16 research outputs found

    Collecting practices in the Ottoman Empire

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    Collecting Practices in the Ottoman Empire 1800-1912 ​​ ​​In order to engage with an ever emerging amount of restitution requests and understand their future in an increasingly globalised world, it is important for museums to understand the precise history of their collections.The British Museum is keen to understand the policies that guided its collecting activity in the 19th and early 20th century, to understand that history and to actively engage in conversation regarding the public value of the collections. These histories are complex, there is no one fits all approach, but often methodologies of collecting changed according to the different historical moments. A pilot in collaboration with the British Museum Archives seeks to understand the precise use of diplomacy in the procurement of antiquities in the territory of the former Ottoman Empire across those different historical moments. It seeks to assess how the methodology of collecting pieces evolved and modified according to the different political circumstances, international trends and the multiple personalities in charge at the Museum. ​​This research has the potential to enable the Museum to address increasing demands of restitution and activism from indigenous communities, pairing with academics and other European institutions to discuss and find the most durable and effective way to open up its history and set the standard for institutional transparency in relation to the provenance of its collections.​​ The paper will present the result of the pilot and the history of a selection of pieces across 4 different historical times to explain concretely how generalisation is impossible and provenance history is critical when trying to understand the past to reassess the future

    Satala Aphrodite. Case Study

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    The Satala Aphrodite is a Hellenistic bronze head displayed in a wall mounted glass case over a ventilation grille near the south entrance to room 22 on the ground floor of the British Museum. Its current location and curatorial display reveal little of the complex route by which the head came to be a part of the Museum or of the importance ascribed to it at the time of its acquisition. The case study gathers material from the Museum archives to tell the story of the Satala head’s acquisition and shed light on the context of its original provenance. This study could be expanded at a later date to explain how the archive material could be linked back to the online collection

    Citizenship and Rights, a Reflection on the Consequences of Brexit

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    During the 2016 referendum on EU membership, Brexit was sold as the ultimate example of democracy, "taking back control #of borders, laws and money. Britain could "have its cake and eat it#: enjoy all the benefits already acquired without having to pay for membership or respect the "rules of the club#. EU nationals resident in the UK and their "ex-pat #British counterparts in Europe were denied participation in this critical vote on their future. Hostile environment immigration policies normalised xenophobic sentiment and set the backdrop to the Brexit vote. European Citizenship came with significant benefits and rights which were lost on 31 December 2020 at the conclusion of the transition period, but a lack of information means that most people in Britain have yet to fully understand the implications of their vote or the rights that they have forfeited

    Cultural Diplomacy in the Acquisition of the Head of Satala for the British Museum

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    The current location and curatorial display at the British Museum of a Hellenistic bronze head of the goddess Anahita in the guise of Aphrodite, found at Satala (Asia Minor), reveal little of the importance ascribed to it at the time of its acquisition, or of the complex route by which the head came to form part of the museum’s collection. Detailed examination of archival documentation relating to this acquisition shows how, despite nineteenth-century Ottoman and Italian legislation in relation to antiquities, this head and its accompanying bronze hand were found in the province of Armenia, sold by an Ottoman diplomat to a private collector in Rome and used to secure the sale of a collection of jewellery to the British Museum. The journey of the head illustrates the importance of diplomatic channels, the workings of the nineteenth-century European trade in art and antiquities and how museums, diplomats and collectors were able to assemble collections

    The Plunder of Maqdala: Ethical Concerns Around Belongings and Ancestral Remains in Museums

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    During the colonial period, museums did not just passively benefit from the plunder of human remains and culturally sacred items. When Britain sent a punitive military expedition to Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) in 1863, it was accompanied by Richard Holmes, a staff member of the British Museum, whose purchase of loot from the expeditionary force institutionalised the plunder of cultural heritage. His inclusion in the expeditionary force was carefully planned, though the belongings he took — mainly manuscripts, religious items and emblems of power belonging to the Ethiopian royal family — were not the intended focus of his participation. Whilst the UK’s 2004 Human Tissue Act had a beneficial impact on the treatment of human remains in museums, objects belonging to colonised people are often still positioned as artworks or artefacts, evidencing ignorance of the deep personal and spiritual links that connect them back to their communities of origin. This article draws on our professional experience of curation and research in museums and libraries, as well as the impact of ICOM’s new Museum Definition on our practice. Joint research on the Maqdala expedition led us to question assumptions about the legacy of empire in museums and to scrutinise unexpected connections in the history of museum collections. This article addresses the problematic relationship between collecting and imperial power, the false dichotomy between ‘artefacts’ (belongings) and ‘human remains’ (ancestors) and the need to decolonise collections through further research and the recognition of ongoing cultural and physical violence

    An advantageous proposition

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    When in 1820 consul Henry Salt offered to sell Egyptian antiquities, including the Seti sarcophagus, to the British Museum, the British government was unprepared for the substantial investment required. The subsequent acquisition of the sarcophagus by John Soane was the catalyst in changing the government attitude to collecting antiquities for the national museum. The acceptance of a proposal made in 1835 by Giovanni D’Athanasi to excavate in Egypt turned the government from a passive recipient into an active collector of antiquities for its museum. These episodes provide insights into the mechanisms by which the British Museum’s collection was established. They also illuminate how collecting by a national museum established an object habit that linked antiquities acquisitions, nationalism, and restitution demands in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

    I nostri figli, le nostre scuole, il nostro futuro: la scuola del futuro parte dall’Aquila

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    Policy paper La scuola è luogo di cittadinanza, soprattutto in una città che ha bisogno di cittadini “nuovi”, consapevoli del passato e portatori di futuro. Le nuove generazioni hanno il diritto di formarsi in spazi sicuri e ben organizzati, che consentano lo sviluppo dei migliori processi di apprendimento ed insegnamento, di partecipazione, di socializzazione e di acquisizione di sensibilità, valori da spendere positivamente nella costruzione della città futura

    Diplomats, Collecting and the Museum

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    A UCL HEIF KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE AND INNOVATION FUND application allowed us to com- plete six months of work in collaboration with the British Museum Archives to research and un- derstand the extent of diplomatic involvement in the collection of antiquities from the territory of the Ottoman Empire, in the years between 1800 and 1912. This is a fundamental period of time that coincided with the creation of some of the most impor- tant state museums in Europe and with the gathering of antiquities for museums in a way that is today creating a wake of restitution requests. Diplomatic status was essential to obtain permission to excavate and take away the findings, and the understanding of the history of collecting for the formation of institutional museums has be- come an essential point to discuss restitution requests and understand the future of the collec- tions and museums in a rapidly changing and globalised society. The narrative currently presented by museums as a result of the acquisition of their collections is both dated and controversial and needs to be updated. This pilot project coincides with the reorganisation of the British Museum Archives under one sin- gle umbrella with a new and strengthened department created to comply with the accreditation from the National Archives which requires cataloguing, increased access and progress towards open access

    Correction to: Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry (Infection, (2022), 50, 5, (1191-1202), 10.1007/s15010-022-01792-0)

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    In this article the “EURO-ENDO Investigators group” member U. Y. Sinan was incorrectly written as U.S. Yasar. The original article has been corrected

    Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry

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    none912Purpose: High mortality and a limited performance of valvular surgery are typical features of infective endocarditis (IE) in octogenarians, even though surgical treatment is a major determinant of a successful outcome in IE. Methods: Data from the prospective multicentre ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry were used to assess the prognostic role of valvular surgery depending on age. Results: As compared to < 80 yo patients, ≥ 80 yo had lower rates of theoretical indication for valvular surgery (49.1% vs. 60.3%, p < 0.001), of surgery performed (37.0% vs. 75.5%, p < 0.001), and a higher in-hospital (25.9% vs. 15.8%, p < 0.001) and 1-year mortality (41.3% vs. 22.2%, p < 0.001). By multivariable analysis, age per se was not predictive of 1-year mortality, but lack of surgical procedures when indicated was strongly predictive (HR 2.98 [2.43-3.66]). By propensity analysis, 304 ≥ 80 yo were matched to 608 < 80 yo patients. Propensity analysis confirmed the lower rate of indication for valvular surgery (51.3% vs. 57.2%, p = 0.031) and of surgery performed (35.3% vs. 68.4%, p < 0.0001) in ≥ 80 yo. Overall mortality remained higher in ≥ 80 yo (in-hospital: HR 1.50[1.06-2.13], p = 0.0210; 1-yr: HR 1.58[1.21-2.05], p = 0.0006), but was not different from that of < 80 yo among those who had surgery (in-hospital: 19.7% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.4236; 1-year: 27.3% vs. 25.5%, p = 0.7176). Conclusion: Although mortality rates are consistently higher in ≥ 80 yo patients than in < 80 yo patients in the general population, mortality of surgery in ≥ 80 yo is similar to < 80 yo after matching patients. These results confirm the importance of a better recognition of surgical indication and of an increased performance of surgery in ≥ 80 yo patients.nonePazdernik, Michal; Iung, Bernard; Mutlu, Bulent; Alla, François; Riezebos, Robert; Kong, William; Nunes, Maria Carmo Pereira; Pierard, Luc; Srdanovic, Ilija; Yamada, Hirotsugu; De Martino, Andrea; Miglioranza, Marcelo Haertel; Magne, Julien; Piper, Cornelia; Laroche, Cécile; Maggioni, Aldo P; Lancellotti, Patrizio; Habib, Gilbert; Selton-Suty, Christine, EURO-ENDO Investigators group: R Ronderos, G Avegliano, P Fernandez Oses, E Filipini, I Granada, A Iribarren, M Mahia, F Nacinovich, S Ressi, R Obregon, M Bangher, J Dho, L Cartasegna, M L Plastino, V Novas, C Shigel, G Reyes, M De Santos, N Gastaldello, M Granillo Fernandez, M Potito, G Streitenberger, P Velazco, J H Casabé, C Cortes, E Guevara, F Salmo, M Seijo, F Weidinger, M Heger, R Brooks, C Stöllberger, C-Y Ho, L Perschy, L Puskas, G Goliasch, C Binder, R Rosenhek, M Schneider, M-P Winter, E Hoffer, M Melissopoulou, E Lecoq, D Legrand, S Jacquet, M Massoz, P Lancellotti, L Pierard, R Dulgheru, S Marchetta, C D Emal, C Oury, B Cosyns, S Droogmans, D Kerkhove, A Motoc, D Plein, B Roosens, L Soens, C Weytjens, I Lemoine, I Rodrigus, B Paelinck, B Amsel, P Unger, D Konopnicki, C Beauloye, A Pasquet, S Pierard, D Vancraeynest, J L Vanoverschelde, F Sinnaeve, J L Andrade, A C Tude Rodrigues, K Staszko, R Dos Santos Monteiro, M H Miglioranza, D L Shuha, M Alcantara, V Cravo, L Fazzio, A Felix, M Iso, C Musa, A P Siciliano, F Villaca Filho, J Braga, A Rodrigues, R Silva, F Vilela, D Rodrigues, L Silva, S Morhy, C Fischer, R Silva, M Vieira, T Afonso, J Abreu, S N Falcao, V Moises, A Gouvea, G João, F Mancuso, C Silva, A C Souza, C S Abboud, R Bellio de Mattos Barretto, A Ramos, R Arnoni, J E Assef, D J Della Togna, D Le Bihan, L Miglioli, A P Romero Oliveira, R Tadeu Magro Kroll, D Cortez, C L Gelape, M D C Peirira Nunes, T C De Abreu Ferrari, K-L Chan, K Hay, V Le, M Page, F Poulin, C Sauve, K Serri, C Mercure, J Beaudoin, P Pibarot, I Sebag, L Rudski, G Ricafort, B Barsic, V Krajinovic, M Vargovic, J Separovic-Hanzevacki, D Lovric, V Reskovic-Luksic, J Vincelj, S Jaksic Jurinjak, V Yiannikourides, M Ioannides, C Kyriakou, C Pofaides, V Masoura, K Yiangou, J Pudich, A Linhart, M Siranec, J Marek, K Blechova, M Kamenik, M Pazdernik, R Pelouch, Z Coufal, M Mikulica, M Griva, E Jancova, M Mikulcova, M Taborsky, J Precek, M Jecmenova, J Latal, J Widimsky, T Butta, S Machacek, R Vancata, J Spinar, M Holicka, F Pow Chon Long, N Anzules, A Bajana Carpio, G Largacha, E Penaherrera, D Moreira, E Mahfouz, E Elsafty, A Soliman, Y Zayed, J Aboulenein, M Abdel-Hay, A Almaghraby, M Abdelnaby, M Ahmed, B Hammad, Y Saleh, H Zahran, O Elgebaly, A Saad, M Ali, A Zeid, R El Sharkawy, M Meshaal, A Al Kholy, R Doss, D Osama, H Rizk, A Elmogy, M Mishriky, P Assayag, S El Hatimi, Saint- E Botelho-Nevers, S Campisi, J-F Fuzellier, A Gagneux-Brunon, R Pierrard, C Tulane, M Detoc, T Mehalla, D Boutoille, O Al Habash, N Asseray-Madani, C Biron, J Brochard, J Caillon, C Cueff, T Le Tourneau, A S Lecompte, R Lecomte, M Lefebvre, M M Magali Michel, S Pattier, S Delarue, M Le Bras, J Orain, J-F Faucher, V Aboyans, A Beeharry, H Durox, M Lacoste, J Magne, D Mohty, A David, V Pradel, V Sierra, A Neykova, B Bettayeb, S Elkentaoui, B Tzvetkov, G Landry, C Strady, K Ainine, S Baumard, C Brasselet, C Tassigny, V Valente-Pires, M Lefranc, B Hoen, B Lefevre, E Curlier, C Callier, N Fourcade, Y Jobic, S Ansard, R Le Berre, P Le Roux, F Le Ven, M-C Pouliquen, G Prat, F Bouchart, A Savoure, C Alarcon, C Chapuzet, I Gueit, C Tribouilloy, Y Bohbot, F Peugnet, M Gun, B Iung, X Duval, X Lescure, E Ilic-Habensus, N Sadoul, C Selton-Suty, F Alla, E Chevalier, F Goehringer, O Huttin, R Garcia, V Le Marcis, P Tattevin, E Donal, E Flecher, M Revest, G Habib, S Hubert, J-P Casalta, F Gouriet, F Arregle, S Cammilleri, L Tessonnier, A Riberi, C Chirouze, K Bouiller, A-S Brunel, D Fournier, L Hustache-Mathieu, T Klopfenstein, J Moreau, P Lim, L Oliver, J Ternacle, A Moussafeur, P Chavanet, L Piroth, M Buisson, S Mahy, C Martins, A Salmon-Rousseau, S Gohier, C Piper, J Börgermann, D Guckel, D Horstkotte, B Brockmeier, E Winkelmann, A Hagendorff, D Grey, G Nickenig, R Schueler, C Öztürk, E Stöhr, C Hamm, T Walther, R Brandt, A-C Frühauf, C T Hartung, C Hellner, C Wild, M Becker, S Hamada, W Kaestner, K Stangl, F Knebel, G Baldenhofer, A Brecht, H Dreger, C Isner, F Pfafflin, M Stegemann, R Zahn, B Fraiture, C Kilkowski, A-K Karcher, S Klinger, H Tolksdorf, D Tousoulis, C Aggeli, G Sarri, S Sideris, E Venieri, G Athanassopoulos, D Tsiapras, I Armenis, A Koutsiari, G Floros, C Grassos, S Dragasis, L Rallidis, C Varlamos, L Michalis, K Naka, A Bechlioulis, A Kotsia, L Lakkas, K Pappas, C Papadopoulos, S Kiokas, A Lioni, S Misailidou, J Barbetseas, M Bonou, C Kapelios, I Tomprou, K Zerva, A Manolis, E Hamodraka, D Athanasiou, G Haralambidis, L Poulimenos, H Samaras, A Nagy, A Bartykowszki, E Gara, S Sengupta, K Mungulmare, R Kasliwal, M Bansal, A Bhan, S Ranjan, M Kyavar, M Maleki, F Noohi Bezanjani, A Sadeghpour, A Alizadehasl, S Boudagh, A Ghavidel, P Moradnejad, H R Pasha, B Ghadrdoost, D Gilon, J Strahilevitz, S Israel, M Wanounou, C d'Agostino, P Colonna, L De Michele, F Fumarola, M Stante, N Marchionni, V Scheggi, B Alterini, S Del Pace, P Stefano, C Sparano, L P Badano, D Muraru, N Ruozi, R Tenaglia, U Limbruno, A Cresti, P Baratta, M Solari, C Giannattasio, A Moreo, B De Chiara, B