8 research outputs found

    Peer Education Meningkatkan Perilaku dalam Mencegah Penularan Tuberkulosis Paru pada Keluarga

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    Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis is an important public health problem in the world. In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared pulmonary tuberculosis as a "global emergency". Indonesia is committed to ending pulmonary tuberculosis as a "public health problem" in 2030. Peer education is the proper media and method to provide counseling on prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis transmission. This study was conducted to determine the effect of peer education on behavior change in preventing pulmonary tuberculosis transmission in families of ​ Sibela and Sangkrah Health Center’s work area in Surakarta. Methods:  This research is a quasi-experimental study with pre post-test control group design. Data analysis using dependent t-test and independent t-test. Results: The results of the dependent t test in the intervention group showed p-value = 0,000 on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior, while the control group showed results p-value = 0.003 on knowledge, p-value = 0.057 on attitudes, and p-value = 0.004 on behavior. Independent t test shows the results of p-value = 0,000 in knowledge, p-value = 0.002 in attitudes, and p-value = 0.778 in behavior. Conclusion: Based upon these results it can be concluded that there is an influence of peer education on changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in pulmonary tuberculosis transmission prevention, as well as differences in knowledge and attitudes, but there is no difference in behavior between respondents with and without peer education


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    Backgound: The incidence and severity levels of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can be reduced through life style modification. The nurses’ ability in complementary modalities can help the patients to modify their life style by managing the stress levels; doing standard medical cares to help reducing and controlling blood sugar levels. One form of complementary modalities is SEFT. SEFT is one relaxation technique that can reduce anxiety and optimally reduce blood sugar level. Relaxation can affect hypothalamus to regulate and decrease the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of SEFT to the decrease blood sugar levels on type 2 DM patients. Method: The method applied in the research was quasi-experimental pre-posttest with control group. The research population was 100 type 2 DM patients (50 respondents as intervention group and 50 respondents as control group). Samples were taken using purposive sampling method. The data was analyzed using t dependent test. Result: The result of the research shows that SEFT can reduce blood sugar levels of the type 2 DM patients with the value of p =0.000, and there was 220.060 points of blood sugar level reduction Conclusion: Nurses should teach type 2 DM patients to do SEFT; to monitor the blood sugar levels before and after SEFT. Keywords: SEFT, Blood Sugar Level, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. LINK OJS 3 ARTIKEL "PENGARUH SPIRITUAL EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (SEFT) TERHADAP PENURUNAN KADAR GULA DARAH PENDERITA DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2 DI RSUD KOTA SURAKARTA


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    Abstract : Pictured module, Toilet Training, Toddler. One of development stage that must achieve in 1 – 3 years old (toddler) is toilet training. In toddler, ability of sfingter uretra that was functioned for controlled sensation want to defecation and sensation want to urinary started developmented so that its sfingter more ability for controlling sensation want to urinary and sensation want to defecation. Each child had deference of ability and time in reach its ability. One of strategi that can was used to parent for help ready to toilet training for child with used pictured module.Knowing is effect of pictured module conduct to increased of resulting toilet training of toddler in work of area of sibela primary health care  of Surakarta. The study was using quasi eksperiment methode with pre test – post test design. Analize data was using dependent t test. Pictured module can increased of resulting toilet training of toddler with value of p=0.002. Occurs increased of resuting toilet training 1.070 point, with correlation  level is low (correlation value was 0.683). Nurse must give support for mothers of toddler, and usually monitored increased of resulting of toilet training for toddler periodically in work of area of Sibela Primary Health Care of Surakarta. Key Words : Pictured module, Toilet Training, Toddler. Link OJS 3 artikel PENGARUH MODUL BERGAMBAR TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KEBERHASILAN TOILET TRAINING ANAK TODDLER DI PUSKESMAS SIBELA SURAKART

    Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Coping Caregiver Pada Pasien Stroke Hemoragik DI RSUD Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri

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    Abstract : Caregiver, Coping, Emotional Intelligence. Stroke acute attack caused physical disability and mental disability. The state will required caregiver assistance. Stroke patients will require treatment time is long enough so that will make the caregiver feel bored and empathy will be reduced. Bored in a long time will cause disturbed emotional. The Purpose of Research to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping caregivers for patients with hemorrhagic stroke in RSUD Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri. This research used correlation description with cross-sectional. The Research Subject were caregivers for patients with hemorrhagic stroke in RSUD Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri. Research carried out for a month. Sampling technique used total sampling and obtained 68 respondents. Research instruments used questionnaries. The result of emotional intelligence (73,5%) and coping (82,4%) in a good result. Spearman Rho test showed relationship between emotional intelligence and coping, significance level 0,042 and corellation 0,247. Low relation between emotional intelligence with coping caregivers for patients with hemorrhagic stroke in RSUD Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri. The next research, expected to add variable about characteristics of caregiver that affect the emotional intelligence and coping


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    Introduction: Schizophrenia is a chronic psychotic with the prevalence of schizophrenia in Indonesia is 70%. The schizhophrenia often accompanied by negative feelings self-perception, and self-efficacy, helplessness, anxiety, behavioral changes. The number of schizhopheria in Mental Hospital in Surakarta was 93% in 2008. Physical treatment of schizophrenia patients were included drug delivery and Convultion Electro Therapy (ECT). These treatments were considered unsufficient so that psychological approach such as psychotherapy can be taken into account. One provision of psychotherapy patients with schizophrenia is Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) which can help individuals to develop skills in improving the coping mechanisms, reducing anxiety and increasing self-esteem. This study is aimed to determine the effect of SEFT to change coping mechanisms, anxiety, self-esteem in patients schizophrenia in Mental Hospital, Surakarta. Method: The research method was quasi experimental with pre-post test with control group. The data was gathered before and after giving the SEFT interventions in intervention and control group of schizophrenia patients.The amount of samples were 64 respondents which were 32 respondents of intervention group and 32 respondents of control group. The research instrument was adapted from Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (CSEI) that consist of 58 items regarding self esteem. Data were analyzed using paired t-tests., Independent t-test multiple linear regression. Result: The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference of self esteem before and after SEFT (p value <0.05). Conclusion: This proves that the existence of a significant change in the patients in the intervention group SEFT than the control group. The conclusion is that the level of self esteem could be increased by SEFT with the probability score is 31.3% and could increase point 4.312 point for self esteem degree. Keyword: Schizophrenia, Self Esteem, Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT

    Faktor Dominan Risiko Terjadinya Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK)

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    Abstract: Risk Factors, CHD. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the coronary atherosclerotic disease that causes narrowing of blood vessels. Constriction of blood vessels occurs because of atherosclerosis or spasm or a combination of both. the risk factors of CHD were divided into two, namely the factors that can not be changed and the factors can be changed. Factors that can not be changed include age, family history and gender. While the factors that can be changed include an increase in serum lipids (hyperlipidemia), personality type, smoking, impaired glucose tolerance (diabetes mellitus), lifestyle is less activity (physical inactivity), psychological stress, and hypertension. The purpose of this study to determine the risk factors that lead to increased incidence of coronary heart disease. The study is an observational analytic epidemiologic approach with cross sectional design with a sample of 40 respondents. The data analysis using logistic regression. The results showed the significant influence of CHD events by a factor of age&gt; 40 years (p = 0.7370, hyperlipidemia (p = 0162), hypertension (p = 0365), smoking (p = 0153), as well as physical inactivity (p = 0535 ). Smoking is a risk factor most dominant effect on the incidence of CHD with OR = 4,500. the case studies are necessary to further research with a number of larger samples and develop variable-varabel to be studied is associated with other behaviors and lifestyles that affect developing CHD


