2 research outputs found

    Tackling the urban waste and food crises simultaneously and sustainably - examples from the Philippines and Burkina Faso

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    The current urban population of 3.3 billion is expected to reach 5 billion by 2030. This urbanisation of the global population is equally an urbanisation of poverty. Cities concentrate people, huge volumes of excreta and nutrients from vast areas of farmland into a limited area. For the urban poor in particular, these accumulations result in major health problems and a low standard of living. In recent decades sanitation practitioners and researchers have been working on modern sanitation systems that address two related urban problems the waste and the food production problem. The approaches developed are usually considered under the term ecological sanitation (ecosan) and are based on recognising the value of nutrients as part of a sustainable wastewater management system. Two large-scale projects from the Philippines and Burkina Faso, are presented to illustrate the benefit to the urban poor offered by affordable ecosan alternatives in terms of sanitation and fertiliser production

    Sustainability criteria in sanitation planning

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    This article presents a list of sustainability criteria that might be of importance when assessing different sanitation solutions. The criteria presented are divided into the categories health, environment, economy, socio-culture, and technical function. We strongly recommend the use of sustainability criteria in any strategic sanitation planning and decision-making process whether on a macro or micro project level. Moreover, sanitation sustainability criteria can be used for follow-up and evaluation of sanitation systems. The list of criteria presented in this paper can be used to narrow down and focus discussions among decision-makers and also inspire to the development of context-specific sustainability criteria in the actual planning situation