Lopez Montero, F Musca, C A Orcese, F Panzeri, C F Russo, F Spano, O Alfieri, M De Bonis, E Agricola, E Busnardo, S Carletti, B Castiglioni, S Chiappetta, B Del Forno, D Ferrara, M Guffanti, G Iaci, E Lapenna, T Nisi, C Oltolini, U Pajoro, R Pasciuta, M Ripa, P Scarpellini, C Tassan Din, R Meneghin, D Schiavi, F Piscione, R Citro, R M Benvenga, L Greco, C Prota, I Radano, L Soriente, M Bellino, D Di Vece, F Santini, A Salsano, G M Olivieri, F Turrini, R Messora, S Tondi, A Olaru, V Agnoletto, L Grassi, C Leonardi, S Sansoni, S Del Ponte, G M Actis Dato, A De Martino, N Ohte, S Kikuchi, K Wakami, K Aonuma, Y Seo, T Ishizu, T Machino-Ohtsuka, M Yamamoto, N Iida, H Nakajima, Y Nakagawa, C Izumi, M Amano, M Miyake, K Takahashi, I Shiojima, Y Miyasaka, H Maeba, Y Suwa, N Taniguchi, S Tsujimoto, T Kitai, M Ota, S Yuda, S Sasaki, N Hagiwara, K Yamazaki, K Ashihara, K Arai, C Saitou, S Saitou, G Suzuki, Y Shibata, N Watanabe, S Nishino, K Ashikaga, N Kuriyama, K Mahara, K Abe, H Fujimaki, T Okubo, H Shitan, S Takanashi, M Terada, H Yamamoto, M Sata, H Yamada, K Kusunose, Y Saijo, H Seno, O Yuichiro, Y Sakata, H Mizuno, S Nakatani, T Onishi, K Sengoku, F Sera, S W Park, K Eun Kyoung, L Ga Yeon, J-W Hwang, C Jin-Oh, S-J Park, L Sang-Chol, C Sung-A, S Y Jang, D-H Kang, R Heo, S Lee, J-M Song, E Jung, J Plisiene, A Dambrauskaite, G Gruodyte, R Jonkaitiene, J Vaskelyte, V Mizariene, J Atkocaityte, R Zvirblyte, R Sow, A Codreanu, E C L De la Vega, C Michaux, T Staub, L Jacobs-Orazi, C Mallia Azzopardi, R G Xuereb, T Piscopo, D Borg, R Casha, J Farrugia, M Fenech, E Pllaha, C Vella, K Yamagata, L Grib, E Raevschi, A Grejdieru, G Balan, I Cardaniuc, L Cardaniuc, V Corcea, A Feodorovici, V Gaina, L Girbu, P Jimbei, D Kravcenco, E Panfile, E Prisacari, E Samohvalov, S Samohvalov, N Sceglova, I Benesco, V Marian, N Sumarga, M Mirocevic, B Bozovic, N Bulatovic, P Lakovic, L Music, J Roos-Hesselink, R Budde, T Gamela, A Wahadat, O Kamp, T Meijers, J P Van Melle, V M Deursen, H Crijns, S Bekkers, E Cheriex, M Gilbers, B Kietselaer, C Knackstedt, R Lorusso, S Schalla, S Streukens, S Chamuleau, M-J Cramer, A Teske, T Van der Spoel, A Wind, O Liesbek, J Lokhorst, H Van Heusden, W Tanis, I Van der Bilt, J Vriend, H De Lange-van Bruggen, E Karijodikoro, R Riezebos, E van Dongen, J Schoep, V Stolk, O Axler, F Baumann, S Lebras, T Edvardsen, J T Offstad, J O Beitnes, T Helle-Valle, H Skulstad, R Skardal, N Qamar, S Furnaz, B Ahmed, M H Butt, M F Khanzada, T Saghir, A Wahid, T Hryniewiecki, P Szymanski, K Marzec, M Misztal-Ogonowska, W Kosmala, M Przewlocka-Kosmala, A Rojek, K Woznicka, J Zachwyc, A Lisowska, M Kaminska, J Kasprzak, E Kowalczyk, D F Strzecka, P Wejner-Mik, M Trabulo, P Freitas, S Ranchordas, G Rodrigues, P Pinto, C Queiros, J Azevedo, L Marques, D Seabra, L Branco, J Abreu, M Cruz, A Galrinho, R Moreira, P Rio, A T Timoteo, M Selas, N M Cardim, V Carmelo, B Duque Neves, H Pereira, I Cruz, A Guerra, A Marques, I Pintassilgo, M C Tomescu, N-M Trofenciuc, M Andor, A Bordejevic, H S Branea, F Caruntu, L Cirin, I M Citu, C A Cotoraci, D Darabantiu, R Farcas, I Marincu, A Mavrea, M F Onel, T Parvanescu, D Pop, A L Pop-Moldovan, M I Puticiu, L A Velcean, A Ionac, D Cozma, C Mornos, F Goanta, I Popescu, R Beyer, R Mada, R Rancea, H Rosianu, R Tomoaia, C Stanescu, Z Kobalava, J Karaulova, E Kotova, A Milto, A Pisaryuk, N Povalyaev, M Sorokina, J Alrahimi, A Elshiekh, A Jamiel, A Ahmed, M Al-Mallah, N Attia, B Putnikovic, A Neskovic, A Dimic, B Ivanovic, S Matic, D Trifunovic, J Petrovic, D Kosevic, P Dabic, P Milojevic, I Petrovic, I Stojanovic, I Srdanovic, M Kovacevic, A Redzek, M Stefanovic, S Susak, L