3 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Techniques for Image Searching and Browsing on Mobile Devices

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    This paper reports on a system for browsing and searching image collections on small-screen devices. The system design was informed by our studies of how people organize and access image collections on desktop computers. The final system was evaluated in a user study where users had to search for images with varying degrees of precision about what they were searching for. We discovered that individual users adopt a wide variety of search strategies and that future image management tools must support users through a wide variety of interaction techniques

    Improving Photo Searching Interfaces for Small-screen Mobile Computers

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    In this paper, we conduct a thorough investigation of how people search their photo collections for events (a set of photographs relating to a particular well defined event), singles (individual photographs) and properties (a set of photographs with a common theme) on PDAs. We describe a prototype system that allows us to expose many issues that must be considered when designing photo searching interfaces. We discuss each of these issues and make recommendations where applicable. Our major observation is that several different methods are used to locate photographs. In light of this, we conclude by discussing how photo searching interfaces might embody or support such an approach