÄŤkim refrakcijskim metodama: Primjer sintetiÄŤkih podataka

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    The delay time method has gained attention in shallow seismic refraction survey because it has the capability to map the lateral thickness of overburden and relief of bedrock. This study addresses the comparison between the performances of the plus-minus and conventional reciprocal methods using a synthetic data. The interpretations obtained from both methods are reasonably comparable to the actual geophysical models. This suggests that either of the methods can be used to construct a geologic section. However, the result of randomized complete block design (RCBD) experiment shows a significant difference in the type of method used and this necessitate the need for further test. The pairwise comparison suggests that the plus-minus method produces a model that better mimics the actual data than the conventional reciprocal method.Metoda vremenskog kašnjenja često se koristi u istraživanju plitke seizmičke refrakcije jer ima mogućnost kartiranja lateralne debljine nadsloja i reljefa stijena. Ovaj rad bavi se usporedbom svojstava plus-minus i konvencionalnih recipročnih metoda korištenjem sintetičkih podataka. Interpretacije dobivene objema metodama razumno su usporedive sa stvarnim geofizičkim modelima. To sugerira da se bilo koja od metoda može koristiti za konstrukciju geološke sekcije. Međutim, rezultat eksperimenta randomiziranog cjelovitog projekta blokiranja (RCBD) pokazuje značajne razlike ovisno o korištenoj metodi, a to nameće potrebu za daljnjim ispitivanjima. Uparena usporedba sugerira da plus-minus metoda daje model koji bolje oponaša stvarne podatke u odnosu na konvencionalnu recipročnu metodu

    Viscoelastic Model and Synthetic Seismic Data of Eastern Rub’Al-Khali

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    The Rub’ Al-Khali basin in Saudi Arabia remains unexplored and lacks data availability due to its remoteness and the challenging nature of its terrain. Thus far, there are neither digital geologic models nor synthetic seismic data from this specific area accessible for testing research techniques and analysis. In this study, we build a 2D viscoelastic model of the eastern part of the Rub’ Al-Khali basin and generate a corresponding dual-component seismic data set. We compile high-resolution depth models of compressional- and shear-wave velocities, density, as well as compressional- and shear-wave quality factors from published data. The compiled models span Neoproterozoic basement up to Quaternary sand dunes. We then use the finite-difference technique to model the propagation of seismic waves in the compiled viscoelastic medium of eastern Rub’ Al-Khali desert. In particular, we generate vertical and horizontal components of the shot gathers with accuracy to the fourth and second orders in space and time, respectively. The viscoelastic models and synthetic seismic datasets are made available in an open-source site for prospective re-searchers who desire to use them for their research. Users of these datasets are urged to make their findings also accessible to the geoscience community as a way of keeping track of developments related to the Rub’ Al-Khali desert

    Viscoelastic Model and Synthetic Seismic Data of Eastern Rub’Al-Khali

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    The Rub’ Al-Khali basin in Saudi Arabia remains unexplored and lacks data availability due to its remoteness and the challenging nature of its terrain. Thus far, there are neither digital geologic models nor synthetic seismic data from this specific area accessible for testing research techniques and analysis. In this study, we build a 2D viscoelastic model of the eastern part of the Rub’ Al-Khali basin and generate a corresponding dual-component seismic data set. We compile high-resolution depth models of compressional- and shear-wave velocities, density, as well as compressional- and shear-wave quality factors from published data. The compiled models span Neoproterozoic basement up to Quaternary sand dunes. We then use the finite-difference technique to model the propagation of seismic waves in the compiled viscoelastic medium of eastern Rub’ Al-Khali desert. In particular, we generate vertical and horizontal components of the shot gathers with accuracy to the fourth and second orders in space and time, respectively. The viscoelastic models and synthetic seismic datasets are made available in an open-source site for prospective re-searchers who desire to use them for their research. Users of these datasets are urged to make their findings also accessible to the geoscience community as a way of keeping track of developments related to the Rub’ Al-Khali desert

    A Comprehensive Study of Local, Global, and Combined Optimization Methods on Synthetic Seismic Refraction and Direct Current Resistivity Data