Velicki, A Vulin, T C Yeo, W K F Kong, K K Poh, I Vilacosta, M Abd El- Nasser, C Ferrera, C Olmos, F Calvo Iglesias, E Blanco-Gonzalez, M Bravo Amaro, A N Germinas, E Lopez-Rodriguez, J Lugo Adan, P Pazos-Lopez, M Pereira Loureiro, M T Perez, S Raposeiras-Roubin, S Rasheed Yas, M-M Suarez-Varela, F Vasallo Vidal, D Garcia-Dorado, A Sambola, N Fernandez-Hidalgo, T Gonzalez-Alujas, J Lozano, O Maisterra, N Pizzi, R Rios, P Tornos, A Bayes-Genis, L Pedro Botet, N Vallejo, E Berastegui, C Llibre, L Mateu, R Nunez, D Quesada, D Bosch Portell, J Aboal Vinas, X Albert Bertran, R Brugada Tarradellas, P Loma-Osorio Ricon, C Tiron de Llano, M A Arnau, A Bel, M Blanes, A Osa, M Anguita, F Carrasco, J Castillo, J L Zamorano, J L Moya Mur, M Alvaro, C Fernandez-Golfin, J M Monteagudo, E Navas Elorza, M C Farinas Alvarez, J Aguero Balbin, C Arminanzas, F Arnaiz de Las Revillas, A Arnaiz Garcia, M Cobo Belaustegui, M Fernandez Sampedro, M Gutierrez Cuadra, J F Gutierrez-Diez, J Zarauza, L Garcia Cuello, C Gonzalez Rico, R Rodriguez-Alvarez, J Goikoetxea, M Montejo, J Miro, M Almela, J Ambrosioni, C Falces, D Fuster, C Garcia-de-la-Maria, M Hernandez-Meneses, J Llopis, F Marco, A Moreno, E Quintana, E Sandoval, A Tellez, J M Tolosana, B Vidal, I Ruiz-Zamora, A Bardaji Ruiz, E Sanz Girgas, G Garcia-Pardo, M Guillen Marzo, A Rodriguez Oviedo, A Villares Jimenez, L Abid, R Hammami, S Kammoun, M S Mourali, F Mghaieth Zghal, M Ben Hlima, S Boudiche, S Ouali, L Zakhama, S Antit, I Slama, O Gulel, M Sahin, L E Sade, E Karacaglar, S Kucukoglu, O Cetinarslan, U S Yasar, U Canpolat, B Mutlu, H Atas, R Dervishova, C Ileri, H Zaky, J Alhashmi, F Baslib, J Tahir, P Zarger, S Woldman, L Menezes, C Primus, R Uppal, I Bvekerwa, B Chandrasekaran, A Kopanska, B Prendergast, S Cannata, J Chambers, J Hancock, J Klein, R Rajani, M P Ursi, R Dworakowski, A Fife, J Breeze, M Browne-Morgan, M Gunning, S Streather, F Asch, M Zemedkun, B Alyavi, J UzokovMichal, Pazdernik; Bernard, Iung; Bulent, Mutlu; François, Alla; Robert, Riezebos; William, Kong; Maria Carmo Pereira, Nunes; Luc, Pierard; Ilija, Srdanovic; Hirotsugu, Yamada; Andrea, De Martino; Marcelo Haertel, Miglioranza; Julien, Magne; Cornelia, Piper; Cécile, Laroche; Aldo P, Maggioni; Patrizio, Lancellotti; Gilbert, Habib; Christine, Selton-Suty; R Ronderos, EURO-ENDO Investigators group:; Avegliano, G; Fernandez Oses, P; Filipini, E; Granada, I; Iribarren, A; Mahia, M; Nacinovich, F; Ressi, S; Obregon, R; Bangher, M; Dho, J; Cartasegna, L; L Plastino, M; Novas, V; Shigel, C; Reyes, G; De Santos, M; Gastaldello, N; Granillo Fernandez, M; Potito, M; Streitenberger, G; Velazco, P; H Casabé, J; Cortes, C; Guevara, E; Salmo, F; Seijo, M; Weidinger, F; Heger, M; Brooks, R; Stöllberger, C; Ho, C-Y; Perschy, L; Puskas, L; Goliasch, G; Binder, C; Rosenhek, R; Schneider, M; Winter, M-P; Hoffer, E; Melissopoulou, M; Lecoq, E; Legrand, D; Jacquet, S; Massoz, M; Lancellotti, P; Pierard, L; Dulgheru, R; Marchetta, S; D Emal, C; Oury, C; Cosyns, B; Droogmans, S; Kerkhove, D; Motoc, A; Plein, D; Roosens, B; Soens, L; Weytjens, C; Lemoine, I; Rodrigus, I; Paelinck, B; Amsel, B; Unger, P; Konopnicki, D; Beauloye, C; Pasquet, A; Pierard, S; Vancraeynest, D; L Vanoverschelde, J; Sinnaeve, F; L Andrade, J; C Tude Rodrigues, A; Staszko, K; Dos Santos Monteiro, R; H Miglioranza, M; L Shuha, D; Alcantara, M; Cravo, V; Fazzio, L; Felix, A; Iso, M; Musa, C; P Siciliano, A; Villaca Filho, F; Braga, J; Rodrigues, A; Silva, R; Vilela, F; Rodrigues, D; Silva, L; Morhy, S; Fischer, C; Silva, R; Vieira, M; Afonso, T; Abreu, J; N Falcao, S; Moises, V; Gouvea, A; João, G; Mancuso, F; Silva, C; C Souza, A; S