200 research outputs found

    A systematic literature review on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in terms of privacy, authorization and data-leaks

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    In recent years, VR and AR has exploded into a multimillionaire market. As this emerging technology has spread to a variety of businesses and is rapidly increasing among users. It is critical to address potential privacy and security concerns that these technologies might pose. In this study, we discuss the current status of privacy and security in VR and AR. We analyse possible problems and risks. Besides, we will look in detail at a few of the major concerns issues and related security solutions for AR and VR. Additionally, as VR and AR authentication is the most thoroughly studied aspect of the problem, we concentrate on the research that has already been done in this area.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 figure

    Study the effect of metformin, voglibose alone and in combination on body mass index in non-diabetic obese Indian subjects- A hospital based study

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    Background: Early detection and therapy of the obese adolescent with a family history of type 2 diabetes may interrupt the cycle of weight gain and insulin resistance that leads to glucose intolerance in adulthood. Materials & Methods: The objective of our study was to observe the effect of metformin and voglibose on BMI, as it provides a simple and convenient anthropometric index for classification of obesity. 60 non diabetic obese subjects were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria, and divided into three groups of 20 subjects each. The first group received metformin 500 mg BD, second group received voglibose 0.3 mg and the third group received a combination of metformin 500 mg and voglibose 0.3mg. For the comparison we applied paired and unpaired t test. Paired t test was applied for intra group comparison and unpaired t test was applied for inter group comparison. Results: After six months of treatment with Metformin 500 mg BD alone, Voglibose 0.3mg BD alone and Metformin 500 mg with Voglibose 0.3 mg BD in combination, all three groups showed statistically significant reduction in BMI values from baseline. When we compared results of metformin group with voglibose group there was no statistically significant difference. But when we compared results of metformin alone with metformin and voglibose combination and voglibose alone with metformin and voglibose combination, the combination group showed statistically significant reduction in BMI base line values. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that Metformin + Voglibose combination is very effective in reducing body weight, but further long term studies with large sample size are needed to assess the safety and efficacy of Metformin+ Voglibose combination in treatment of obesity in non-diabetic population

    Models for crop parameters due to normal load of tractor and number of passes

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    Multiple passage of power machinery system particularly heavy machines with high wheel loads creates sub-soil compaction which results into increasing in soil bulk density & penetration resistance and reduction in water infiltration, crop germination, growth as well as yield. This study was conducted to determine the different crop growth and crop yield models could be developed to predict growth as well as yield of crop considering normal load and number of passes of tractor. A 36-plot experiment consisting of 12 treatments with three replications were set up using a randomized block design in a uniform field of Division of Agricultural Engineering, IARI, New Delhi during the period of 2007-08. Prediction models were developed between compaction parameters (normal loads and number of passes) and crop parameters like (a) plant height, (b) number of plants per meter, and (c) yield. In, other models a relation between crop yield and sub-soil bulk density and penetration resistance were established and their sensitivity analysis was done for developed models. The best fit model for plant height and number of plants per meter row was quadratic. However, the best fit model between yield vs soil bulk density and yield vs penetration resistance was exponential and quadratic, respectively. The developed model is not more sensitive for number of plants per meter row and yield vs soil bulk density. However, model was more sensitive to plant height model and yield vs soil penetration resistance is more sensitive

    Erasing Quantum Distinguishability via Single-Mode Filtering

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    Erasing quantum-mechanical distinguishability is of fundamental interest and also of practical importance, particularly in subject areas related to quantum information processing. We demonstrate a method applicable to optical systems in which single-mode filtering is used with only linear optical instruments to achieve quantum indistinguishability. Through "heralded" Hong-Ou-Mandel interference experiments we measure and quantify the improvement of indistinguishability between single photons generated via spontaneous four-wave mixing in optical fibers. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with predictions of a quantum-multimode theory we develop for such systems, without the need for any fitting parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Clostridium difficile Causing Empyema

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    Extraintestinal Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is extremely uncommon. High mortality and poor outcomes have been observed among individuals with this rare medical condition. Empyema is one of the extraintestinal manifestations of CDI. Possible mechanisms to develop this parapneumonic effusion are aspiration and contamination of the chest tube. We present a 42-year-old Hispanic male with C. difficile empyema without any prior history of CDI

    In vivo E2F reporting reveals efficacious schedules of MEK1/2–CDK4/6 targeting and mTOR–s6 resistance mechanisms

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    Targeting cyclin-dependent kinases 4/6 (CDK4/6) represents a therapeutic option in combination with BRAF inhibitor and/or MEK inhibitor (MEKi) in melanoma; however, continuous dosing elicits toxicities in patients. Using quantitative and temporal in vivo reporting, we show that continuous MEKi with intermittent CDK4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6i) led to more complete tumor responses versus other combination schedules. Nevertheless, some tumors acquired resistance that was associated with enhanced phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 protein. These data were supported by phospho-S6 staining of melanoma biopsies from patients treated with CDK4/6i plus targeted inhibitors. Enhanced phospho-S6 in resistant tumors provided a therapeutic window for the mTORC1/2 inhibitor AZD2014. Mechanistically, upregulation or mutation of NRAS was associated with resistance in in vivo models and patient samples, respectively, and mutant NRAS was sufficient to enhance resistance. This study utilizes an in vivo reporter model to optimize schedules and supports targeting mTORC1/2 to overcome MEKi plus CDK4/6i resistance. SIGnIFICAnCE: Mutant BRAF and NRAS melanomas acquire resistance to combined MEK and CDK4/6 inhibition via upregulation of mTOR pathway signaling. This resistance mechanism provides the preclinical basis to utilize mTORC1/2 inhibitors to improve MEKi plus CDK4/6i drug regimens

    An in vitro method to select malignant cells from surgical biopsies of breast cancer patients

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    To date, breast cancer (BC) research is mainly studied with cell lines. These cells were passaged multiple times, acquiring phenotypes, additional mutations and epigenetic changes. These changes make the passaged cell lines different from the original malignancy. Thus cell lines, although useful as models could be improved with additional studies with primary BC. It is difficult to obtain malignant cells from breast tissues without contamination from surrounding healthy cells. Selection and expansion of malignant cells from surgical tissues have proved to be daunting tasks. This study describes a reliable and reproducible method for isolating and expanding malignant cells from surgical breast tissues. The method uses co-cultures with BM stroma to select for the cancer cells while the healthy cells undergo rapid cell death. Studies are described to show the cloning efficiencies and sensitivity of the method using surgical samples of varying sizes, different stages of BC, and samples from needle biopsies

    District level baseline survey of family planning program in Uttar Pradesh: Jhansi

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    Baseline surveys in 15 districts of Uttar Pradesh were conducted as part of the USAID-assisted State Innovations in Family Planning Services project. This effort helps create databases at the district level, an essential prerequisite for decentralized planning and strategy development. The Baseline Surveys in Uttar Pradesh (BSUP) were undertaken as part of the Innovations in Family Planning Services Project to reduce the fertility rate in Uttar Pradesh. The project’s objectives were to increase access to family planning (FP) services, improve quality of FP services, and promote contraceptive use. The Population Council was designated as the nodal organization to coordinate various activities and provide technical assistance for the consulting organizations involved in BSUP. The Centre for Population and Development Studies, Hyderabad, was the selected consulting organization for the BSUP in Jhansi district. As stated in this report, general objectives are to provide a baseline against which the effectiveness and success of district-level project activities can be assessed in the future and provide background data at the district level that will assist in the design of appropriate and innovative service-delivery strategies

    District level baseline survey of family planning program in Uttar Pradesh: Lalitpur

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    Baseline surveys in 15 districts of Uttar Pradesh were conducted as part of the USAID-assisted State lnnovations in Family Planning Services project. This effort helps create databases at the district level, an essential prerequisite for decentralized planning and strategy development. The Baseline Surveys in Uttar Pradesh (BSUP) were undertaken as part of the innovations in Family Planning Services Project, which aimed to reduce the fertility rate in Uttar Pradesh. The specific objectives of the project were to increase access to family planning (FP) services, improve quality of FP services, and promote contraceptive use. The Population Council has been designated as the nodal organization to coordinate various activities and to provide necessary technical assistance for the consulting organizations involved in BSUP. The Centre for Population and Development Studies, Hyderabad, was the selected consulting organization for the BSUP in Lalitpur District. As stated in this report, general objectives are to provide a baseline against which the effectiveness and success of district-level project activities can be assessed in the future and provide background data at the district level that will assist in the design of appropriate and innovative service-delivery strategies
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