3 research outputs found

    Mobile Banking: The Bangladesh Experience

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    This study is about the Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. Major objectives of this study are to give an overview about cost, usage and all other benefits of Mobile Banking as well as to produce a scenario of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. Both the primary and secondary data have been used for the study purpose.  The major findings of this study are 94% respondents think that it saves time than traditional banking, the highest number of respondents use Mobile Banking for ‘Air-time top-up’ service, out of 50 respondents 92% have replied it is less costlier than traditional banking, 100% respondents have agreed that it is speedy, and 100% respondents have opined any type of set can be used for Mobile Banking. Besides, 64% respondents have mentioned that DBBL plays a significant role in mobile baking sector, whereas 28% respondents have agreed that Bkash performs a vital role. Although this concept is new in Bangladesh but its potentiality is high and already it has started to contribute in the economy significantly. From this research, other researchers and policy makers will get an insight about the Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. Keywords:  M- Banking, Bkash, . ICTD, IBMC, SMS, NFC