1 research outputs found

    The Impact of Profitability on Stock Valuation and Its Impact on Corporate Value

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    This research aims to determine the influence of return on assets, return on equity, and net profit margin against stock valuation reflected with the price earning ratio and its impact on the price to book value of retail trade companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2009-2018. The method used in this research is a descriptive method of analysis with a quantitative approach. The type of data used in this study is secondary data. The population in this research is a trade retail company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2009-2018, consisting of 31 retail trade companies. Sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique, with certain predefined criteria, which obtained 11 trade retail companies that meet the criteria. The analytical technique that will be used in this study is a double linear regression analysis technique that expanded by a method of pathway analysis to obtain a thorough picture of the relationship between one variable and another variable. The results found that a partial return on asset variable, return on equity, and net profit margin had a significant influence on the price earning ratio, and the price earning ratio also had a significant influence on price to book value