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    Most geophysical inversions face the problem of non-uniqueness, which poses a challenge in the mapping and delineation of the subsurface anomalies. To tackle this challenge, a combined local and global optimization approach is considered for jointly inverting two-dimensional direct current resistivity (DCR) and seismic refraction (SR) data that aim to estimate the corresponding physical model parameters. In this combined approach, the output of the local optimization method is used to determine the search space and tuning parameters for the global optimization algorithm. The multi-objective genetic algorithm (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm) was utilized to jointly optimize the objective functions of two different methods. Because the genetic algorithm is a population-based optimization method, it requires numerous forward calculations. To deal with the expected high computational cost associated with this approach, parallel computing was utilized for the forward function evaluations to reduce the run time of the entire process. The proposed approach was tested using synthetic two-dimensional resistivity and velocity models that had three different types of anomalies (dyke, positive, and combined positive and negative). The results showed an improvement in the anomaly delineation in the output of the combined local and global optimization method compared with the local optimization method. Additionally, similar synthetic models were tested using only the single objective global optimization algorithm (conventional global optimization), which showed promising anomaly delineation

    A Comprehensive Study of Local, Global, and Combined Optimization Methods on Synthetic Seismic Refraction and Direct Current Resistivity Data

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    Most geophysical inversions face the problem of non-uniqueness, which poses a challenge in the mapping and delineation of the subsurface anomalies. To tackle this challenge, a combined local and global optimization approach is considered for jointly inverting two-dimensional direct current resistivity (DCR) and seismic refraction (SR) data that aim to estimate the corresponding physical model parameters. In this combined approach, the output of the local optimization method is used to determine the search space and tuning parameters for the global optimization algorithm. The multi-objective genetic algorithm (non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm) was utilized to jointly optimize the objective functions of two different methods. Because the genetic algorithm is a population-based optimization method, it requires numerous forward calculations. To deal with the expected high computational cost associated with this approach, parallel computing was utilized for the forward function evaluations to reduce the run time of the entire process. The proposed approach was tested using synthetic two-dimensional resistivity and velocity models that had three different types of anomalies (dyke, positive, and combined positive and negative). The results showed an improvement in the anomaly delineation in the output of the combined local and global optimization method compared with the local optimization method. Additionally, similar synthetic models were tested using only the single objective global optimization algorithm (conventional global optimization), which showed promising anomaly delineation

    Application of Combined Local and Global Optimization Algorithms in Joint Interpretation of Direct Current Resistivity and Seismic Refraction Data: A Case Study of Dammam Dome, Eastern Saudi Arabia

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    The main geological structures in the Dammam Dome are defined by integrating geophysical measurements and applying new methodological approaches. Dammam Dome is characterized by a well-developed fracture/joints system; thus, high complexity of the subsurface is expected. Direct Current Resistivity (DCR) and Seismic Refraction (SR) geophysical survey aimed to map the Dammam Dome’s near-surface features. The geophysical data were acquired along two profiles in the northern part of Dammam Dome. To maximize the results from conducting DCR and SR measurements over a complex area, a combined local and global optimization algorithm was used to obtain high-resolution near-surface images in resistivity and velocity models. The local optimization technique involves individual and joint inversion of the DCR and SR data incorporating appropriate regularization parameters, while the global optimization uses single and multi-objective genetic algorithms in model parameter estimation. The combined algorithm uses the output from the local optimization method to define a search space for the global optimization algorithm. The results show that the local optimization produces satisfactory inverted models, and that the global optimization algorithm improves the local optimization results. The joint inversion and processing of the acquired data identified two major faults and a deformed zone with an almost N–S direction that corresponds with an outcrop were mapped in profile one, while profile two shows similar anomalies in both the resistivity and velocity models with the main E–W direction. This study not only demonstrates the capability of using the combined local and global optimization multi-objectives techniques to estimate model parameters of large datasets (i.e., 2D DCR and SR data), but also provides high-resolution subsurface images that can be used to study structural features of the Dammam Dome