38 research outputs found

    Dimensionality Reduction using Similarity-induced Embeddings

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    The vast majority of Dimensionality Reduction (DR) techniques rely on second-order statistics to define their optimization objective. Even though this provides adequate results in most cases, it comes with several shortcomings. The methods require carefully designed regularizers and they are usually prone to outliers. In this work, a new DR framework, that can directly model the target distribution using the notion of similarity instead of distance, is introduced. The proposed framework, called Similarity Embedding Framework, can overcome the aforementioned limitations and provides a conceptually simpler way to express optimization targets similar to existing DR techniques. Deriving a new DR technique using the Similarity Embedding Framework becomes simply a matter of choosing an appropriate target similarity matrix. A variety of classical tasks, such as performing supervised dimensionality reduction and providing out-of-of-sample extensions, as well as, new novel techniques, such as providing fast linear embeddings for complex techniques, are demonstrated in this paper using the proposed framework. Six datasets from a diverse range of domains are used to evaluate the proposed method and it is demonstrated that it can outperform many existing DR techniques.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Learning Bag-of-Features Pooling for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are well established models capable of achieving state-of-the-art classification accuracy for various computer vision tasks. However, they are becoming increasingly larger, using millions of parameters, while they are restricted to handling images of fixed size. In this paper, a quantization-based approach, inspired from the well-known Bag-of-Features model, is proposed to overcome these limitations. The proposed approach, called Convolutional BoF (CBoF), uses RBF neurons to quantize the information extracted from the convolutional layers and it is able to natively classify images of various sizes as well as to significantly reduce the number of parameters in the network. In contrast to other global pooling operators and CNN compression techniques the proposed method utilizes a trainable pooling layer that it is end-to-end differentiable, allowing the network to be trained using regular back-propagation and to achieve greater distribution shift invariance than competitive methods. The ability of the proposed method to reduce the parameters of the network and increase the classification accuracy over other state-of-the-art techniques is demonstrated using three image datasets.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Deep Supervised Hashing leveraging Quadratic Spherical Mutual Information for Content-based Image Retrieval

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    Several deep supervised hashing techniques have been proposed to allow for efficiently querying large image databases. However, deep supervised image hashing techniques are developed, to a great extent, heuristically often leading to suboptimal results. Contrary to this, we propose an efficient deep supervised hashing algorithm that optimizes the learned codes using an information-theoretic measure, the Quadratic Mutual Information (QMI). The proposed method is adapted to the needs of large-scale hashing and information retrieval leading to a novel information-theoretic measure, the Quadratic Spherical Mutual Information (QSMI). Apart from demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method under different scenarios and outperforming existing state-of-the-art image hashing techniques, this paper provides a structured way to model the process of information retrieval and develop novel methods adapted to the needs of each application

    Decoding Generic Visual Representations From Human Brain Activity using Machine Learning

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    Among the most impressive recent applications of neural decoding is the visual representation decoding, where the category of an object that a subject either sees or imagines is inferred by observing his/her brain activity. Even though there is an increasing interest in the aforementioned visual representation decoding task, there is no extensive study of the effect of using different machine learning models on the decoding accuracy. In this paper we provide an extensive evaluation of several machine learning models, along with different similarity metrics, for the aforementioned task, drawing many interesting conclusions. That way, this paper a) paves the way for developing more advanced and accurate methods and b) provides an extensive and easily reproducible baseline for the aforementioned decoding task.Comment: Accepted at 1st Workshop on Brain-Driven Computer Vision - ECCV 201

    deepsing: Generating Sentiment-aware Visual Stories using Cross-modal Music Translation

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    In this paper we propose a deep learning method for performing attributed-based music-to-image translation. The proposed method is applied for synthesizing visual stories according to the sentiment expressed by songs. The generated images aim to induce the same feelings to the viewers, as the original song does, reinforcing the primary aim of music, i.e., communicating feelings. The process of music-to-image translation poses unique challenges, mainly due to the unstable mapping between the different modalities involved in this process. In this paper, we employ a trainable cross-modal translation method to overcome this limitation, leading to the first, to the best of our knowledge, deep learning method for generating sentiment-aware visual stories. Various aspects of the proposed method are extensively evaluated and discussed using different songs

    Learning Deep Representations with Probabilistic Knowledge Transfer

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    Knowledge Transfer (KT) techniques tackle the problem of transferring the knowledge from a large and complex neural network into a smaller and faster one. However, existing KT methods are tailored towards classification tasks and they cannot be used efficiently for other representation learning tasks. In this paper a novel knowledge transfer technique, that is capable of training a student model that maintains the same amount of mutual information between the learned representation and a set of (possible unknown) labels as the teacher model, is proposed. Apart from outperforming existing KT techniques, the proposed method allows for overcoming several limitations of existing methods providing new insight into KT as well as novel KT applications, ranging from knowledge transfer from handcrafted feature extractors to {cross-modal} KT from the textual modality into the representation extracted from the visual modality of the data.Comment: Accepted at ECCV201

