9 research outputs found

    Distance, Size and Turmoil: North-South Mediterranean Interactions

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    Aspirations toward the economic and political integration of a Mediterranean region were and continue to be articulated by potential members, with strong emphasis on “shared prosperity.” We attempt to evaluate the degree to which the past 17 years of aspirations have led to observable economic and political integration between potential members. Has a politically relevant Mediterranean region begun to coalesce? How have levels of integration risen or fallen since the original aspirations of integration were expressed in the wake of the Cold War? Which factors are motivating observed integration? To accomplish this task, we first evaluate and discuss levels of integration through qualitative network analysis of political interactions and trading relationships. Second, we identify the contexts in which Northern Mediterranean states interact with the South, and whether those interactions are cooperative or conflictual. Northern States appear to interact with former colonies, but a general avoidance of Southern states occurs when those states experience domestic turmoil. However, overall levels of integration are limited and in decline.L’aspiration au développement d’une région méditerranéenne cohérente a été et continue à être exprimée par des membres potentiels de l’Union, avec une forte rhétorique en faveur de l’intégration dans l’espoir d’une « prospérité partagée ». Nous tentons d’évaluer dans quelle mesure les 17 dernières années de leurs aspirations ont conduit à l’intégration économique et politique effective entre membres potentiels. Une région de la Méditerranée politiquement pertinente a-t-elle commencé à se structurer ? Comment les niveaux d’intégration ont augmenté ou diminué depuis l’aspiration initiale à l’intégration suite à la guerre froide ? Quels facteurs motivent l’intégration observée ? Pour mener à bien ce projet, nous avons d’abord évalué et discuté des niveaux d’intégration à travers une analyse de réseau qualitative des interactions politiques et des relations commerciales. Puis, nous avons identifié les contextes dans lesquels les pays méditerranéens du Nord interagissent avec le Sud, et si ces interactions sont coopératives ou conflictuelles. Les États du Nord semblent interagir avec leurs anciennes colonies, mais en évitant les états du Sud qui connaissent des troubles intérieurs. Cependant, les niveaux globaux de l’intégration sont réduits et en recul

    Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa

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    People and Places: The Contextual Side of Politics in Demography and Geography

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    The disciplines of political demography and geography examine the interplay between social behaviors, spatial dimensions, politics, and policy. Investigations into demographic shifts, driven by evolving social norms or domestic and international political events, can influence numerous critical dependent variables in international relations, such as trade, development, and inter- and intra-state conflict. Similarly, geography and the interconnection of space with independent variables, such as power, wealth, and culture, yield similar insights. In this article, we employ a systemist approach from the Visual International Relations Project (VIRP) to provide a brief overview of the theoretical intersection between geography, demography, and international relations focusing on using VIRP to teach these subjects. To accomplish this, we have selected two representative pieces of literature from each field. For demography, we examine Hendrik Urdal’s A Clash of Generations? Youth Bulges and Political Violence, and for geography, we review Alex Braithwaite’s The Geographic Spread of Militarized Disputes. These seminal articles in their respective fields demonstrate the clear applicability of demography and geography to international politics scholarship

    The Case for Comparative Regional Analysis in International Politics

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    National Research University Higher School of Economics (Political Atlas of the Modern World 2.0)24 month embargo; published online: 26 July 2017This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]