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    Abstract : Strategy, Culture Of Caring Character. The character is a way of thinking and behaving that characterizes each individual to live and work, both within the family, community, nation and state. Attitudes and behavior of the people and nation of Indonesia now tend to ignore the noble values that have long upheld and entrenched attitudes and behavior in everyday. Noble character values, such as honesty, politeness, unity, and religious, gradually eroded by foreign cultures that tend hedonistic, materialistic, and individualistic, so that the values of these characters are no longer considered important if contrary to the objectives to be obtained. Looking at the above phenomena, educational institutions, particularly schools or universities is seen as the most strategic place to build a person's character, with the goal of keeping students in all utterance, gesture, and, and behavior reflect good character and strong. The research is qualitative, the research object nursing student at Nursing School, Surakarta Health Polytechnic, sampling techniques used purposive sampling with the number of participants by 8 students, research in Nursing School, Surakarta Health Polytechnic. Data analysis was performed with data reduction, the data display, and conclusion drawing/ verification. The results generated themes respectful of others, recognizing their advantages and disadvantages, discussions, establish good relationships and mutual trust, communication, taking or take the time, mutual support/ motivate/ advise/ help to resolve the problem, a good listener, be empathetic/ caring, Ikhlas, care/ remind, not selfish, dishonest, be patient, not proud when praised, gradually resolve the problem by performing nursing care, in accordance with the expected services, supportive environment, responsibility, fulfillment of basic human needs and medical treatment.Keywords: strategy, culture of caring characterAbstrak: Strategi, Budaya Karakter Caring. Karakter merupakan cara berpikir dan berperilaku yang menjadi ciri khas tiap individu untuk hidup dan bekerjasama, baik dalam lingkup keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Sikap dan perilaku masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia sekarang cenderung mengabaikan nilai-nilai luhur yang sudah lama dijunjung tinggi dan mengakar dalam sikap dan perilaku sehari-hari. Nilai-nilai karakter mulia, seperti kejujuran, kesantunan, kebersamaan, dan religius, sedikit demi sedikit mulai tergerus oleh budaya asing yang cenderung hedonistik, materialistik, dan individualistik, sehingga nilai-nilai karakter tersebut tidak lagi dianggap penting jika bertentangan dengan tujuan yang ingin diperoleh. Melihat fenomena diatas, lembaga pendidikan, khususnya sekolah atau universitas dipandang sebagai tempat yang paling strategis untuk membangun karakter seseorang, dengan tujuan agar peserta didik dalam segala ucapan, sikap, dan, dan perilakunya mencerminkan karakter yang baik dan kuat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, objek penelitian ini mahasiswa Jurusan keperawatan Poltekkes Surakarta, teknik sampling yang digunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 8 mahasiswa, tempat penelitian di Jurusan keperawatan Poltekkes Surakarta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/ verification. Hasil penelitian tema yang dihasilkan menghormati orang lain, mengenali kelebihan dan kekurangan, diskusi, menjalin hubungan baik dan saling percaya, berkomunikasi, menyempatkan atau meluangkan waktu, saling mendukung/ memotivasi/ menasehati/ membantu untuk menyelesaikan masalah, pendengar yang baik, bersikap empati/ peduli, Ikhlas, saling menjaga/ mengingatkan, tidak egois, jujur, bersikap sabar, tidak sombong kalau dipuji, bertahap menyelesaikan masalah dengan melakukan asuhan keperawatan, pelayanan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, lingkungan yang mendukung, bertanggungjawab, pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar manusia dan berobat secara medis.Kata kunci: strategi, budaya karakter carin


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    Abstract: Quality Of Educational Services, Perception. In the era of today's global market competition, consumer demands for improved product quality and increased services, including educational services. One of the Surakarta Health Polytechnic's mission is to develop the higher education governance health independent, accountable to quality assurance. Many factors determine the educational services in the Department of Nursing, requiring an analysis of who can see the influence of these factors as a whole. The aim of this research is to identify the quality of educational services in the perspective of Of Nursing Students at Nursing School, Surakarta Health Polytechnic on year 2012. This research is explanatory research with cross sectional study. Statistical test of this study utilized descriptive test. The study involved 85 respondents in the Nursing School, Surakarta Health Polytechnic. The majority of respondents have a good perception of the quality of educational services Nursing Programs are a number of 65 people (76.5%). While respondents who possess perception is enough for 20 people (23.5%). There were no respondents who had less perception of the quality of educational services (0%).Keywords: Quality Of Educational Services, Perception.Abstrak: Mutu Pelayanan Jasa Pendidikan, Persepsi. Pada era persaingan pasar global dewasa ini, tuntutan konsumen atas peningkatan mutu produk dan jasa bertambah, termasuk jasa pelayanan pendidikan. Salah satu misi Poltekkes Surakarta adalah mengembangkan tata kelola penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi kesehatan yang mandiri, akuntabel dengan jaminan mutu. Banyak faktor yang menentukan pelayanan jasa pendidikan di Jurusan Keperawatan, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu analisis yang dapat melihat pengaruh faktor-faktor tersebut secara keseluruhan. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi mutu pelayanan jasa pendidikan menurut perspektif mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Surakarta Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian explanatory study dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Uji statistik menggunakan uji deskriptif. Penelitian ini melibatkan 85 responden di Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Surakarta. Mayoritas responden memiliki persepsi baik atas mutu pelayanan jasa pendidikan Jurusan Keperawatan yaitu sejumlah 65 orang (76,5%). Sedangkan responden yang memliki persepsi cukup adalah sebesar 20 orang (23,5%). Tidak terdapat responden yang memiliki persepsi kurang terhadap mutu jasa pelayanan pendidikan (0%).Kata Kunci: Mutu Pelayanan Jasa Pendidikan, Persepsi