7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of distribution channels in a selected meat processing company

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    The aim of the article was to analyse distribution logistics on the example of a selected meat processing plant, as well as to assess existing distribution channels according to the criteria determining the usability, efficiency and nature of the channel. Based on the research and analysis (analytical and point method), the distribution channels operating in this company were characterised and evaluated. Based on the results, one can determine which of the existing channels is the best and present the directions for their further development

    Spatial Analysis of the Availability of Health and Social Services for People with Special Needs

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    The health care system should offer and provide a variety of services without undue delay. Due to numerous technical, financial and human resource constraints, not all services can be offered both without restrictions and in equal measure in places of different sizes of residence. As a result of qualitative and quantitative research, a map of accessibility to social and health services was drawn up, taking into consideration the division of the country into voivodeships with different population. Spatial analysis showed great diversity in terms of service availability. Voivodships with the highest accessibility of health and social services are Dolnośląskie, Opolskie and Świętokrzyskie, while the worst situation is in Wielkopolskie. Moreover, the article identifies the main problems that people with limited functionality encounter when using health and social services

    5S system as a manner for improving working conditions and safety of work in a production company

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    Currently entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use many methods and tools that support production management, quality and improvement of working safety. A method worth paying attention to is the 5S method, which brings order and discipline to the workplace. The article presents practical aspects of the implementation of the 5S method using five simple steps that give the real benefits to a company. Particularly the specific solutions that can be applied at every stage of the implementation of the 5S method is indicated. Also innovative ways of conducting internal audits are presented. In addition, a model for the implementation of the 5S concept was proposed, which supports maintaining the healthy standards at a high level. It has been pointed out that the implementation of 5S rules must be constantly monitored and improved. Therefore, supervision and motivational activities are particularly important, especially from the side of leaders and managers represented an organization

    Ergonomics and Efficiency in a New Attempt to Model Work Processes

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    The article presents the relationships between ergonomics and the effectiveness of work processes. A new thematic framework has been developed to evaluate the engineering design of work processes in conjunction with the effectiveness and ergonomics of workplaces. The model presented in the paper takes into account ergonomic factors that have a direct impact on shaping working environment in which a person is located and improving their efficiency. The model was validated in real conditions in the production company. The subject of the research was the work process existing in the plant producing food paper packaging. The main method used to assess working conditions was observation and qualitative and quantitative assessment of operational activities based on video recording. Detailed human actions were analyzed in terms of ergonomic factors to prove the relationship between ergonomics and efficiency. In addition, new technical solutions have been proposed that improve working conditions and the efficiency of the entire work process

    Standardization of human activities as the component of a workflow efficiency model – a research experiment from a meat producing plant

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    The aim of the following research it to provide assumptions for creating workflow efficiency model that can be implemented in repeatable production workstations. One of the main components of this model are human activities and their interactions with other elements of working environment: human and artefacts. Recognition of patterns of human behaviours within working processes gives the opportunity to find critical points that influence workflow efficiency. The subject of research is a working process existing in meat producing plant. The main method used for recognizing human activity patterns was observation and qualitative and quantitative assessments of operational activities based on video registration. Particularly, human activities were analyzed under ergonomics criteria in order to proof dependencies between process efficiency and specific ergonomic factors forming working conditions at meat plant

    Standardization of human activities as the component of a workflow efficiency model - a research experiment from a meat producing plant

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    The aim of the following research it to provide assumptions for creating workflow efficiency model that can be implemented in repeatable production workstations. One of the main components of this model are human activities and their interactions with other elements of working environment: human and artefacts. Recognition of patterns of human behaviours within working processes gives the opportunity to find critical points that influence workflow efficiency. The subject of research is a working process existing in meat producing plant. The main method used for recognizing human activity patterns was observation and qualitative and quantitative assessments of operational activities based on video registration. Particularly, human activities were analyzed under ergonomics criteria in order to proof dependencies between process efficiency and specific ergonomic factors forming working conditions at meat plant

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Employers and H&S Services in Relation to the COVID-19 System in Polish Manufacturing Companies

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    With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had to adapt quickly to survive in the market. During this time, employers played a key role, along with employees involved in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) activities, as they were responsible for implementing the recommendations of the European Commission. There is no unambiguous definition of OHS in Polish legislation. It is assumed that it is a set of rules defining the manner of performing work, and above all, a method of providing employees with working conditions so that their performance is safe and hygienic. Responsibility for the health and safety in the workplace is imposed on the employer by the legislature. Thus, effective health and safety training is an essential element of the success of any properly operating company. In the literature, no studies have been identified that evaluate the effectiveness of actions during the COVID-19 outbreak. The aim of the article is to present the actions of Polish employers along with their effectiveness assessment related to the protection of employees during the COVID-19 outbreak. The article presents a proposal for conducting remote OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) training using the platform Moodle. The created course was implemented during OHS training conducted in a selected manufacturing company. At its end, an evaluation of the course was carried out, and the collected opinions of training participants allowed the formulation of interesting conclusions, which became the contribution of this paper. The authors pay special attention to three main points of the work. The first is the form of training, which gives the possibility to conduct training at a distance while maintaining its effectiveness. The second important point is the mandatory feedback of the trainees, ensuring the possibility of continuous improvement and quality enhancement of both the program and the form of training. The evaluation was developed on the basis of the extended Kirkpatrick model, which is a completely new approach to OHS training evaluation. The third point emphasized by the authors is the possibility of precise adaptation of the training to other plants and even industries. Therefore, it can be concluded that the course developed by the authors is a very interesting and practical didactic tool with great implementation potential