Abboud, C; Bellio de Mattos Barretto, R; Ramos, A; Arnoni, R; E Assef, J; J Della Togna, D; Le Bihan, D; Miglioli, L; P Romero Oliveira, A; Tadeu Magro Kroll, R; Cortez, D; L Gelape, C; C Peirira Nunes, M D; C De Abreu Ferrari, T; Chan, K-L; Hay, K; Le, V; Page, M; Poulin, F; Sauve, C; Serri, K; Mercure, C; Beaudoin, J; Pibarot, P; Sebag, I; Rudski, L; Ricafort, G; Barsic, B; Krajinovic, V; Vargovic, M; Separovic-Hanzevacki, J; Lovric, D; Reskovic-Luksic, V; Vincelj, J; Jaksic Jurinjak, S; Yiannikourides, V; Ioannides, M; Kyriakou, C; Pofaides, C; Masoura, V; Yiangou, K; Pudich, J; Linhart, A; Siranec, M; Marek, J; Blechova, K; Kamenik, M; Pazdernik, M; Pelouch, R; Coufal, Z; Mikulica, M; Griva, M; Jancova, E; Mikulcova, M; Taborsky, M; Precek, J; Jecmenova, M; Latal, J; Widimsky, J; Butta, T; Machacek, S; Vancata, R; Spinar, J; Holicka, M; Pow Chon Long, F; Anzules, N; Bajana Carpio, A; Largacha, G; Penaherrera, E; Moreira, D; Mahfouz, E; Elsafty, E; Soliman, A; Zayed, Y; Aboulenein, J; Abdel-Hay, M; Almaghraby, A; Abdelnaby, M; Ahmed, M; Hammad, B; Saleh, Y; Zahran, H; Elgebaly, O; Saad, A; Ali, M; Zeid, A; El Sharkawy, R; Meshaal, M; Al Kholy, A; Doss, R; Osama, D; Rizk, H; Elmogy, A; Mishriky, M; Assayag, P; El Hatimi, S; E Botelho-Nevers, Saint-; Campisi, S; Fuzellier, J-F; Gagneux-Brunon, A; Pierrard, R; Tulane, C; Detoc, M; Mehalla, T; Boutoille, D; Al Habash, O; Asseray-Madani, N; Biron, C; Brochard, J; Caillon, J; Cueff, C; Le Tourneau, T; S Lecompte, A; Lecomte, R; Lefebvre, M; M Magali Michel, M; Pattier, S; Delarue, S; Le Bras, M; Orain, J; Faucher, J-F; Aboyans, V; Beeharry, A; Durox, H; Lacoste, M; Magne, J; Mohty, D; David, A; Pradel, V; Sierra, V; Neykova, A; Bettayeb, B; Elkentaoui, S; Tzvetkov, B; Landry, G; Strady, C; Ainine, K; Baumard, S; Brasselet, C; Tassigny, C; Valente-Pires, V; Lefranc, M; Hoen, B; Lefevre, B; Curlier, E; Callier, C; Fourcade, N; Jobic, Y; Ansard, S; Le Berre, R; Le Roux, P; Le Ven, F; Pouliquen, M-C; Prat, G; Bouchart, F; Savoure, A; Alarcon, C; Chapuzet, C; Gueit, I; Tribouilloy, C; Bohbot, Y; Peugnet, F; Gun, M; Iung, B; Duval, X; Lescure, X; Ilic-Habensus, E; Sadoul, N; Selton-Suty, C; Alla, F; Chevalier, E; Goehringer, F; Huttin, O; Garcia, R; Le Marcis, V; Tattevin, P; Donal, E; Flecher, E; Revest, M; Habib, G; Hubert, S; Casalta, J-P; Gouriet, F; Arregle, F; Cammilleri, S; Tessonnier, L; Riberi, A; Chirouze, C; Bouiller, K; Brunel, A-S; Fournier, D; Hustache-Mathieu, L; Klopfenstein, T; Moreau, J; Lim, P; Oliver, L; Ternacle, J; Moussafeur, A; Chavanet, P; Piroth, L; Buisson, M; Mahy, S; Martins, C; Salmon-Rousseau, A; Gohier, S; Piper, C; Börgermann, J; Guckel, D; Horstkotte, D; Brockmeier, B; Winkelmann, E; Hagendorff, A; Grey, D; Nickenig, G; Schueler, R; Öztürk, C; Stöhr, E; Hamm, C; Walther, T; Brandt, R; Frühauf, A-C; T Hartung, C; Hellner, C; Wild, C; Becker, M; Hamada, S; Kaestner, W; Stangl, K; Knebel, F; Baldenhofer, G; Brecht, A; Dreger, H; Isner, C; Pfafflin, F; Stegemann, M; Zahn, R; Fraiture, B; Kilkowski, C; Karcher, A-K; Klinger, S; Tolksdorf, H; Tousoulis, D; Aggeli, C; Sarri, G; Sideris, S; Venieri, E; Athanassopoulos, G; Tsiapras, D; Armenis, I; Koutsiari, A; Floros, G; Grassos, C; Dragasis, S; Rallidis, L; Varlamos, C; Michalis, L; Naka, K; Bechlioulis, A; Kotsia, A; Lakkas, L; Pappas, K; Papadopoulos, C; Kiokas, S; Lioni, A; Misailidou, S; Barbetseas, J; Bonou, M; Kapelios, C; Tomprou, I; Zerva, K; Manolis, A; Hamodraka, E; Athanasiou, D; Haralambidis, G; Poulimenos, L; Samaras, H; Nagy, A; Bartykowszki, A; Gara, E; Sengupta, S; Mungulmare, K; Kasliwal, R; Bansal, M; Bhan, A; Ranjan, S; Kyavar, M; Maleki, M; Noohi