124 research outputs found

    Spatial regulation of exocytosis and cell polarity: Yeast as a model for animal cells

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    Exocytosis is the major mechanism by which new membrane components are delivered to the cell surface. In most, if not all, eukaryotic cells this is also a highly spatially regulated process that is tightly coordinated with the overall polarity of a cell. The Rho/Cdc42 family of GTPases and the lethal giant larvae/Sro7 family are two highly conserved families of proteins which appear to have dual functions both in cell polarity and exocytosis. Analysis of their functions has begun to unravel the coordination between these processes and propose a model for polarized vesicle docking and fusion at the site of asymmetric cell growth

    Mammalian PAR-1 determines epithelial lumen polarity by organizing the microtubule cytoskeleton

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    Epithelial differentiation involves the generation of luminal surfaces and of a noncentrosomal microtubule (MT) network aligned along the polarity axis. Columnar epithelia (e.g., kidney, intestine, and Madin-Darby canine kidney [MDCK] cells) generate apical lumina and orient MT vertically, whereas liver epithelial cells (hepatocytes and WIFB9 cells) generate lumina at cell–cell contact sites (bile canaliculi) and orient MTs horizontally. We report that knockdown or inhibition of the mammalian orthologue of Caenorhabditis elegans Par-1 (EMK1 and MARK2) during polarization of cultured MDCK and WIFB9 cells prevented development of their characteristic lumen and nonradial MT networks. Conversely, EMK1 overexpression induced the appearance of intercellular lumina and horizontal MT arrays in MDCK cells, making EMK1 the first known candidate to regulate the developmental branching decision between hepatic and columnar epithelial cells. Our experiments suggest that EMK1 primarily promotes reorganization of the MT network, consistent with the MT-regulating role of this gene product in other systems, which in turn controls lumen formation and position

    Structurally Conserved Interaction of Lgl Family with SNAREs Is Critical to Their Cellular Function

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    The Lethal giant larvae (Lgl) tumor suppressor family is conserved from yeast to mammals and plays a critical yet controversial role in cell polarity. Studies on Drosophila Lgl suggest that its function in polarity is through regulation of the acto-myosin cytoskeleton. In contrast, studies on the yeast Lgl homologs, Sro7/Sro77, suggest a function in exocytosis through interaction with the t-SNARE Sec9. Using yeast/mammalian Lgl chimeras, we demonstrate that the overall architecture of Lgl proteins is highly conserved and that the C-terminal domain is the major site of SNARE interaction within both yeast and mammalian homologs. Importantly, we find that the ability of Lgl chimeras to function as the only source of Lgl in yeast correlates precisely with the ability to interact with the yeast t-SNARE. We report a novel interaction between Sro7 and the yeast myosin V, Myo2. However, we find that interactions with either Myo2 or Myo1 (myosin II) cannot account for the dramatic functional differences observed for these chimeras in yeast. These results provide the first demonstration that the interaction of an Lgl family member with a specific effector is critical to its function in vivo. These data support the model that the Lgl family functions in cell polarity, at least in part, by regulating SNARE-mediated membrane delivery events at the cell surface

    The ghost in the machine: small GTPases as spatial regulators of exocytosis

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    Temporal and spatial regulation of membrane-trafficking events is crucial to both membrane identity and overall cell polarity. Small GTPases of the Rab, Ral and Rho protein families have been implicated as important regulators of vesicle docking and fusion events. This review focuses on how these GTPases interact with the exocyst complex, which is a multi-subunit tethering complex involved in the regulation of cell-surface transport and cell polarity. The Rab and Ral GTPases are thought to function in exocyst assembly and vesicle-tethering processes, whereas the Rho family GTPases seem to function in the local activation of the exocyst complex to facilitate downstream vesicle-fusion events. The localized activation of the exocyst by Rho GTPases is likely to have an important role in spatial regulation of exocytosis

    The Yeast Par-1 Homologs Kin1 and Kin2 Show Genetic and Physical Interactions with Components of the Exocytic Machinery