    Heterogeneous Knowledge Distillation using Information Flow Modeling

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    Knowledge Distillation (KD) methods are capable of transferring the knowledge encoded in a large and complex teacher into a smaller and faster student. Early methods were usually limited to transferring the knowledge only between the last layers of the networks, while latter approaches were capable of performing multi-layer KD, further increasing the accuracy of the student. However, despite their improved performance, these methods still suffer from several limitations that restrict both their efficiency and flexibility. First, existing KD methods typically ignore that neural networks undergo through different learning phases during the training process, which often requires different types of supervision for each one. Furthermore, existing multi-layer KD methods are usually unable to effectively handle networks with significantly different architectures (heterogeneous KD). In this paper we propose a novel KD method that works by modeling the information flow through the various layers of the teacher model and then train a student model to mimic this information flow. The proposed method is capable of overcoming the aforementioned limitations by using an appropriate supervision scheme during the different phases of the training process, as well as by designing and training an appropriate auxiliary teacher model that acts as a proxy model capable of "explaining" the way the teacher works to the student. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated using four image datasets and several different evaluation setups.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 202

    Interactive dimensionality reduction using similarity projections

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    Recent advances in machine learning allow us to analyze and describe the content of high-dimensional data like text, audio, images or other signals. In order to visualize that data in 2D or 3D, usually Dimensionality Reduction (DR) techniques are employed. Most of these techniques, e.g., PCA or t-SNE, produce static projections without taking into account corrections from humans or other data exploration scenarios. In this work, we propose the interactive Similarity Projection (iSP), a novel interactive DR framework based on similarity embeddings, where we form a differentiable objective based on the user interactions and perform learning using gradient descent, with an end-to-end trainable architecture. Two interaction scenarios are evaluated. First, a common methodology in multidimensional projection is to project a subset of data, arrange them in classes or clusters, and project the rest unseen dataset based on that manipulation, in a kind of semi-supervised interpolation. We report results that outperform competitive baselines in a wide range of metrics and datasets. Second, we explore the scenario of manipulating some classes, while enriching the optimization with high-dimensional neighbor information. Apart from improving classification precision and clustering on images and text documents, the new emerging structure of the projection unveils semantic manifolds. For example, on the Head Pose dataset, by just dragging the faces looking far left to the left and those looking far right to the right, all faces are re-arranged on a continuum even on the vertical axis (face up and down). This end-to-end framework can be used for fast, visual semi-supervised learning, manifold exploration, interactive domain adaptation of neural embeddings and transfer learning.Comment: Accepted at Knowledge-Based System

    Style Decomposition for Improved Neural Style Transfer

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    Universal Neural Style Transfer (NST) methods are capable of performing style transfer of arbitrary styles in a style-agnostic manner via feature transforms in (almost) real-time. Even though their unimodal parametric style modeling approach has been proven adequate to transfer a single style from relatively simple images, they are usually not capable of effectively handling more complex styles, producing significant artifacts, as well as reducing the quality of the synthesized textures in the stylized image. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we propose a novel universal NST approach that separately models each sub-style that exists in a given style image (or a collection of style images). This allows for better modeling the subtle style differences within the same style image and then using the most appropriate sub-style (or mixtures of different sub-styles) to stylize the content image. The ability of the proposed approach to a) perform a wide range of different stylizations using the sub-styles that exist in one style image, while giving the ability to the user to appropriate mix the different sub-styles, b) automatically match the most appropriate sub-style to different semantic regions of the content image, improving existing state-of-the-art universal NST approaches, and c) detecting and transferring the sub-styles from collections of images are demonstrated through extensive experiments

    Using Deep Learning for price prediction by exploiting stationary limit order book features

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    The recent surge in Deep Learning (DL) research of the past decade has successfully provided solutions to many difficult problems. The field of quantitative analysis has been slowly adapting the new methods to its problems, but due to problems such as the non-stationary nature of financial data, significant challenges must be overcome before DL is fully utilized. In this work a new method to construct stationary features, that allows DL models to be applied effectively, is proposed. These features are thoroughly tested on the task of predicting mid price movements of the Limit Order Book. Several DL models are evaluated, such as recurrent Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Finally a novel model that combines the ability of CNNs to extract useful features and the ability of LSTMs' to analyze time series, is proposed and evaluated. The combined model is able to outperform the individual LSTM and CNN models in the prediction horizons that are tested