Bezanjani, F; Sadeghpour, A; Alizadehasl, A; Boudagh, S; Ghavidel, A; Moradnejad, P; R Pasha, H; Ghadrdoost, B; Gilon, D; Strahilevitz, J; Israel, S; Wanounou, M; D'Agostino, C; Colonna, P; De Michele, L; Fumarola, F; Stante, M; Marchionni, N; Scheggi, V; Alterini, B; Del Pace, S; Stefano, P; Sparano, C; P Badano, L; Muraru, D; Ruozi, N; Tenaglia, R; Limbruno, U; Cresti, A; Baratta, P; Solari, M; Giannattasio, C; Moreo, A; De Chiara, B; Lopez Montero, B; Musca, F; A Orcese, C; Panzeri, F; F Russo, C; Spano, F; Alfieri, O; De Bonis, M; Agricola, E; Busnardo, E; Carletti, S; Castiglioni, B; Chiappetta, S; Del Forno, B; Ferrara, D; Guffanti, M; Iaci, G; Lapenna, E; Nisi, T; Oltolini, C; Pajoro, U; Pasciuta, R; Ripa, M; Scarpellini, P; Tassan Din, C; Meneghin, R; Schiavi, D; Piscione, F; Citro, R; M Benvenga, R; Greco, L; Prota, C; Radano, I; Soriente, L; Bellino, M; Di Vece, D; Santini, F; Salsano, A; M Olivieri, G; Turrini, F; Messora, R; Tondi, S; Olaru, A; Agnoletto, V; Grassi, L; Leonardi, C; Sansoni, S; Del Ponte, S; M Actis Dato, G; De Martino, A; Ohte, N; Kikuchi, S; Wakami, K; Aonuma, K; Seo, Y; Ishizu, T; Machino-Ohtsuka, T; Yamamoto, M; Iida, N; Nakajima, H; Nakagawa, Y; Izumi, C; Amano, M; Miyake, M; Takahashi, K; Shiojima, I; Miyasaka, Y; Maeba, H; Suwa, Y; Taniguchi, N; Tsujimoto, S; Kitai, T; Ota, M; Yuda, S; Sasaki, S; Hagiwara, N; Yamazaki, K; Ashihara, K; Arai, K; Saitou, C; Saitou, S; Suzuki, G; Shibata, Y; Watanabe, N; Nishino, S; Ashikaga, K; Kuriyama, N; Mahara, K; Abe, K; Fujimaki, H; Okubo, T; Shitan, H; Takanashi, S; Terada, M; Yamamoto, H; Sata, M; Yamada, H; Kusunose, K; Saijo, Y; Seno, H; Yuichiro, O; Sakata, Y; Mizuno, H; Nakatani, S; Onishi, T; Sengoku, K; Sera, F; W Park, S; Eun Kyoung, K; Ga Yeon, L; Hwang, J-W; Jin-Oh, C; Park, S-J; Sang-Chol, L; Sung-A, C; Y Jang, S; Kang, D-H; Heo, R; Lee, S; Song, J-M; Jung, E; Plisiene, J; Dambrauskaite, A; Gruodyte, G; Jonkaitiene, R; Vaskelyte, J; Mizariene, V; Atkocaityte, J; Zvirblyte, R; Sow, R; Codreanu, A; L De la Vega, E C; Michaux, C; Staub, T; Jacobs-Orazi, L; Mallia Azzopardi, C; G Xuereb, R; Piscopo, T; Borg, D; Casha, R; Farrugia, J; Fenech, M; Pllaha, E; Vella, C; Yamagata, K; Grib, L; Raevschi, E; Grejdieru, A; Balan, G; Cardaniuc, I; Cardaniuc, L; Corcea, V; Feodorovici, A; Gaina, V; Girbu, L; Jimbei, P; Kravcenco, D; Panfile, E; Prisacari, E; Samohvalov, E; Samohvalov, S; Sceglova, N; Benesco, I; Marian, V; Sumarga, N; Mirocevic, M; Bozovic, B; Bulatovic, N; Lakovic, P; Music, L; Roos-Hesselink, J; Budde, R; Gamela, T; Wahadat, A; Kamp, O; Meijers, T; P Van Melle, J; M Deursen, V; Crijns, H; Bekkers, S; Cheriex, E; Gilbers, M; Kietselaer, B; Knackstedt, C; Lorusso, R; Schalla, S; Streukens, S; Chamuleau, S; Cramer, M-J; Teske, A; Van der Spoel, T; Wind, A; Liesbek, O; Lokhorst, J; Van Heusden, H; Tanis, W; Van der Bilt, I; Vriend, J; De Lange-van Bruggen, H; Karijodikoro, E; Riezebos, R; van Dongen, E; Schoep, J; Stolk, V; Axler, O; Baumann, F; Lebras, S; Edvardsen, T; T Offstad, J; O Beitnes, J; Helle-Valle, T; Skulstad, H; Skardal, R; Qamar, N; Furnaz, S; Ahmed, B; H Butt, M; F Khanzada, M; Saghir, T; Wahid, A; Hryniewiecki, T; Szymanski, P; Marzec, K; Misztal-Ogonowska, M; Kosmala, W; Przewlocka-Kosmala, M; Rojek, A; Woznicka, K; Zachwyc, J; Lisowska, A; Kaminska, M; Kasprzak, J; Kowalczyk, E; F Strzecka, D; Wejner-Mik, P; Trabulo, M; Freitas, P; Ranchordas, S; Rodrigues, G; Pinto, P; Queiros, C; Azevedo, J; Marques, L; Seabra, D; Branco, L; Abreu, J; Cruz, M; Galrinho, A; Moreira, R; Rio, P; T Timoteo, A; Selas, M; M Cardim, N; Carmelo, V; Duque Neves, B; Pereira, H; Cruz, I; Guerra, A; Marques, A; Pintassilg