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    Kin1 and Kin2 are Saccharomyces cerevisiae counterparts of Par-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans kinase essential for the establishment of polarity in the one cell embryo. Here, we present evidence for a novel link between Kin1, Kin2, and the secretory machinery of the budding yeast. We isolated KIN1 and KIN2 as suppressors of a mutant form of Rho3, a Rho-GTPase acting in polarized trafficking. Genetic analysis suggests that KIN1 and KIN2 act downstream of the Rab-GTPase Sec4, its exchange factor Sec2, and several components of the vesicle tethering complex, the Exocyst. We show that Kin1 and Kin2 physically interact with the t-SNARE Sec9 and the Lgl homologue Sro7, proteins acting at the final stage of exocytosis. Structural analysis of Kin2 reveals that its catalytic activity is essential for its function in the secretory pathway and implicates the conserved 42-amino acid tail at the carboxy terminal of the kinase in autoinhibition. Finally, we find that Kin1 and Kin2 induce phosphorylation of t-SNARE Sec9 in vivo and stimulate its release from the plasma membrane. In summary, we report the finding that yeast Par-1 counterparts are associated with and regulate the function of the exocytic apparatus via phosphorylation of Sec9

    Quantitative Analysis of Membrane Trafficking in Regulation of Cdc42 Polarity

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    Vesicle delivery of Cdc42 has been proposed as an important mechanism for generating and maintaining Cdc42 polarity at the plasma membrane. This mechanism requires the density of Cdc42 on secretory vesicles to be equal to or higher than the plasma membrane polarity cap. Using a novel method to estimate Cdc42 levels on post-Golgi secretory vesicles in intact yeast cells, we: 1) determined that endocytosis plays an important role in Cdc42’s association with secretory vesicles 2) found that a GFP-tag placed on the N-terminus of Cdc42 negatively impacts this vesicle association and 3) quantified the surface densities of Cdc42 on post-Golgi vesicles which revealed that the vesicle density of Cdc42 is three times more dilute than that at the polarity cap. This work suggests that the immediate consequence of secretory vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane polarity cap is to dilute the local Cdc42 surface density. This provides strong support for the model in which vesicle trafficking acts to negatively regulate Cdc42 polarity on the cell surface while also providing a means to recycle Cdc42 between the cell surface and internal membrane locations

    Rho GTPase regulation of exocytosis in yeast is independent of GTP hydrolysis and polarization of the exocyst complex

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    Rho GTPases are important regulators of polarity in eukaryotic cells. In yeast they are involved in regulating the docking and fusion of secretory vesicles with the cell surface. Our analysis of a Rho3 mutant that is unable to interact with the Exo70 subunit of the exocyst reveals a normal polarization of the exocyst complex as well as other polarity markers. We also find that there is no redundancy between the Rho3–Exo70 and Rho1–Sec3 pathways in the localization of the exocyst. This suggests that Rho3 and Cdc42 act to polarize exocytosis by activating the exocytic machinery at the membrane without the need to first recruit it to sites of polarized growth. Consistent with this model, we find that the ability of Rho3 and Cdc42 to hydrolyze GTP is not required for their role in secretion. Moreover, our analysis of the Sec3 subunit of the exocyst suggests that polarization of the exocyst may be a consequence rather than a cause of polarized exocytosis

    Lethal giant larvae proteins interact with the exocyst complex and are involved in polarized exocytosis

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    The tumor suppressor lethal giant larvae (Lgl) plays a critical role in epithelial cell polarization. However, the molecular mechanism by which Lgl carries out its functions is unclear. In this study, we report that the yeast Lgl proteins Sro7p and Sro77p directly interact with Exo84p, which is a component of the exocyst complex that is essential for targeting vesicles to specific sites of the plasma membrane for exocytosis, and that this interaction is important for post-Golgi secretion. Genetic analyses demonstrate a molecular pathway from Rab and Rho GTPases through the exocyst and Lgl to SNAREs, which mediate membrane fusion. We also found that overexpression of Lgl and t-SNARE proteins not only improves exocytosis but also rescues polarity defects in exocyst mutants. We propose that, although Lgl is broadly distributed in the cells, its localized interaction with the exocyst and kinetic activation are important for the establishment and reenforcement of cell polarity
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