4 research outputs found

    Clinical laboratory as an economic model for business performance analysis

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    Aim To perform SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of a clinical laboratory as an economic model that may be used to improve business performance of laboratories by removing weaknesses, minimizing threats, and using external opportunities and internal strengths. Methods Impact of possible threats to and weaknesses of the Clinical Laboratory at NaÅ”ice General County Hospital business performance and use of strengths and opportunities to improve operating profit were simulated using models created on the basis of SWOT analysis results. The operating profit as a measure of profitability of the clinical laboratory was defined as total revenue minus total expenses and presented using a profit and loss account. Changes in the input parameters in the profit and loss account for 2008 were determined using opportunities and potential threats, and economic sensitivity analysis was made by using changes in the key parameters. The profit and loss account and economic sensitivity analysis were tools for quantifying the impact of changes in the revenues and expenses on the business operations of clinical laboratory. Results Results of simulation models showed that operational profit of ā‚¬470 723 in 2008 could be reduced to only ā‚¬21 542 if all possible threats became a reality and current weaknesses remained the same. Also, operational gain could be increased to ā‚¬535 804 if laboratory strengths and opportunities were utilized. If both the opportunities and threats became a reality, the operational profit would decrease by ā‚¬384 465. Conclusion The operational profit of the clinical laboratory could be significantly reduced if all threats became a reality and the current weaknesses remained the same. The operational profit could be increased by utilizing strengths and opportunities as much as possible. This type of modeling may be used to monitor business operations of any clinical laboratory and improve its financial situation by implementing changes in the next fiscal period

    Business analytics of specialized medical biochemistry laboratory using profit and loss acount

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    Mjerenjem trenutačne učinkovitosti tržiÅ”nog poslovanja specijalističkoga medicinsko-biokemijskog laboratorija iskazuje se računovodstvena mjera profitabilnosti laboratorija, pri čemu profitabilan laboratorij troÅ”kove pružanja usluga pokriva prihodom od prodanih usluga. Račun dobiti i gubitka temeljni je financijski izvjeÅ”taj poslovanja koji pokazuje ostvaruje li neki poslovni subjekt dobit u promatranome poslovnom razdoblju. Metode. Profitabilnost Specijalističkoga medicinsko-biokemijskog laboratorija Opće županijske bolnice NaÅ”ice iskazana je izračunom dobiti i gubitka za 2007. godinu, a uspjeÅ”nost poslovanja iskazana računovodstvenim mjerama marginalne kontribucije, bruto dobitka i operativne dobiti, kojima se jasno može iskazati posluje li laboratorij sa zaradom (pozitivan predznak mjera) ili ne. Primjena navedenog postupka omogućuje jednostavno uočavanje pokazatelja koji uzrokuju uspjeÅ”no ili neuspjeÅ”no poslovanje laboratorija. Rezultati. Izračun je pokazao operativnu dobit Laboratorija od 719.926 kn odnosno operativnu maržu od 11,7%, čime se dokazalo da Laboratorij posluje pozitivno te da mu nakon oduzimanja svih operativnih troÅ”kova poslovanja na 100 jedinica prihoda ostaje 11,7 jedinica dobiti iz njegove osnovne djelatnosti. Zaključak. Specijalistički medicinsko-biokemijski laboratorij Opće županijske bolnice NaÅ”ice ostvario je svojim radom dobit, tj. zaradu. Cilj izračunavanja dobiti ili gubitka jest određivanje mogućih aktivnosti unutar laboratorija kojima se može djelovati na učinkovitost poslovanja, koja bi se iskazala povećanjem postojeće profitabilnosti. Ako se rad laboratorija iskaže negativnim poslovanjem, a ne učini se nikakva promjena kojom bi se poslovanje učinilo pozitivnim, ovakva analiza poslovanja daje jasnu informaciju o cijeni koju druÅ”tvo u cjelini mora snositi radi nadoknađivanja negativnog poslovanja promatranog laboratorija koji je u okviru postojećeg sustava zdravstvene zaÅ”tite.Introduction. By measuring the actual effectiveness of a medical biochemistry laboratoryā€™s business operations, we can determine the accounting measure of laboratoryā€™s profitability, where operating expenses of the laboratory are covered by the income generated from the services. A laboratoryā€™s financial report can be based on a profit and loss account, which shows whether or not a business entity, i.e., the laboratory, is making a profit during a particular business period. Methods. Profitability of the Specialized Medical Biochemical Laboratory (Laboratory) of the General County Hospital in NaÅ”ice, Croatia, was determined using the profit and loss account for 2007. Business success was expressed using the accounting measures of marginal contribution, gross income, and operating income, which could show whether or not the laboratory was operating profitably. This procedure allowed us to identify indicators of successful or unsuccessful business operations of the Laboratory. Results. According to the profit and loss account, the operating profit was 719,926 HRK, i.e., the operating margin was 11.7%, indicating that the Laboratory was operating positively. After subtracting all operating expenses per 100 income units, 11.7 units profit remained from the Laboratoryā€™s core business. Conclusion. The Specialized Medical Biochemical Laboratory of the General County Hospital in NaÅ”ice generated income, i.e., it operated at a profit. The purpose of profit and loss account was to determine the Laboratory operations that had impact on its business effectiveness and could increase the actual profitability. If the laboratory operates at a loss, and no activities are undertaken that would reverse the business toward positive, the analysis may provide information on the cost for the society as a whole of the studied laboratory within the existing healthcare system

    Clinical laboratory as an economic model for business performance analysis

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    Aim To perform SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of a clinical laboratory as an economic model that may be used to improve business performance of laboratories by removing weaknesses, minimizing threats, and using external opportunities and internal strengths. Methods Impact of possible threats to and weaknesses of the Clinical Laboratory at NaÅ”ice General County Hospital business performance and use of strengths and opportunities to improve operating profit were simulated using models created on the basis of SWOT analysis results. The operating profit as a measure of profitability of the clinical laboratory was defined as total revenue minus total expenses and presented using a profit and loss account. Changes in the input parameters in the profit and loss account for 2008 were determined using opportunities and potential threats, and economic sensitivity analysis was made by using changes in the key parameters. The profit and loss account and economic sensitivity analysis were tools for quantifying the impact of changes in the revenues and expenses on the business operations of clinical laboratory. Results Results of simulation models showed that operational profit of ā‚¬470 723 in 2008 could be reduced to only ā‚¬21 542 if all possible threats became a reality and current weaknesses remained the same. Also, operational gain could be increased to ā‚¬535 804 if laboratory strengths and opportunities were utilized. If both the opportunities and threats became a reality, the operational profit would decrease by ā‚¬384 465. Conclusion The operational profit of the clinical laboratory could be significantly reduced if all threats became a reality and the current weaknesses remained the same. The operational profit could be increased by utilizing strengths and opportunities as much as possible. This type of modeling may be used to monitor business operations of any clinical laboratory and improve its financial situation by implementing changes in the next fiscal period