7 research outputs found

    Zbiorowiska mikroorganizmów w glebie spod leśnej uprawy żeń-szenia amerykańskiego [Zbiorowiska mikroorganizmów w glebie spod leśnej uprawy żeń-szenia amerykańskiego]

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    The investigations were carried out in 2003-2004 on American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) plantation localised in the mixed forest in Trzciniec (Lubelski province). The object of the study was the soil from ginseng culture protected by the biological and chemical method. In the experiment there was also control plot - without any protection during plants vegetation. There were also analysed the infected roots of ginseng plants. Microbiological analyses showed that soil from control plots was characterised by the smallest average total number of bacteria. In 1 g of dry weight of soil after Polyversum application there was stated the highest number of bacterial colonies from Bacillus and Pseudomonas genus. The highest number of fungal colonies was obtained in 1 g of dry weight of soil on the control plots. The highest number of saprophytic fungi (including those with antagonistic character) was obtained from the soil where the biological plant protection was applied. Generally, independently of a plant protection method, American ginseng plants were affected by Alternaria alternata, Cylindrocarpon spp., Fusarium spp., Pythium irregulare and Rhizoctonia solani

    Skuteczność płynów pohodowlanych bakterii antagonistycznych w ochronie soi przed grzybami odglebowymi [The effectiveness of post-culture liquids of antagonistic bacteria in the protection of soybean from soil-borne fungi]

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    The objective of the paper was to determine the effectiveness of post-culture liquids of Bacillus sp. Bsch 19 and Pseudomonas sp. Psch 16 in the protection of soybean from soil-borne fungi. The use of post-culture liquids of those bacteria in seed dressing positively affected the number, healthiness and yielding of soybean plants. The plants were mainly infected by Fusarium spp., Phoma exigua var. exigua, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Those fungi were isolated much more rarely from the plants in combinations with the use of post-culture liquids of antagonistic bacteria as compared with the plants from the control combination, i.e. without seed dressing. A reverse relation was found for the occurrence of saprophytic fungi from the genera of Gliocladium, Penicillium and Trichoderm

    Incidence of oat scab in 2013 and pathogenicity of Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb. to selected cultivars

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    W 2013 roku na polach Hodowli Roślin Strzelce, Sp. z o.o., grupa IHAR określono udział wiech z objawami fuzariozy dla 12 odmian owsa. W laboratorium przeprowadzono analizę mykologiczną ziarniaków i plew pochodzących z wiech z objawami chorobowymi z wykorzystaniem pożywki mineralnej. Procent wiech z objawami fuzariozy wahał się od 0,25% do 2,0%. Za główną przyczynę fuzariozy wiech owsa uznano gatunki Fusarium culmorum i F. poae. Ponadto z porażonych ziarniaków uzyskiwano gatunki F. sporotrichioides i F. oxysporum. Badania szkodliwości F. sporotrichioides dla owsa przeprowadzono w 2013 roku na polach doświadczalnych w okolicach Zamościa, na podstawie ścisłego doświadczenia polowego ze sztucznym zakażaniem wiech w fazie kwitnienia. Materiał infekcyjny stanowiła zawiesina zarodników F. sporotrichioides nr 88 o zagęszczeniu 5 × 105 × 1 ml-1. Szkodliwość F. sporotrichioides dla analizowanych odmian owsa określano na podstawie ubytku liczby ziarniaków w wiesze, plonu ziarna z 40 wiech (4×10 wiech) oraz masy 1000 ziaren. Ubytek liczby ziarniaków w wiesze, w wyniku sztucznego zakażania przez F. sporotrichioides wynosił od 0,5% (Arden) do 75,1% (Contender). W przypadku odmiany Arden nie zanotowano ubytku plonu ziarna w wyniku inokulacji wiech przez F. sporotrichioides, zaś u pozostałych odmian redukcja plonu ziarna wynosiła od 24,0% (Komfort) do 79,5% (Contender). Natomiast obniżka MTZ wynosiła od 0,1% (Arden) do 22,6% (Flämingsgold).The incidence of panicles with scab symptoms was assessed in 12 oat cultivars in the fields of Strzelce Plant Breeding Company IHAR group in 2013. The mycological analysis of grain and chaff separated from panicles with disease symptoms was made in the laboratory using a mineral medium. The percentage of panicles with scab symptoms ranged from 0.25% to 2.0%. The species Fusarium culmorum and F. poae were the main causal agents of Fusarium oat scab. Fusarium sporotrichioides and F. oxysporum were also isolated from infected kernels. A study of pathogenicity of F. sporotrichioides to oat was carried out in the experimental plots in Zamość region (southeastern Poland). Oat panicles were inoculated during flowering. The infectious material was a suspension of conidia of F. sporotrichioides no. 88 with a density of 5 × 105 spores per 1 ml. The pathogenicity of F. sporotrichioides to analyzed oat genotypes was determined on the basis of the reduction in the number of kernels per panicle, kernels yield from 40 panicles (4 × 10 panicles) and 1000 kernels weight. The reduction in the number of kernels in panicle as a result of inoculation of panicles with F. sporotrichioides ranged from 0.5% (Arden) to 75.1% (Contender). In the case of cv. Arden the reduction in kernels yield was not detected and in the case of other cultivars it ranged from 24.0% (Komfort) to 79.5% (Contender). The reduction in 1000 kernels weight ranged from 0.1% (Arden) to 22.6% (Flämingsgold)

