5 research outputs found

    Thermal structure of the middle and upper atmosphere of Mars From ACS/TGO CO2 spectroscopy

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    Temperature and density in the upper Martian atmosphere, above ∼100 km, are key diagnostic parameters to study processes of the species' escape, investigate the impact of solar activity, model the atmospheric circulation, and plan spacecraft descent or aerobraking maneuvers. In this paper, we report vertical profiling of carbon dioxide (CO2) density and temperature from the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) solar occultations onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. A strong CO2 absorption band near 2.7 μm observed by the middle infrared spectrometric channel (ACS MIR) allows the retrieval of the atmospheric thermal structure in an unprecedentedly large altitude range, from 20 to 180 km. We present the latitudinal and seasonal climatology of the thermal structure for 1.5 Martian years (MYs), from the middle of MY 34 to the end of MY 35. The results show the variability of distinct atmospheric layers, such as a mesopause (derived from 70 to 145 km) and homopause, changing from 90 to 100 km at aphelion to 120–130 km at perihelion. Some short-term homopause fluctuations are also observed depending on the dust activity

    Upper limits for phosphine (PH3) in the atmosphere of Mars

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    Phosphine (PH3) is proposed to be a possible biomarker in planetary atmospheres and has been claimed to have been observed in the atmosphere of Venus, sparking interest in the habitability of Venus’s atmosphere. Observations of another biomarker, methane (CH4), have been reported several times in the atmosphere of Mars, hinting at the possibility of a past or present biosphere. The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has a spectral range that includes several absorption lines of PH3 with line strengths comparable to previously observed CH4 lines. The signature of PH3 was not observed in the 192 observations made over a full Martian year of observations, and here we report upper limits of 0.1–0.6 ppbv

    Isotopic composition of CO2 in the atmosphere of Mars: Fractionation by diffusive separation observed by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

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    Isotopic ratios in atmospheric CO2 are shaped by various processes throughout Mars' history, and can help understand what the atmosphere of early Mars was like to sustain liquid water on its surface. In this study, we monitor the O and C isotopic composition of CO2 between 70 and 130 km for more than half a Martian year using solar occultation observations by the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. We find the vertical trends of the isotopic ratios to be consistent with the expectations from diffusive separation above the homopause, with average values below this altitude being consistent with Earth-like fractionation (δ13C = −3 ± 37‰; δ18O = −29 ± 38‰; and δ17O = −11 ± 41‰). Using these measurements, we estimate that at least 20%–40% of primordial C on Mars has escaped to space throughout history. The total amount of C lost from the atmosphere is likely to be well in excess of this lower limit, due to carbonate formation and further sink processes. In addition, we propose a photochemical transfer of light O from H2O to CO2 to explain the larger enrichment in the 18O/16O ratio in H2O than in CO2

    No detection of SO2, H2S, or OCS in the atmosphere of Mars from the first two Martian years of observations from TGO/ACS

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    Context. The detection of sulphur species in the Martian atmosphere would be a strong indicator of volcanic outgassing from the surface of Mars. Aims. We wish to establish the presence of SO2, H2S, or OCS in the Martian atmosphere or determine upper limits on their concentration in the absence of a detection. Methods. We perform a comprehensive analysis of solar occultation data from the mid-infrared channel of the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite instrument, on board the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, obtained during Martian years 34 and 35. Results. For the most optimal sensitivity conditions, we determine 1σ upper limits of SO2 at 20 ppbv, H2S at 15 ppbv, and OCS at 0.4 ppbv; the last value is lower than any previous upper limits imposed on OCS in the literature. We find no evidence of any of these species above a 3σ confidence threshold. We therefore infer that passive volcanic outgassing of SO2 must be below 2 ktons day−1