4 research outputs found

    Volumetric Rates of Luminous Red Novae and Intermediate-luminosity Red Transients with the Zwicky Transient Facility

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    Luminous red novae (LRNe) are transients characterized by low luminosities and expansion velocities, and they are associated with mergers or common-envelope ejections in stellar binaries. Intermediate-luminosity red transients (ILRTs) are an observationally similar class with unknown origins, but they are generally believed to be either electron-capture supernovae in super-asymptotic giant branch stars or outbursts in dusty luminous blue variables (LBVs). In this paper, we present a systematic sample of eight LRNe and eight ILRTs detected as part of the Census of the Local Universe (CLU) experiment on the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The CLU experiment spectroscopically classifies ZTF transients associated with nearby (<150 Mpc) galaxies, achieving 80% completeness for m _r < 20 mag. Using the ZTF-CLU sample, we derive the first systematic LRNe volumetric rate of 7.83.7+6.5×105{7.8}_{-3.7}^{+6.5}\times {10}^{-5} Mpc ^−3 yr ^−1 in the luminosity range −16 ≤ M _r ≤ −11 mag. We find that, in this luminosity range, the LRN rate scales as dN/dLL2.5±0.3{dN}/{dL}\propto {L}^{-2.5\pm 0.3} —significantly steeper than the previously derived scaling of L ^−1.4±0.3 for lower-luminosity LRNe ( M _V ≥ −10 mag). The steeper power law for LRNe at high luminosities is consistent with the massive merger rates predicted by binary population synthesis models. We find that the rates of the brightest LRNe ( M _r ≤ −13 mag) are consistent with a significant fraction of them being progenitors of double compact objects that merge within a Hubble time. For ILRTs, we derive a volumetric rate of 2.61.4+1.8×106{2.6}_{-1.4}^{+1.8}\times {10}^{-6} Mpc ^−3 yr ^−1 for M _r ≤ −13.5 mag, which scales as dN/dLL2.5±0.5{dN}/{dL}\propto {L}^{-2.5\pm 0.5} . This rate is ∼1%–5% of the local core-collapse supernova rate and is consistent with theoretical ECSN rate estimates

    SN 2022oqm–A Ca-rich Explosion of a Compact Progenitor Embedded in C/O Circumstellar Material

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    We present the discovery and analysis of SN 2022oqm, a Type Ic supernova (SN) detected <1 day after the explosion. The SN rises to a blue and short-lived (2 days) initial peak. Early-time spectral observations of SN 2022oqm show a hot (40,000 K) continuum with high ionization C and O absorption features at velocities of 4000 km s ^−1 , while its photospheric radius expands at 20,000 km s ^−1 , indicating a pre-existing distribution of expanding C/O material. After ∼2.5 days, both the spectrum and light curves evolve into those of a typical SN Ic, with line velocities of ∼10,000 km s ^−1 , in agreement with the evolution of the photospheric radius. The optical light curves reach a second peak at t ≈ 15 days. By t = 60 days, the spectrum of SN 2022oqm becomes nearly nebular, displaying strong Ca ii and [Ca ii ] emission with no detectable [O i ], marking this event as Ca-rich. The early behavior can be explained by 10 ^−3 M _⊙ of optically thin circumstellar material (CSM) surrounding either (1) a massive compact progenitor such as a Wolf–Rayet star, (2) a massive stripped progenitor with an extended envelope, or (3) a binary system with a white dwarf. We propose that the early-time light curve is powered by both the interaction of the ejecta with the optically thin CSM and shock cooling (in the massive star scenario). The observations can be explained by CSM that is optically thick to X-ray photons, is optically thick in the lines as seen in the spectra, and is optically thin to visible-light continuum photons that come either from downscattered X-rays or from the shock-heated ejecta. Calculations show that this scenario is self-consistent