213 research outputs found

    Percolative switching in transition metal dichalcogenide field-effect transistors at room temperature

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    We have addressed the microscopic transport mechanism at the switching or on-off transition in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) field-effect transistors (FET), which has been a controversial topic in TMDC electronics, especially at room temperature. With simultaneous measurement of channel conductivity and its slow time-dependent fluctuation (or noise) in ultra-thin WSe2 and MoS2 FETs on insulating SiO2 substrates, where noise arises from McWhorter-type carrier number fluctuations, we establish that the switching in conventional backgated TMDC FETs is a classical percolation transition in a medium of inhomogeneous carrier density distribution. From the experimentally observed exponents in the scaling of noise magnitude with conductivity, we observe unambiguous signatures of percolation in random resistor network, particularly in WSe2 FETs close to switching, which crosses over to continuum percolation at a higher doping level. We demonstrate a powerful experimental probe to the microscopic nature of near-threshold electrical transport in TMDC FETs, irrespective of the material detail, device geometry or carrier mobility, which can be extended to other classes of 2D material-based devices as well

    A Conceptual Overview of Structural Equation Modeling

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    A synthesized version of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and its possible applications in Management problems is presented. The main contribution of the paper is its simple description of a somewhat complex statistical process for the understanding of the beginners in this domain. It acts as a initial reading in SEM, before the researchers delve into more complex exposition of the statistical technique. The description is largely in English (not statistics) and is palatable to readers not trained enough in the domain of statistics. It will serve as a good overview of this methodology for FPM students in business schools.


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    Aconite (Aconitum napellus Linn.) commonly known as atis is a poisonous plant used extensively as antihypertensive, antipyretic, analgesic and antirheumatic. Ayurveda recommended the administration of aconite roots only after purification, i.e., boiling roots in cow’s urine (Gomutra). In the present study an attempt was made to compare the pro-arrhythmic and antihypertensive effects of powdered aconite root purified by shodhana process with that of unpurified form of aconite roots in order to provide scientific support of the claim in ayurvedic texts that purification of aconite root by shodhana process retains its antihypertensive activity and is devoid of pro-arrhythmic activity. Aconite root treatment in both forms purified and unpurified) caused significant reduction in BP when compared with diseased control group (P<0.05). The unpurified aconite root group showed significant increase in heart rate, increase in QRS complex time and increase in QT interval, however these parameters were statistically insignificant in purified aconite root treated group. The PRA, SC and BUN levels was significantly decreased in aconite root treatment groups. The probable mechanism of antihypertensive activity of aconite root can be attributed to decrease in plasma renin activity, decrease in oxidative stress and increase in NO levels. Key words: Aconite, shodhana process, antihypertensive, proarrhythmi

    Probability for Primordial Black Holes in Higher Derivative Theories

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    The probability for quantum creation of an inflationary universe with a pair of black holes in higher derivative theories has been studied. Considering a gravitational action which includes quadratic (αR2\alpha R^{2}) and/or cubic term (βR3\beta R^{3}) in scalar curvature in addition to a cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda) in semiclassical approximation with Hartle-Hawking boundary condition, the probability has been evaluated. The action of the instanton responsible for creating such a universe, with spatial section with S1XS2S^{1}XS^{2} topology, is found to be less than that with a spatial S3S^{3} topology, unless α<−18Λ\alpha < - \frac{1}{8 \Lambda} in R2R^{2}-theory. In the R3R^{3} theory, however, there exists a set of solutions without a cosmological constant when βR2=1\beta R^{2} = 1 and α=−3β\alpha = - 3 \sqrt{\beta} which admit primordial black holes (PBH) pair in an inflationary universe scenario. We note further that when βR2≠1\beta R^{2} \neq 1, one gets PBH pairs in the two cases : (i) with α\alpha and Λ\Lambda both positive and (ii) with Λ\Lambda positive and α\alpha negative satisfying a constraint 6∣α∣Λ>16 | \alpha | \Lambda > 1. However, the relative probability for creation of an inflationary universe with a pair of black holes in the R3R^{3}-theory suppresses when α>−2β\alpha > - 2 \sqrt{\beta} or ∣α∣<2β|\alpha| < 2 \sqrt{\beta} . However, if the above constraints are relaxed one derives interesting results leading to a universe with PBH in R3R^{3}-theory without cosmological constant. PACS No(s). : 04.20.Jb, 04.60.+n, 98.80.HwComment: 15 pages, No figures. accepted in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (2001

    A Mathematical Theory for Studying and Controlling the Disinformation System Dynamics

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    This study explores the connection between disinformation, defined as deliberate spread of false information, and rate-induced tipping (R-tipping), a phenomenon where systems undergo sudden changes due to rapid shifts in ex-ternal forces. While traditionally, tipping points were associated with exceeding critical thresholds, R-tipping highlights the influence of the rate of change, even without crossing specific levels. The study argues that disinformation campaigns, often organized and fast-paced, can trigger R-tipping events in public opinion and societal behavior. This can happen even if the disinformation itself doesn't reach a critical mass, making it challenging to predict and control. Here, by Transforming a population dynamics model into a network model, Investigating the interplay between the source of disinformation, the exposed population, and the medium of transmission under the influence of external sources, the study aims to provide valuable insights for predicting and controlling the spread of disinformation. This mathematical approach holds promise for developing effective countermeasures against this increasingly prevalent threat to public discourse and decision-making.Comment: 8 Pages, 6 Figures, Accepted Paper, Proceedings of the ICMAAM-2023, Part of the Book Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathemat-ics & Statistic

    A New Data-Driven Method to Identify Violent Facial Expression

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    Human Facial Expressions plays an important role in identifying human actions or intention. Facial expressions can represent any specific action of any person and the pattern of violent behavior of any person strongly depends on the geographic region. Here we have designed an automated system by using a Convolutional Neural Network which can detect whether a person has any intention to commit any crime or not. Here we proposed a new method that can identify criminal intentions or violent behavior of any person before executing crimes more efficiently by using very little data on facial expressions before executing a crime or any violent tasks. Instead of using image features which is a time-consuming and faulty method we used an automated feature selector Convolutional Neural Network model which can capture exact facial expressions for training and then can predict that target facial expressions more accurately. Here we used only the facial data of a specific geographic region which can represent the violent and before-crime before-crime facial patterns of the people of the whole region.Comment: Submitted to the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials, and Mechatronics Systems : Submission Number:230

    Bertrand-Cournot Ranking Reversal for Optimal Privatization Level

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    We consider a vertically related differentiated product mixed duopoly market where a public and private firm compete in the downstream market. The public firm is partially privatized and a welfare maximizing regulator chooses the privatization level. The production of the final commodity requires a key input that is supplied by a foreign monopolist who in the upstream market can practice either uniform or discriminatory pricing. We show that with uniform pricing regime the privatization is always larger under Cournot competition while in case of discriminatory pricing regime, the privatization level under Bertrand competition is always larger. We also find that under discriminatory pricing regime, the Cournot-Bertrand ranking of other relevant variables are sensitive to the degree of substitutability
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