44 research outputs found

    Eetikal on üha suurenev tähtsus arsti töös

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    Eetikal on läbi aegade olnud arsti töös keskne osa. Viimase 60 aasta jooksul on selle tähtsus pidevalt kasvanud ja sellest on arenenud iseseisev õppe- ja uurimisala. Pärast Teise maailma sõja lõppu korraldatud Nürnbergi kohtuprotsess kuritegudes osalenud arstide vastu oli oluline sündmus, mis käivitas eetiliste reeglistike loomise ja nende ulatusliku rahvusvahelise kasutusele võtu. Samal ajal tulid arstiteaduse kiire arengu tõttu eetilised kaalutlused ka arstide igapäevatöösse. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (9): 639–64

    Tervise edendamise eetika

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    Tervise edendamise eesmärk on parandada rahva võimet ja eeldusi hoida ning tugevdada oma tervist. Seda võib rakendada nii konkreetse isiku kui ka suurte ühiskonnarühmade suhtes. Sageli on sellise tegevuse sihtrühm kogu rahvastik. Parimad tulemused saadakse tervise edendamisel, kui parandada ühiskonna liikmete haritust ja teadmisi, rahalist seisu, elutingimusi ning vähendada eri ühiskonnarühmade ebavõrdsust. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (10): 758-76

    Läkarens etik prövas vid prioritering av läkemedelsbehandlingar

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    Läkarens etik prövas vid prioritering av läkemedelsbehandlingar

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    Amount of external CME in groups of specialties: a nation-wide survey among Finnish doctors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Continuing medical education (CME) is an integral part of continuing professional development and a prerequisite for good quality in health care. We aimed to describe and analyse the number of days spent in formal CME outside the workplace by specialty among Finnish doctors of working age.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The number of days in formal CME outside the workplace in 2005 reported by specialists was obtained from an annual postal survey, conducted by the Finnish Medical Association in March 2006, of all working-age doctors. Those who had attained their specialist degree before 2005 were included in the study. The 49 specialties were re-categorised into 15 groups. The mean reported number of days and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Differences were analysed by Poisson regression adjusted for relevant covariates.</p> <p>The response rate to the question about CME was 70.2% (7,374) among specialists. The median age (interquartile range) of the respondents was 49 years (from 44 to 55 years), and 51.7% (3,810) were female. The mean reported number of days in CME was 8.8 (95% CI 8.7-9.0). Neurologists and surgery specialists participated in CME the most frequently (10.3 and 10.4 days) and ophthalmologists the least (7.6 days). In comparison with anaesthesiology and intensive care specialists, most specialists reported having significantly more formal CME, and no group reported having less.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Significant variation was observed, and we therefore suggest studies seeking to account for this variation.</p> <p>The results have originally been published in Finnish in the Finnish Medical Journal.</p

    Comparison of peak serum C-reactive protein and hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase levels in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with alteplase and streptokinase

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    Peak serum C-reactive protein concentrations were measured in 146 patients randomized to receive streptokinase, alteplase, or a combination of streptokinase and alteplase in the GUSTO-I trial. Those receiving alteplase treatment had lower values than those receiving streptokinase or the combination treatment. Irrespective of treatment, complete reperfusion of the infarct-related artery (TIMI grade 3 flow) was associated with low peak serum C-reactive protein values

    New biomarker evidence of oxidative DNA damage in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

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    AbstractUrinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) has been reported to serve as a sensitive biomarker of oxidative DNA damage and also of oxidative stress. We have investigated oxidative DNA damage in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) by urinary 8-OHdG assessments. We determined the total urinary excretion of 8-OHdG from 24 h urine samples of 81 NIDDM patients 9 years after the initial diagnosis and of 100 non-diabetic control subjects matched for age and gender. The total 24 h urinary excretion of 8-OHdG was markedly higher in NIDDM patients than in control subjects (68.2±39.4 μg vs. 49.6±37.7 μg, P=0.001). High glycosylated hemoglobin was associated with a high level of urinary 8-OHdG. The increased excretion of urinary 8-OHdG is seen as indicating an increased systemic level of oxidative DNA damage in NIDDM patients