    Kształtowanie się zbiorowisk mikroorganizmów w glebie pod wpływem chitozanu i uprawy fasoli wielokwiatowej (Phaseolus coccineus L.) [The formation of microorganism communities in the soil under the effect of chitosan and runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) cultivation]

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    The subject of the studies was the soil with introduced solutions containing 0,1% chitosan. These materials were obtained from the Institute of Chemical Fibres in L6d2 (in the form of a microcrystalline gel) and also from the Department of Food Biochemistry and Chemistry of the University of Agriculture in Lublin (in a liquid form,i.e.dissolved in acetic acid). In order to set an experiment in a growth chamber, grey brown podzolic soil formed from loesses and taken from a mechanically treated belt of black fallow was used. The soil (1000 g) was watered every 8 days with 100 ml of examined chitosan solutions per pot. Control soil was watered with sterile distilled water. Seven days after each watering, soil samples were taken for microbiological analysis. Then 25 runner bean seeds were sown into each pot. After six weeks of plants' growth the experiment was finished and the number of plants was counted, their healthiness determined and soil microbiological analysis was performed. Regardless of chitosan form introduced to the soil it stimulated the growth of bacteria and fungi, since in these experimental combinations was found a significantly higher number of microorganisms as compared with the control. A particular high increase in the number of microorganism colonies was observed with simultaneous growth of plants and the application of chitosan. A considerable increase of fungi colonies from the Trichoderma genus was found in the soil treated with chitosan in the form ofboth a microcrystalline gel and a liquid. The species of this genus are considered to be antagonists; it affects pathogenic fungi through competition, antibiosis and over-parasitism. An increase in colonies of saprophytic microorganisms, including antagonistic ones of Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. was observed in the soil treated with chitosan . On the other hand, in the soil after the growth of bean and treated watered with chitosan only few colonies of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli- bean pathogen were found. The healthiness of plants grown in soil treated with chitosan was significantly better as compared to the control. The populations of antagonistic microorganisms formed in the soil in these treatments probably limited the growth of pathogenic fungus

    The effect of artificial inoculation of oat with Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc. on the yield and mycotoxin content in the grain

