9 research outputs found

    Геология и особенности извлечения урана методом подземного скважинного выщелачивания на месторождение Буденовское (Южный Казахстан)

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    Эпигенетические месторождения урана региональных зон пластового окисления представлены большой группой месторождений в пределах Шу-Сарысуйской и Сырдарьинской ураново-рудных провинций. Общие ресурсы, заключенные в месторождениях пластово-инфильтрационного типа, весьма значительны и составляют более 75% всех ресурсов урана Республики Казахстан.The Chu-Sarysu Basin is located in south-central Kazakhstan. It is as much as 250 km wide and extends for more than 600 km from the foothills of the Tien Shan mountains to the south and southeast, and merges into the flats of the Aral Sea depression to the northwest. The northern and western boundary coincides roughly with the course of the Sarysu River while the Chu river flows across the southern part of the basin. The basin is bounded to the SW by the NW-SE-trending Karatau mountain range, which separates the Chu-Sarysu Basin from the southwesterly located Syr-Darya Basin. These two basins originally formed a single basin before they were separated by periodical uplift s of the Karatau Range. The separation took place after the formation of the U deposits

    Group membership does not modulate goal- versus movement-based imitation

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    It is often put forward that in-group members are imitated more strongly than out-group members. However, the validity of this claim has been questioned as recent investigations were not able to find differences for the imitation of in- versus out-group members. A central characteristic of these failed replications is their mere focus on movement-based imitation, thereby neglecting to take into consideration the superior goal of the movements. By using a computerised version of the pen-and-cups task, we disentangled movement- from goal-based imitation to shed further light onto the link between group membership and imitation. As previous research demonstrated that out-group members (as compared with in-group members) are represented psychologically distant and as psychological distance shifts the degree to which participants engage in goal- versus movement-based imitation, we predicted that in-group members (as compared with out-group members) shift the degree to which individuals imitate movements versus goals. The results did not confirm our predictions, as group membership does not modulate the degree of movement- versus goal-based imitation. Theoretical implications and the question whether imitative behaviour is socially modulated are discussed

    За кадры. 1977. № 36 (2031)

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    Уверенные ответы / О. СоловьеваВ обстановке единодушияНе упустить время. Накануне нового набора / В. ВолковОстается в наших рядах / Т. КаменеваНовое в аудитории. Читатель продолжает разговор / Р. БорисовПо результатам студенческих исследований. Межвузовская научная конференция / Г. ИвановаВернулись с дипломами / Е. ЗавадовскаяСлово - гостям / [беседа с] О. Борзова ; [беседа с] А. Гревцов ; [беседа с] Л. Кубарева ; [беседа с] Н. Бушмакин ; [беседовал] Л. БарминаВ ответ на заботу партииЭффект продуманности. Заочная школа корреспондентов / О. НиколаеваПо актуальным проблемам / И. ТюринаДиссертации математиков / С. ХабибулинБыть студгородку образцовым!Весомый вклад / Р. ЧелноковаПамяти героини / Б. М. ПлотниковНовые книги, поступившие в НТБПо законам красоты / Р. Квеск