5 research outputs found

    The Impact of Covid-19 on Cybersecurity

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    The world as of now is encountering a dreadful pandemic. Coronavirus has affected the world differently. Economies are disintegrating searching for solutions for the crisis brought about by this pandemic. Education in certain nations has been stopped while others are contriving new ways for teachers and students to interact observing the necessary protocols to guarantee no loss happens on these difficult occasions. Health sectors are the major heroes at these difficult times trying their possible best to fight the virus and get many people immunized against the virus. The internet has seen a lot more compromises because of the new ways adopted by many sectors to still get their businesses running. One of the ways employed mostly is the use of the internet to perform tasks. With the increased use of the internet, it has become even more important now to ensure cybersecurity or information technology protection. Protection of information from unauthorized disclosure, theft, or damage to hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from disruption or misdirection of services information technologies provide. This paper delves deep into the impact of COVID-19 on cybersecurity, the various cybersecurity trends that are attacking various institutions as this pandemic came about, the various effects of COVID-19 on society, from the perspective of cybersecurity threats and outcomes, and a detailed deliberation on why it is still of great relevance in the teaching and learning of cybersecurity

    The Package Concept for Enforcing Usage Control

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    Copyright © 2013 Patricia Ghann et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Access and usage control is a major challenge in information and computer security in a distributed network connected environment. Many models have been proposed such as traditional access control and UCONABC. Though these models have achieved their objectives in some areas, there are some issues both have not dealt with. The issue of what happens to a resource once it has been accessed rightfully. In view of this, this paper comes out with how to control resource usage by a concept known as the package concept. This concept can be implemented both with internet connection and without the internet connection to ensure continual control of resource. It packages the various types of resources with the required policies and obligations that pertain to the use of these different resources. The package concept of ensuring usage control focuses on resource by classifying them into three: Intellectual, sensitive and non-sensitive resources. Also this concept classifies access or right into three as: access to purchase, access to use temporally online and access to modify. The concept also uses biometric mechanism such as fingerprints for authentication to check redistribution of resource and a logic bomb to help ensure the fulfillment of obligations

    An Analysis of Educational Portals’ Implementation for Effective Online Learning

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    Information Communication Technology (ICT) is advancing with rapid development aimed at offering quality education among learners to ensure satisfaction as well as convenience. With the devastating effects of Coronavirus, many institutions are relying on e-learning technologies to carry out both administrative and academic activities to promote social distancing as well as curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. E-learning allows students from different geographical locations to learn as if in the classroom through the internet; providing tools that enhance effective teaching and learning. The question we ask is: are e-learning platforms performing as expected? To find out the answer to this question, an analysis of the factors identified to have affected implementation utilizing the IS implementation framework within two HEIs in Ghana is outlined in other to enable the identification of similarities and differences to be done

    Preserving the Privacy of Sensitive Data Using Bit-Coded-Sensitive Algorithm (BCSA)

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    Organizations now deal with massive amounts of data. Data is collected from various points such as hospitals, credit card companies, and search engines. After collecting this voluminous data, it is published and shared for research. Data that is collected may have sensitive information that might be used to identify an individual and consequently lead to privacy violations when published. To address this challenge, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) seeks to remove threats to privacy while ensuring that the necessary information is released for data mining. Various techniques have been proposed to solve the problems associated with sensitive information. One such technique is k- anonymity. This technique is the best and very efficient. However, it also leads to loss of information, reduces data utility, and works well only with static tables. In this paper, we proposed a technique that addresses the challenges of K-anonymity known as the Bit-Coded-Sensitive Algorithm (BCSA). This algorithm is more efficient and effective and ensures that the privacy of the individual is preserved by avoiding disclosure, and linkages and at the same time ensuring high quality and utility of data. BCSA first identifies the source of data and based on that, uses bits to code sensitive data with a key