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    Szkodliwość szczepu F. equiseti nr 20 wobec 15 genotypów owsa określono na podstawie ścisłego doświadczenia polowego ze sztucznym zakażaniem wiech. Badania przeprowadzono w 2014 roku, na polu doświadczalnym w południowo-wschodniej Polsce. Materiał infekcyjny stanowiła zawiesina konidiów F. equiseti. Średnia obniżka liczby ziarniaków w wiesze, w porównaniu do kontroli wynosiła 45,7% (od 15,8 do 66,7%), natomiast redukcja plonu ziarna wynosiła 47,7% (od 20,3 do 69,3%). Obniżka masy 1000 ziaren u badanych genotypów owsa wahała się od 0,5% do 22,8%, średnio 7,3%. W próbach ziarna wszystkich genotypów owsa stwierdzono obecność związków trichotecenowych z grupy A: T-2 toksyny od 0,001 do 0,044 mg·kg-1, HT- 2 toksyny od 0,001 do 0,081 mg·kg-1, scirpentriolu (STO) od 0,002 do 0,056 mg·kg-1,T-2 tetraolu od 0,001 do 0,152 mg·kg-1. Obecność diacetoksyscirpenolu (DAS) i T-2 triolu, stwierdzono u 14 analizowanych genotypów owsa. Stężenie tych metabolitów wynosiło odpowiednio od 0,001 do 0,005 mg·kg-1 i od 0,001 do 0,008 mg·kg-1. Ponadto w próbach ziarna wszystkich genotypów owsa, pochodzących z wiech inokulowanych F. equiseti oznaczono 3-Ac DON (0,023–0,026 mg·kg-1), w przypadku 14 genotypów stwierdzono obecność DON (0,016–0,233 mg·kg-1), zaś NIV był obecny w próbach 13 genotypów owsa, w stężeniu od 0,022 do 0,218 mg·kg-1.The field experiment with artificial infection of panicles of 15 oat genotypes was performed in 2014, in southeastern Poland. Panicles were inoculated with conidial suspension of Fusarium equiseti no. 20. The mean reduction in the number of kernels per panicle was 45.7% (from 15.8 to 66.7%), in kernel yield — 47.7% (from 20.3 to 69.3%), and 1000 kernel weight — 7.3% (from 0.5 to 22.8%). Trichothecenes of group A and B were detected in oat kernels. The concentration of T-2 toxin ranged from 0.001 to 0.044 mg·kg-1, HT- 2 toxin from 0.001 to 0.081 mg·kg-1, scirpentriol (STO) from 0.002 to 0.056 mg·kg-1, T-2 tetraol from 0.001 to 0.152 mg·kg-1. In kernels of 14 oat genotypes diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) and T-2 triol were found and concentration of these metabolites ranged from 0.001 to 0.005 mg·kg-1 and from 0.001 to 0.008 mg·kg-1, respectively. Additionally in the infected kernels the following trichothecenes of group B were detected: DON (0.000-0.233 mg·kg-1), 3-Ac - DON (0.023-0.026mg·kg-1), and NIV (0.000-0.218 mg·kg-1)

    The occurrence of fungi on roots and stem bases of Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta L. Thell. grown under two levels of chemical protection and harmfulness of Fusarium graminearum Schwabe to seedlings of selected genotypes

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    Investigations were carried out in 2007–2009 on the plots of the Felin Experimental Station belonging to the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland. The studies comprised two breeding lines of spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta L. Thell.) – STH 3 and STH 715. Two levels of chemical protection were applied in the cultivation with minimal and complex protection. Infection of winter spelt wheat roots and stem bases was recorded in each growing season at hard dough stage (87 in Zadok’s scale). After 3 years of the study, the mean values of disease indexes for the analyzed spelt wheat lines in the experimental treatment with minimal protection were 28.53 and 40.30 respectively for STH 3 and STH 715. In the experimental combination with complex protection, after 3 years of the study the mean values of disease indexes ranged from 25.96 (STH 3) to 26.90 (STH 715). The mycological analysis showed that Fusarium spp., especially F. culmorum, caused root rot and necrosis of stem bases of spelt wheat in the experimental combination with minimal and complex protection. Moreover, Fusarium avenaceum and Bipolaris sorokiniana caused root rot and necrosis of stem bases of spelt wheat. Investigation carried out in a growth chamber on susceptibility of seedlings of three lines of spelt wheat (LO 2/09/n/2, LO 5/09/13/3, LO 5/09/5/4) to infection with Fusarium graminearum No. 8 and F. graminearum No. 45 showed that the genotypes did not differ in their susceptibility. All of them were susceptible, as indicated by high values of the disease indexes. No interaction was found between genotypes and strains of the fungus. This indicates the differential pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum species