6 research outputs found

    Фармакологические экспериментальные исследования побочных эффектов ассоциации алпразолам+бромазепам

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    Disciplina Farmacologie şi Farmacie clinică, Facultatea Farmacie, UMF Carol Davila, Bucureşti, RomâniaIn lucrarea de faţă ne-am propus cercetarea preclinică a potenţialului farmacotoxicologic al asocierii dintre două benzodiazepine: alprazolam şi bromazepam. Cercetările noastre s-au efectuat la şoareci prin teste farmacologice specifice de evaluare a efectului miorelaxant (testul rotarod) şi a efectului asupra memoriei şi achiziţiei spaţiale (labirintul acvatic Morris). Dozele administrate au fost. alprazolam 0,5 mg/kg corp şi bromazepam 0,75 mg/kg corp. In urma cercetărilor efectuate, putem afirma că cele două benzodiazepine studiate, alprazolam şi bromazepam, la dozele administrate, singure sau in asociere, nu influenţează in sens negativ abilitatea şoarecilor de a se menţine pe axul in rotaţie sau capacitatea de a invăţa şi de a memora poziţia platformei in testul labirintului acvatic Morris.In the present paper we have researched, through experimental pharmacology studies, the pharmacotoxicological potential of the association between two benzodiazepine drugs: alprazolam and bromazepam. Our research has performed using specific pharmacological tests to evaluate the effect of miorelaxant (rotarod test) and effect on memory and spatial acquisition (Morris aquatic labyrinth). The doses administered were alprazolam 0.5 mg/kg body weight and bromazepam 0.75 mg/ kg body weight. Based on our research, we can state that the studied benzodiazepines, alprazolam and bromazepam, at the doses administered alone or in combination, do not adversely affect the ability of mice to maintain on the rotating spindle or the ability to learn and to remember platform position in the Morris aquatic labyrinth test.В этой статье мы поставили себе цель провести доклинические исследования фармакотоксикологического потенциала ассоциации между двумя бензодиазепинами: альпразоламином и бромазепамом. Наши исследования проводились на мышах с помощью специфических фармакологических тестов для оценки влияния миорелаксанта (тест ротарода) и влияния на память и пространственное поглощение (водный лабиринт Морриса). Доза альпразолама была 0,5 мг/кг массы тела и бромазепа – 0,75 мг/кг массы тела. Основываясь на наших исследованиях, мы можем констатировать, что два исследуемых бензодиазепина, альпразолам и бромазепам в указанных дозах, вводимых отдельно или в комбинации, не оказывают отрицательного влияния на способность мышей поддерживать ось вращения или способность учиться и помнить позицию платформы в тесте водного лабиринта Морриса

    Oxidative dissolution of iron monosulfide (FeS) in acidic conditions: The effect of solid pretreatment

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    International audienceThis study investigates the oxidative dissolution of Fe monosulfide (FeS) as a function of sample pretreatment. The dissolution rates of FeS (troilite) either untreated or pretreated with water (FeS#1) or 1 M HCl (FeS#2) were determined at 25 °C and initial pH 2.0 in aerated solutions. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry analyses show that, compared to the initial sample (FeS#0), pretreated FeS samples contain an excess of sulfur and ferric oxyhydroxides which form external amorphous layers. For FeS#1, the external layer is rich in ferric oxyhydroxides. A diminution of dissolved amount of FeS#2 and FeS#1 compared to FeS#0 occurs after only 3 h of reaction. This dissolution inhibition was also confirmed by electrochemical measurements (potentiodynamic polarization measurements and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy)